The Percentage of "Zoners" that actually were "On Tour"

Forums: opposed to the ones that simply bought the t-shirt and obtained a username & password:


          I'd say easily less than 5%, please discuss 


     Druba talks a good game, but did he ever see multiple shows in a row?  I don't remember hearing about "Druba" attending shows back in the day...he can namedrop with the best of them, I just don't remember hearing the word Druba on tour, but I digress.

<< Druba talks a good game, but did he ever see multiple shows in a row?



<<I don't remember hearing about "Druba" attending shows back in the day.

Likely due to the fact that's not my name, lol....   

FWIW, I never heard about anybody talking about cult boy either....  hmmmmm....


     I have serious doubts you were ever on the road following Garcia coast to coast...I'm just not sensing it.

What's its importance to you, Bryen?


     To be candid, I think it puts some of the discourse in perspective 

C9CC46E9-1F5F-4CA1-A8DD-06F3DEE0AE92.jpeg"Now watch this drive."

True, was too busy playing gigs to go on someone else's national tour, but I did enjoy the local Hult Center runs, and traveled to California for NYE, Greek, Cal Expos, etc...   

How's your golf game doing?   

I don't get it; it seems like a holier than thou thing, and that doesn't make sense to me.

I think that's been Byrens gig since day 1,  be arrogant, pompous, condescending, etc...    


he's being his normal asshole self judit. that's all there is to understand. 


     I'm just saying...Eugene, Sacramento & the Bay Area seems a bit lazy & disinterested 

114C0CBD-1211-49E6-B833-DAB5FC08E109.jpegJGB, Ventura 1992. Gonna guess "Bryan" wasn't there.

Forgot Los Angeles, oh well...   i'll bow down to you Bryen, i'm sure you spent a lot of time on the road learning to hate hippies, lol 

I know that you're just looking for a conversation, and for that matter, one that you can perpetuate with condescending comments. I bit because I sincerely question the value in putting people down, saying that someone is not as quality or valuable a human being if they haven't whatever... that they can't process information or reason if they didn't go to some number of shows? That's bullshit.



     I was at Ventura County Fairgrounds in '92, thank you for asking...on the Doodle Bus with the Calico Crew, the most beautiful girls ever assembled on any Jerry tour with matching hand-made full length dresses, we camped out on the beach every night of the Southern California Jerry tour, those were special days



     My point is not to be contrarian, as much as it is to put some of the other discussions in context, I'm sorry if that strikes an off note with some, but it seems somewhat relevant


“Trump’s base is all too willing to agree that experts can’t be trusted, because their politicians have been telling them so for decades. Whether it’s biologists talking about evolution or climate scientists talking about global warming, the message from Republicans has always been that these elitist liberals hate you and your way of life, and their “science” is nothing more than a tool to keep you down.”

“That anti-elitism — though not directed at the economic elites, heavens no — is absolutely central to the Republican political project, since it’s not easy to assemble majorities when your highest priority is making rich people richer.” — Paul Waldman




    ...and by the way, the "I hate Trump" trope seems a bit stale, don't you think?  ...maybe come up with some fresh material 

Of course it's bullshit Judit. That's how people like "Bryen" operate.  



Edit for "Bryen"




     It's cool, have a good evening 


Doesn't matter how many shows you saw.  You're either applying the Golden Rule or you're a fuckin' tool.  There is a road, no simple highway, and it is golden.  I know Millennials and Gen-Z kids who never saw Jerry who get that.  

"When you gonna wake up?"

-Bob Dylan

Don't know if touring makes one deader...

what would you say was your primary source of revenue post 90?

wish I did a whole jgb tour...

>>>"On Tour"<<<

Another name for that was "parasites".

That's one of the things we used to call them.

"A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host"

Because that's what they were.


     It just seems like as the premise of the discussion board descends into an "I hate Trump therefore I'm accepted" death spiral, it becomes clearer that the overwhelming majority of people hating on America never actually traveled around America seeing Jerry play guitar...and oh by the way, I don't think I'm that far off on that assessment...I'm not trying to pass judgment as much as I'm saying it's a dynamic in the perspective of the ongoing debate, which has basically devolved into who can hate Trump more than the umpteen people beforehand, and I'll repeat myself, it's so stale and played out...everyone gets it, you guys really hate Trump, we get it.

