Pimple on the Eyelid


Actually its a Stye - Anyone Know how to get Rid of this Fucker ? ( did an eye wash cup thing still there ) super annoying when i Blink.....

Hot compress.

xacto knife



Don't let it turn into a chalazion (if you don't know, look it up).

my advice is in this order:

1) don't fucking touch it with your fingers.

2) hot compress (wash rag under hot water, pressed on the eye) every hour.

3) wait

4) continue not touching/putting fingers in eyes 

you need to buy the ointment.


its from poop getting in your eye, wash your sheets and pillow cases,

There used to be an over the counter med for this, but it is no longee available (it was called Stye, i think), because they had to take leading ingrediant out, making it useless basically. I learned this from a pharmacist a few years back, and besides hot compresses, i forget if they prescribed something or not. Go talk w local pharmacist.

CT has good info. Also, as jon said, wash your sheets and pillowcases.

I was going to suggest CT's list, too. This is funny, because I remember that my mom's odd solution for a stye was to heat a butter knife under boiling water, then hold the knife to the stye...sort of like a metal hot compress. Don't know where she got that, but it's one of those mom things, I guess.

Hot compresses, and time.  Do not try and pop it.  I will also tell you, with knowing others will make fun of me, that you get them two ways.  Number one is by not cleaning the eye lids.  I had a couple, or twenty before I realized it was worth spending an extra 10 to 5 minutes in the shower every day washing your eyes out, with very hot water, soap, and used a wash cloth to scrub the entire eyelids on both eyes.  


The second way you get them is from wiping snot off your nose, and then touching your eyes.  Gross, but true.  Use hot compresses, and time to get rid of the one you have.  Don't get anymore by cleaning your eyelids, and don't touch your eyes with snot on your fingers.  

Rub real gold on it, just looked that up fwiw

i was thinking maybe a dab of Toothpaste ?



i just washed Everything 3 days ago !!


itll go away i rarerly get styes

No pics in this thread ......and for that I thank you.

Heal up quick.

Is that the band performing at the Inauguration?

Needle nose plyers and a q-tip with peroxide on it.

anther use for those zircon-encrusted tweezers...

Hot compress.>>>>


Make yourself a hot tea and use the tea bag as a hot compress.  


Let me know how it goes.

We need an eye  pimple update...

 todd on Friday, December 23, 2016 – 10:09 am
Glad to see JR back in the game. He keeps it real. Plus we won't have to worry about Longhair showing up when JR is in town.


Pear Pimples For Hairy Fishnuts!


(If you're under 40, Google it)smiley

a Bit different than a normal Stye upper lid Right Eye  Hurts when I Blink and very tender - been doing frequent Hot compress  _ Glad i have no holiday plans as my Back is Wrenched as well --- bout to rain and chilly out



i actually think i will do the Teabag thing later


Feel better, Rob.

can we get a teabag update???


i bet its a spicy mint.....

took a nap ---- now actually started feeling better - it is Healing !

i like herbal peppermint When  i drink tea

Not a bad band name.

Not a bad band name.<<


Pimple Update?