Phil Spector dead


Regardless of his bizarre behavior over the years, the "Wall Of Sound" changed rock forever. 

Be my baby is one of rocks greatest songs 

Lots of tragedy in his life.  His dad committed suicide, his paranoia and insecurity wrecked his marriage with Ronnie Spector, he almost died when he crashed his car in Hollywood in 1974, he allegedly pulled a  gun on Dee Dee Ramone during the Ramones "End Of The Century" sessions, he murdered Lana Clarkson, spent the last 18 years of his life in prison, and died alone, of COVID, in a prison hospital.   All of that set to a phenomenal soundtrack of Pop Music highlights is the making for an intriguing biopic or opera.

without spector there would be no pet sounds. regardless of other aspects of his life, dude was one of the most influential figures in modern music



thank you Phil!

Well, I think there still would have been a Pet Sounds, it just would have sounded different.

Let it Be would have been better without his contribution IMHO.   The story about him chasing John Lennon around the studio with a gun is over the top.

Funny thing is Paul was furious that Phil added strings to long and winding road but then proceeded to play it that way live for the next 40 years 



thank you Phil!

Umm kind of legendary scum bag:

Spector “surprised” his wife, Ronnie, with two adopted children as a “Christmas gift.” He reportedly imprisoned them, and Ronnie.....and two of Spector’s three adopted sons have accused him of sexual abuse. “Donte Spector, 33, said he was forced to perform simulated intercourse with his father's girlfriend. When he was 9, he was handcuffed and blindfolded for her amusement, he said.”

There are many details that have been reported about Phil Spector’s abuse of Ronnie. His total control over her life — over her career, her contacts with the outside world. He even hid her shoes, so that when she finally did manage to flee, she did so barefoot. And years later....when Ronnie Spector and her band, The Ronettes, were being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Phil Spector wrote to the nominating committee in an attempt to block them from receiving the honor.

Just finished season 2 of Counterpart (Like J.K. Simmons?  Have two!) 

I think Harry Lloyd should play PS in the movie.