One Toke Over The Line


21 year old U.S. Women's Track Team sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson has been suspended for one month, and will not be allowed to participate in her specialty, the 100 meters, at the Tokyo Games where she was a Gold Medal favorite with a shot at a world record, all because she smoked a little weed to process the grief of losing her mother.  Seems like the Olympic Doping Committee is way off the mark here.  She wasn't gaining a competitive advantage, and although marijuana is still illegal in her home state of Texas and where she goes to school and trains in Louisiana, it is recognized as a therapeutic drug by the U.S. medical community.  

wrong kinda dope i guess...

I will buy her tshirt as soon as it comes out. 

Since they can profit and all now. 


Winners don't use drugs, maaaaan.

I wonder if they're being vigilant about testing the men's hoops teams for weed. The eight top seeded teams would have to pull out.

Sweet Jesus.

 (((((( seedless weed for seeded teams ))))))