\|/o\|/ Happy Birthday CUMBERLYN \|/o\|/


Happy Birthday, lyn. Wishing you a year of better (good) health, good music, good humor, good fun... all the good stuff you might wish for.

butterfly kid like stained glass_1.jpg

Happy Birthday thaught of at the phil Cap shoe last month Hope your enjoy ing ot 

Happy Birthday thaught of at the phil Cap shoe last month Hope your enjoy ing ot 

Hapoy Birthday, Cumberlyn :)

Happy birthday, Lyn. Good to see you around here lately.

Hapy Birthday!

Happpppy Birthday !

Happy Birthday!

To Lyn, Happy birthday and to a great upcoming year. All the best.

Happy Birthday! 

It's your BD.  E N J O Y !  HB

Have a great day!  Happy Birthday Lyn!

Happy Happy long time zoner


Happy Birthday!

sorry for the typos and double posts lost my glasses for a bit.ya know old zoners..any how what I ment to say was thought about YOU during this https://www.youtube.com/live/M7PxXKpumMA?si=FUWGP2qAdrSh4dOi

436097623_8053626724650882_1083845612755442078_n_0.jpgThank You to everyone !! Judit for thinking of me also <3>

Haven't been around much, but really enjoyed seeing everyone at The Q shows...just warmed my heart. 

I follow a lot of original music here in Philly, these kids are amazing ! Here are some pics from my surprise b day celebration at the Anchor Rock Club in AC, NJ. The sound is so good I believe I levitated in the past. We have a lot of events there. 

These kids are in S Philly mostly and have a wonderful studio where I have gotten private concerts. How I want to spend my days as the "super sized concerts are not for me" We have all done that here.

The bands pictured are Red Meat Conspiracy ( funk, jazz, improv ) and a  band from Albany area called Hilltop ( very jammy). 

They both sang Happy B day from the stage...this is my familia, they call me Mama Lyn as I am always bringing baked goods and cookies to them.

Thanks again for wishes and thoughts, if anyone wants any info on Jersey fests in the pines...let me know !


Sorry, birthday pic wont post !

Here we go ~436261401_8053624884651066_6785843094082615706_n_5.jpg