^ So many words coming outta that ass; nothing new being said ^ I said, it's cool, have a good evening 


     ...and Lance, it's Tangled Up "in" Blue...not Tangled Up "&" Blue






You're so lazy. Did you even look for us, bruh? 

Maybe you can tell us all about your pinning, bry... was it magical?

B-ry, before you became an overly enlightened West Coast Tourhead transplant, where on the East Coast were you from?

B-ry, before you became an overly enlightened West Coast Tourhead transplant, where on the East Coast were you from?

>>>>>.everyone gets it, you guys really hate Trump, we get it.

.everyone gets it, you really love Trump, we get it.

I thought the same thing when I saw this, Judit. Really, what does it matter? But I didn't bother to post. I usually stay off this person's threads. 

The post at 2:59 AM illuminates the lunacy of the thought process, First, no one's hating on America. And how much we traveled through and around it has nothing to do with our devotion to it.   

I'm wondering, how can anyone not wearing something blue really appreciate the taste of an apple or an orange?  Makes about as much sense.    

I know you won't believe it, but in 30 years I won't be worshiping a guitar player. My hero will be a perpetually lying tv game show actor who revels in ignorance.
So in the mean time I promise not to read one history book. Being stupid is gonna be awesome!


Is one of those dudes B-ry?

And let's be real, does touring in the Vinny era really count? Every schmuck under the sun was "on Tour" back then, and the quality of the music didn't really warrant seeing more than a 2 show run.

So, what we have with B-ry is an East Coast kid who hopped on a school bus during the Vinny era, with pretty much every poser, social outcast and loser under the sun. He was one of those kids who played a huge part in ruining the scene, but now thinks that, because he did a few tours and lives out west that he's better.

Ha ha... 

slick nailed the logic of this poser who apparently had too much of the brownshirt acid.

When are Obama, Comey, Brennan, McCabe and the rest of the deep state getting arrested, by the way?

Nice point Stone !!!

Boom goes the robot 

Why am I hitchhiking? To see America, of course. Not really. Frankly no one can stand to be in the same car as me. Even when I give them step-daddy's credit card for gas.

Apparently I'm ridiculously under-educated, gullible, and just pretending to be a cool hippy. Boy, in thirty years, I'll be playing golf all day, living off my inheritance and I'll show them!

Now that's spelled B-r-y-e-n not B-r-i-a-n.... I have absolutely nothing to do with anything resembling a b-r-a-i-n.

(By the way, since you stopped to interview me and actually paid attention to me for a minute - I promise I will forever only watch your network as my source of knowledge.)


Uh, so how many times U saw Jerry has something to do with your political beliefs?

Or when U first saw Jerry has something to do with anything?

Or when U first saw the GD has anything to do with something?

Like is there a questionnaire to fill out to determine your rank as a dead head?

Do U then get a grade or is it a pass fail thing?


So if I remember correctly, I failed the acid test.

Though if one remembers anything from the 60's, chances R one wasn't really there.

So theirs that to consider.  

>> When are Obama, Comey, Brennan, McCabe and the rest of the deep state getting arrested, by the way? <<

Any day now!! LOL

I could never get past 3-4 shows. Life offers more variety than seeing Hell in a Bucket for the 3rd time in 10 days.

 I was at Ventura County Fairgrounds in '92, thank you for asking.<<<<<<<


But were you there in 82,83,84,85,and 87!?

Why do Trump fans always have to keep harping on the "I hate Trump" folks. You can go on loving him but don't worry about our opinions about him. I hate Trump simply because he's a despicable person regardless of his politics. I didn't like him 30 years ago and I don't like him now.

The political issues can be debated but I don't get the love for Trump, the person. Just the fact that he can't get along with just about anyone that has worked with him is a major personality flaw. Look at the turn over in the White house. Disagree with Trump and your gone. 

I have a number of clients who supply building materials in New York and they all stopped doing business on any of his projects years ago as he skunked them all on the bills. He would always not pay and then when you went after his firm for the money he would get lawyers involved to settle for much less than the original cost. He's done this all his business life and he's brought that same approach to politics. If that's the art of the deal he can shove it.


