Ohio Train


The partial news black out on this has been impressive. 

Norfolk Southern, the company whose train derailed in Ohio and unleashed chemicals, made a record $12 billion in revenue last year.

Instead of investing in better safety measures, what did the company do? It authorized a $10 billion stock buyback.

Corporate greed, folks.


The latest on what happened. 

No pay wall


Hope all those people make it through ok.

In 1996, I was living in a cabin outside of the small town of Alberton, Montana.  One morning, the phone rang and it was some friends asking us if we had heard the news.  We hadn't but turned on the radio and the top story on NPR was a train derailment in Alberton that was causing a huge cloud of chlorine gas.  Sure enough, the overturned train cars had dumped 64.8 tons of liquid chlorine, which quickly vaporized into a several mile long cloud.  Liquid potassium cresylate and solid sodium chlorate were also spilled which mixed with the chlorine in a fire at the wreck, creating even more chemicals on the spot in an impromptu chemistry experiment.

We called the fire department and they explained that the evacuation line was at five miles up the dirt road from town.  We were at six miles, but when I told them my wife was pregnant, they told us to leave immediately.   The road into town was blocked by the toxic cloud, but we were barely able to go over the mountain the back way through a series of muddy back roads in our 4x4 pickup where other people were getting stuck.

The area was evacuated for over a month and when they finally let people back in, they advised us to not burn any wood or eat any home grown vegetables.   That was enough for us and because my wife was still pregnant, we decided to sell the property and move back into town.   We joined a successful lawsuit against the railroad company and it turned out that the company had consciously cut back on maintenance on the section of track where the train ran off the rails.   You would think that these companies would have learned their lesson by now.

Houston and SC today.

From a post on Mastodon > good advice

The toxic disaster in East Palestine, Ohio after the chemical releases following the train derailment reveal classic #toxic
disaster management techniques.

The true extent of the danger and seriousness of the event is not made clear to people when it happens. Instead their anxieties are managed.

This is a way to protect capital, and liability rather than living creatures. It is similar to the denial of there having been #nuclear meltdowns at #Fukushima for three months by the government of Japan. This was to protect reputation and perceptions, not human beings.

My advice, as always: when an industrial disaster happens, what you are being told about the hazards on the first day are, at best, 10% of the real dangers you face. Always assume that you should get away as fast as possible. Finding out you are wrong later is easier than the opposite.


Obama Imposed Stronger Train Safety Regulations, But Trump Killed Them

No surprise how Fucker Carlson on Cox News is ejaculating on the air about Evil Biden going to Ukraine while the White Trailer Trump Trash of Ohio gets abandoned by FEMA and the Feds. “THEY don’t care about YOU,” etc. These cocksuckers are so adept at finding every possible angle for riling up the Unjustly Forsaken White Man. Cuz it’s good for ratings, don’t cha know.

I guess Tucker forgot the words of Ronald Reagan:

"The nine most frightening words in the English language are 'I am from the government and here to help.'"

Everyone deserves help from the government when needed, even those who yesterday were screaming to abolish the EPA and warning of FEMA death camps 

Well it turns out that Texas is good for something after all. 

Toxic wastewater used to extinguish a fire following a train derailment in Ohio is headed to a Houston suburb for disposal.

The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.


>>>The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.

 The generations to follow us are so, so fucked.  

"Quietly, unspectacularly, toxic chemicals—benzenes and chlorobiphenyls, heavy metals and polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, hazardous compounds of fluorides, sulphides, and oxides—have for over a century been leaking steadily out of tankers and pipelines and mines and barrels and factories and into Ohioan soil, water, and bodies."

This might explain some things.....

Just watched this episode of 24 last night (for the 7th time):



Also news on the Hudson river....scary times.  Piss Poor Planning.


^from the gothamist  >>>Holtec’s site vice president for Indian Point, agreed to give the community at least a month's notice before any radioactive discharge into the Hudson River begins.

just WOW!


forget-past-mistakes-and-press-on-to-greater-mistakes-5043116 (1)_0.png

^See also Japan and the accumulated radioactive water stemming from the 2011 Tsunami/meltdown that will be dumped into the Pacific Ocean before Q3 of this year. 

Japan slammed for loosening test standards on Fukushima radioactive water


Fukushima: Japan insists release of 1.3m tonnes of ‘treated’ water is safe


Move along, nothing to see here...

"Devastated Ohio Farmer Reveals His Honeybees Are Now Dropping Dead"


This really could happen on any day in any town in America that has train tracks passing by or through it

I know Eugene has something like 142 at grade crossings just in the city limits alone.

What kind of chemicals and in what volume are rolling right past your bedroom window while you sleep every night?


In the least shocking news of the century...Bipartisan rail safety bill runs into Republican roadblock.

Thune added that he was “uncomfortable” giving “much more power” to the department and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 


One of the GOP dipshits was on the Sunday morning news program saying that these Rail accidents could be avoided if we only had more gas pipelines. Sure..

Yeah those pipelines never have problems

From 1994 through 2013, there were 941 serious incidents, resulting in 363 fatalities, 1392 injuries, and $823,970,000 in property damage.

That said there is no safe way to live in the world we have created. All those chemicals are used to create some end product that we don't think twice about when we buy it.