NYPD find Trump's daughter Tiffany toking cannabis in public.



Highlarious... NYPD find Trump's daughter smoking pot in a New York nightclub.

What will this do to his policy on cannabis?

She's got that unique Fetal Alcohol Syndrome look.

im notsure if that a real story becuase the bigger story is that an s & m club . so was she being whipped or doing the whipping

"Ms. Trump was simply cited for a minor marijuana violation attributed to her confusion regarding cannabis laws in the Empire State. "


not for smokin pot, but for being confused

Hmm... The media is strangely silent about this. A quick search and only cannabis bloggers are reporting the story so far.

Let's give it 24 hours and see who picks it up.


>>> "Ms. Trump was simply cited for a minor marijuana violation attributed to her confusion regarding cannabis laws in the Empire State. "


This might be fake news. We will see.



trumps son is a "hookers and blow" kinda guy....


such a classy bunch.

"What will this do to his policy on cannabis?"

Can you post his "policy on cannabis"?

And you you please find a report that is even more vague? 

"some official sources"  "minor marijuana violation"  "The agent, requesting anonymity"

Lots of definite material there.  Does this fall under the category of "fake news".

BTW, if you Google "Trump daughter pot", this is the first story that appears:


Just sayin'.

I hope you have a huge problem with a thread you chose to open and post in, Baller.

Got anymore cop questions for us?




>Can you post his "policy on cannabis"?


Trump hasn't said much about it, but his nominee for AG has a very clear position.  

Still silent in the Racist Steve Bannon, eh Thom? 


RE: PRIVATE SERVERScreen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.17.17 AM.png

"I'm sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that!"

Where is the "racist" evidence of that racy racist Steve Bannon, let's see it!


How do you know when a Liberal is losing an argument (other than the fatc that they are even engaging in an argument, not juts character assassination)???  You are all of a sudden accused of being a 1-Racist 2-Homophobe 3-Islamophobe 4-Mysogynist 5_Hate: Women, Gays, Black, "People of Color" Lesbians, Mexicans, basically everyone!!!!


Yea, that works great.




GROW UP.  Argue your IDEAS if they are so great! Not whether or not I put my dog in a luxury box on the top of my SUV!!!!!

And not the Trump Derangement Syndrome that makes delicate Snowflakes brainwashed by MARXIST "Professors" think that because Trump won (and he DID win FAIR AND SQUARE) That we are going back to the days of Slavery.  It's not only an insult to the peoplet h at actually SUFFERED under REAL slavery, it's an insult to the intelligence of teh average 3rd grader.




Seadog, Bannon is on record saying that Breitbart is the platform for the Alt-right. So Bannon is either a racist or he just profited from promulgating the Alt-right's racist message. No difference in my eyes.  

And you are either willfully ignorant, or just stupid, if you believe that Trump has not been called out for his racism or for his misogyny until this year.  





both thom and seadog are racist. 

hey thom 

how's your 18 year old daughter feel about her father supporting a racist and misogynistic lunatic for president? 

she must be thrilled right? or did you brainwash her?

viva zoners are anti-cannabis smoking??

just dirt. no dirt. 

Joe Dirt



Not all that worried about Tiffany.  She'll be relegated to 2nd teir events. The other 3 are dangerous.

OP as is stands could be fake news.

Don't worry about his daughter, worry about his AG designee.

Tiffany looks a lot like Chelsea Clinton. 

Ok so mainstream media didn't pick it up. Doesn't mean it didn't happen.



 simply cited for a minor marijuana violation<<<

That's just a summons in NYC, like a traffic ticket.

No big deal, don't even need a lawyer.

Not a big deal criminally but very interesting seeing as Trump appointed reefer madness for his drug czar.



no mistaking where those teeth originated... mama genes lost the battle...

Seadoggie Is a schtick...nobody can be that ignorant...can they??..Bannon is a racist...end of discussion...

If it's real or not, who gives a shit?