"Where's that goofy tour rat with the credit card? The bus needs more gas."
"You mean the one that thinks The Flintstones is a real documentary? That people rode dinosaurs and made telephone call with seashells?"
"We gotta ditch him, he keeps babbling what a great President Ronald Reagan was. On and on and on. I can't take it anymore."



I'll guess over 80% of zoners.  I'm not too picky, if you left home to see two or more shows in a row you were on tour.  The rest is gravy. 

>> Why do Trump fans always have to keep harping on the "I hate Trump" folks. <<


It is odd. They claim he's the POTUS and deserves respect. They all have forgotten that der tRump himself led the Birther movement. He truly is an awful person.

As Kimmel anointed him, he's the PINO. I call him "The Occupant". 

I did some Tours and still own a set of left-handed Golf Clubs.  1982 Summer Tour  I missed Austin 7-31-82 show,  and ran out of $$ after Alpine.  Missed the Iowa City 8-10-82,  but hey,  It was a Fine Tour.

After 1984 Summer Tour I fell into the Work habit and missed many Tours :(

Sad part of Life;  working for a living,  Graduating the University and silly stuff.  Still caught stretches of Tour here and there.
Even during the Depths of University,  I managed to catch a taste of Jerry Garcia Band Tour in the Winter in the Northeast.  Brandeis Basketball gymnasium and Hartford Bushnell were some of the sites before returning to University,  attending lectures and such.

Call me "Crippled but Free" if you will.  Actually I charge 56 bucks per Hour for my Firewood Consulting Buddhism Scholarships,  and a lot of that goes toward feeding homeless Wildlife.

i know what state he is from

and he was on tour pre-vinny...

answer some questions bryen


I bet Trump is really jonesing to play golf, and will play on some military base course this week under wraps.

fuck it. i don't like posting on this guys threads

Any thread I see Bryan's name in I just ignore. I don't have time for uneducated, psycho dribble.  


Someone needs to add "we're winning" in that bubble. 

Slacker never saw Jerry. 

Dilbert today. Coincidence? 

Dilbert 3-28.JPG


Excellent revisions, Trebor.  


Now that's good Zoning.

lol! well done 

Awesome Trebor.

Too bad it will be lost on "Bryen".

Oh well.

I hate America

 Cuz I didn't go on tours .      Hmmm you do need help...

Is it hypocritical for a fool / asshole to idolize  a moron asshole that is destroying our country?

money and hate Uber Alles.  

are you deadier (or deadlier) than I am?

or am I a bigger fool for owning over 250 dead shirts and several hundred dead art objects and items?

or just a passionate art lover, dead fan ( 1st seeing or on "tour" in my home town in 1967)

I may indeed be a fool, but you sir need help

hate is bad Ok?

Drop out


since you won't tune in


i like that!

I felt bad for their starving tour pets, mostly dogs. I remember one rolling around on a used napkin near a food vendor just to get the scent of food on him, before devouring it. Sad folks indeed

There's no way to fully confirm a Deadsume. We just have to take each other at our word. 

5435735B-6DF6-4B11-80F3-28A5989E60C7.jpegJGB, Chula Vista,  8-2-92

I love 67 Dead

>>> Chula Vista,  8-2-92


yeah, but were you there in '85?





if so, do you have any pictures? I'd love to see them.

I personally don't put much stock in how many shows/tours people have done.  I can think of some of the "headiest" people I know from this thing of ours who have hung in more fucking parking lots than I could count and many of them are poor, unstable and drug addled.  The whole pissing contest as to who's headier than who turns me off so bad.

The poor are the worst. 

>>> Chula Vista,  8-2-92


yeah, but were you there in '85?<<<<


I would have been but my sister got married that day. Cool setlist.

Devore Field (Southwestern University) - Chula Vista, CA

Set 1:
Alabama Getaway
Promised Land
West LA Fadeaway
Mama Tried
Big River
Dupree's Diamond Blues
Smokestack Lightning

Set 2:
Scarlet Begonias
Fire On The Mountain
Samson And Delilah
She Belongs To Me
Comes A Time
Around And Around
U.S. Blues

Brokedown Palace

Great show ^^^

They just forgot about the Drums>Space thing until late in the set.  I'm guessing that was the most songs pre-drums they ever did in a second set, at least in the post-Keith era?

As far as the whole monied tour head vs. poor lot rat comparison, I would strongly encourage everyone to watch the Korean film "Parasite" that was this year's Best Picture Oscar recipient.  It portrays the symbiotic relationship between the parasite and host as it explores issues of social status and class.  The host feeds off the labors of the parasite at the same time the parasite is feeding off the hosts.  Whether or not that's a good thing is debatable, but it's definitely not a one-way street.

It's good to see the zone can still put together a decent little shit show thread even during these trying times.

that was my first GD show. 


i wasn't in the area when JGB played there in '92 and was too lazy and disinterested to travel.

I'm just not sensing it<<<

... and we're somehow supposed to believe your senses are in tune with people?




     At the risk of telling another "So, there I was" story, of which there were many, I was parking cars for Reggae on the River as a young man in order to score a wristband, and had the good fortune of spending some time with Rastafarian elders at a campsite when I grasped the concept of their usage and emphasis of the word "respect"...they would use it as both a universal greeting and in the midst of conversation, emphasizing the need to establish a "safe harbor" for the exchange of thoughts and ideas.  

     I realize the necessity of that concept and if I've offended anyone unjustly please let me take this opportunity to apologize, I understand that for one reason or another we all wish we had seen Garcia play guitar more than we had, there are shows I missed that I wish I had attended, a wise man once said there's nowhere you can be that isn't where your meant to be.

     I do feel as is there is a discussion there, attending an occasional Grateful Dead show and quickly returning to the comforts of home, as opposed to traveling across the continent as a part of a nomadic tribe of sorts, experiencing all the camaraderie, adventure and memorable experiences of traveling from one show to the was a never to be experienced again opportunity to see America, a high water mark of freedom & liberty for western if to say the point may or may not be taken, but perhaps that's a conversation for another day, I wish everyone the absolute best, and another thing...please feel free to bash the president as much as you'd like, get it all out, your right to do so was one of the reasons we left England, there's an election in a few months, so the people will have the final say, I do however hope that while criticizing the president you'll take a moment and realize you live in an exceptional country...the Grateful Dead could not and would not have happened anywhere else on Earth.

     With respect & gratitude,





>> traveling across the continent as a part of a nomadic tribe of sorts, experiencing all the camaraderie, adventure and memorable experiences of traveling from one show to the next. <<

How was Denny's?

PGA Tour is legit. Guys on the road for thirty plus weeks including trips around the world. 


<Rastafarian elders at a campsite when I grasped the concept of their usage and emphasis of the word "respect">

" one has more respect for women than I do -- nobody!"  D Trump 

"...I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." D Trump 



Thank you Bryen

Apology accepted.

Safe harbor for exchange of ideas and feelings

is critical

as is civility

(however, I would have hoped that you could have expressed that sentiment without the first sentence >that contradicting lack of humility weakened your message)



one love!



I went on tour... oh yes indeed... especially from 82-85. Well over 100 during those years.

Trebor, I was not there in '85. I really wanted to be, but was stuck on the east coast.

It's my favorite show of '85; to me it just has that extra little something...


And who gives a hoot in hell where you went and how many times you went there?

I just enjoy hearing people's stories and experiences; I had just been looking for photos of a

departed friend and found these from that little '92 California tour. We did all six shows and had a blast. 

We weren't hitchhiking and we sure as fuck weren't begging for change or free tickets in the lot.

And I agree, posting in a "Bryen" thread is lame.

Chula Vista 9/15/85 Got it online, Not my pic.




     Edit:  "you're"....there's nowhere you can be that isn't where "you're" meant to be



     [rather than your]





     The Beatles   

     Love is All You Need








     Edit:  All You Need Is Love




     *...kind of like "&" Blue, rather than "In" Blue, an innocent mistake, it could happen to anyone 









    President Trump Visits Sabarmati Ashram with Prime Minister Narendra Modi




    3rd edit:  I feel as "if"



     [rather than is]


     Jerry Garcia Interview

     September 7, 1981



I was all set to post a way cool 100 pic.

Oh well, one snoozez one loses.

So if one goes to 101 shoes but not all in a row, can one achieve enlightenment?



Sorry Dave.

Mine was pretty boring.

On the other hand, it was straight to the point.  Getting right to the crux of the matter.  

Which is a good thing.  Who needs these silly artistic numbers anyway's.

All good in the hood.  All cool in the car pool.





>>>> Trebor, I was not there in '85...


i was fucking around.  my 'were' you there...' comment was meant to mock the attitude of the original post.


Ventura - 1987scan0027.jpg

scan0026- 3_0.jpg

Nuther Ventura '87

was at ventura '87.

had tickets for ventura '86

Nice Ventura pics man.


Ventura 87. Not my pic




Ventura 84 not my pic


Cal Expo 84 My pic


Another Ventura '84. (No not mine)

^ Jerry's looking good :)

Amazing how much older he looked in 84/85 versus 89/90.

Ventura 82 Not my pics



Was at the Cal Expo 84 shows, good times!  (loved the Playin in the band >  China Doll > Brent / Phil jam, with lots of great jamming between songs)



Cal Expo 84 My pic.Taken with a shit instamatic camera as you can tell. The Deal>I need a miracle>Bertha is one of my favorites​ Noodler. That Playin'>China Doll is pretty fine too. Those 2 84 shows were my only Cal Expo shows. Hitchhiked up from San Fernando Valley.002_7.jpg

Nice pic!  I utilized the ride share board at OSU to get a ride down.  Spent a few days in Sac town w/ the drivers friends down there, some very nice people!   Even got to sit in w/ a local band, they gave me a guitar and let me front Women are Smarter and Deal, lol, had a blast!  Ran into a bunch of High School friends from LA at the first show, so spent some time with them, then ran into some Oregon friends, and spent the rest of the trip w/ them (including drinking at a bar in Winters until 6am, the bad wind storm that weekend had taken out the power, so the clocks were all stopped, so closing time never happened).   Was a fun 6 day jaunt all n all.   I was playing around 50 gigs / year back then (before ramping up to 140 gigs a year in the late 80s  / early 90s),  so was always fun to escape OR and enjoy a few dead shows!  

Nuther Venture, just cuz. Finished work, having a beer, trippin' down nostalgia lane!  The two guys standing and talking are my buddies I was with.scan0028 - 2.jpg

scan0030 - 2_0.jpgOne Last V87

Nice looking beach.

Starkdar have you seen the couple of proshot vids of Ventura 87 on Vimeo?


Jack Straw

West LA Getaway

DLittle.... no, had not.  Thanks a ton!!! Sweeeeet!


Mama Tried 87 Ventura. This one must be a new upload. Don't recall seeing it before? Though it says was posted a year ago.

My tour is way bigger than yours'. 

being i was a sophmore in hs...i had just seen the long beach shows and the ventura was maybe during the week? anyways, i didn't know they were playing there until it was too late. proceeded to watch storied venues close in front of me...

GD Ventura shows were always weekend shows. Long Beach shows were months after the Ventura shows.Whay year are you talking about ?  85 and 87 are the only years they played Ventura and Long Beach in the same year. Long Beach was in November and Ventura was June or July.

And I believe you Howard.

I started college in Eugene right after Jerry died. Not sure how many of you stopped through Eugene or lived there during that time? But if you did, you'd know every day living there that year felt like being on tour. Open air drug market on 13th street and the farmer's market on Saturday we're both off the chain during that era.  One thing I've always wondered: what happened to all those cute puppies?

I started college in Eugene right after Jerry died. Not sure how many of you stopped through Eugene or lived there during that time? But if you did, you'd know every day living there that year felt like being on tour. Open air drug market on 13th street and the farmer's market on Saturday we're both off the chain during that era.  One thing I've always wondered: what happened to all those cute puppies?

Long Beach, Nov. '85... my first GD show.



GD 1.jpg





download (5)_2.jpgdownload (4)_2.jpg


Jerry and Bob and Mickey backstage 85 Ventura

jerry ventura.jpg


>>>proceeded to watch storied venues close in front of me<<<

Because that's when hoards of people started going "on tour" who didn't really care about the show.

The scene was their show. The band's show was just part of the fun and gravy if they got in, but it wasn't the reason they were there. And actually buying a ticket???

"No way man. I don't support the machine dude. I don't live in Babylon, I'm a part of the COMMUNITY!"

And then they'd crash the gates.

Mickey and Jerry look like they're trying to groundscore a stray bindle.

And come on Turtle, first or second night? First night Comes A Time with a Day Job closer.

(to me, always a sign of a great '85 show).

The next night was no slouch itself. (Wasn't there, going by recordings and friends recollections).

JR, I worked in the building where the Bijou theater is, 1993-2014. After Jerry died the area between the sidewalk and the street was a constantly moving mass of visitors to the city who felt like they had nowhere to go. They sat, they bought, they sold, they roamed. As you saw, there were countless numbers of puppies. The whole scene made a lot of (dare I say, straight) people very uptight. 

I understand lance...

however not everyone that was coming in at that time was there just to party and get veggie burritos.


Exactly, Turtle.  Not to mention that people were coming just to be a part of the hip scene ever since the Acid Test days, regardless if they ever got the music.  

One in 10,000 come for the show.

And as for the puppies, JR, that was 25 years ago, so hopefully they all went on to have nice lives in dog years, but they're all gone off to water the great celestial fire hydrant at this point.

A68D207B-D28C-4760-B617-FE9A881DEC29.jpegFall Tour '83! (Most of it anyway)

Oh man, that '83 Fall Tour was fun! I loved the Band set at the Dome! Both MSG shows were fun, although my favorite Garden shows were 3/9/81 and 310/81...... both nights ripped my head off.

Lance on point 


"the scene man"

Lance on point 


"the scene man"

Richmond Coliseum on the '83 Fall Tour was my 2nd show.  Not quite fully on the bus yet, but getting there.

Nice try guys, but my comments (and maybe the subject of this thread) are about those who showed up to a show without a ticket and no interest in buying a ticket.

One in 10,000 come for the show 

If you have a ticket it's your trip. If you don't then you're just in the way.

My point of course is that in the pre-Shakedown era when one in 10,000 came for the show the capacity of the show was 10,000, so whatever reason they were there almost everybody there had a ticket and were inside the venue, and those smaller cooler venues & surrounding communities didn't have (as many) issues.

In the later days of "on tour" 25,000+ would show up to a sold-out 20,000 venue, many who didn't give a shit about the Grateful Dead.

Big difference.

>>>not everyone that was coming in at that time was there just to party and get veggie burritos<<<

You're right T. Many were there for the party and to SELL the veggie burritos.

And then leave all their trash for others to deal with.

And leave the animosity of the local communities that had been over-run for others to assuage so that - sometimes - the band could come back.

It was a drag, and it lost us all those great venues.

Dave, I always liked that second set, even with the Day Job opener.

Those tickets above are Mrs. Localcountylines, she missed Richmond, Greensboro and Lake Placid.

Geez, what a slacker....

I was thankful to make the Syracuse show to end the tour.

0193578D-2248-43D4-AE9E-818022AF2CEA.jpegHere's Lance (uh, Bill) admonishing the crowd at

Squaw Valley 8/91. (No, he was thanking us for coming and seemingly very happy).
Just kidding Lance, of course I agree with most of what you say; we know what happened when the bomb went off and the whole scene exploded.

A guy I know named Jim took this photo, wild couple of shows, I'll post more photos in the next couple of days. Why not?

Just listened to some of that '83 Richmond show on  The Day Job is actually pretty good, and a little more jammed out in the mid-section than I remember from the times I heard it as an encore.  Playin is solid with some strong Weir counterpoint to Jerry's ripping leads.  The tempos are really fast at this show.  The Deal 1st set closer smokes.  The Sugar Mag takeout into Good Lovin at the end of the 2nd set is interesting, as if Bobby knew he couldn't sing it at the fast speed Jerry was playing at.  Some of the reviewers at archive comment that there was a sense of tension between Jerry and Bobby that night.  I don't recall any of that, just being 18, dosed, and flashing that I really liked this band and this scene.  

Richmond '83 was notable for the only China Doll in about an 18 month period.

The China Doll was at the '84 Richmond show, Thom.  The rare Jerry tune at the '83 show was Crazy Fingers.

 The rare Jerry tune at the '83 show was Crazy Fingers.>>>

Only one from Frost 10/82 thru Providence 4/85

Richmond '83 is very tight and well played for the first show of a tour.  If you listen closely before the encore, there is a teasing/tuning of Revolution, then something about a long tour ahead by Weir before starting US Blues.  

Squaw '91: will have to look for that   "I scaled the mountain for Jerry" button!...

