Police seize 250 tons of illegal marijuana from warehouses in White City

No more regulated than tomatoes.

"white city"


White City Fighting-Pete Townshend and David Gilmour

I get my peaches out in white city

berry craig farm

best stone fruits and organic tree stock around

Was wondering if someone was gonna take the ball and run with it.

Nice job herbal Dave

Wow that's a lot of bud, you lefties are serious consumers.

i love the part about the workers being immigrants living in poor conditions without running water - living in what the media would consider "poor conditions " has been commonplace in the cannabis industry for decades and is generally done by choice. ive lived in poor conditions without running water for many seasons, because i chose to do so and wanted to do so in order to be able to grow cannabis and make more money than other jobs i was able to get could offer.

ive also worked with a TON of people who are technically "illegal immigrants", but just calling these folks immigrants or illegal immigrants paints a picture of who they are and how they are treated that is generally totally divorced from the reality of the cannabis industry. most of these people are not some kind of destitute migrant farm worker, or someone being taken advantage of because they dont speak english or know how to navigate employment in america - the "illegal immigrants" that generally populate cannabis farms are usually younger people, 18-30 years old, who come from middle class families in middle class areas of various countries and speak english fluently - very often coming from south american countries.

these kids are usually a part of counterculture scenes we are all familiar with - cannabis enthusiasts, edm festival heads, or the traveling hippie sort of archetype. they would not be out of place at all to see in the lot at a dead show.

these are not people fleeing poverty in their home country only to be taken advantage of by big bad cannabis growers - they are younger people who are often not poor at all, and in fact travel all over the world for fun, and use seasonal cannabis work as a way to make money quickly to fund further travel. many of these "illegal immigrants" are also from places like the UK, france, and all kinds of first world european countries.  these people are paid the same as the american citizens coming up to trim or do other seasonal work. 

almost nobody is going down to home depot to pick up illegal immigrants for their black market grows - that is totally absurd.

there are, of course, cases where stuff like that does happen. for sure, people get taken advantage of and hurt by bad folks, just like anything in life. some of those people are immigrants. but by and large, the statement regarding "migrant workers living in poor conditions without running water" is likely intentional bullshit fed to the reporter by the law enforcement agencies they run PR for, intended to paint a very dark picture that has absolutely no relation in any way to the actual realities of what goes on in the cannabis industry.

i also love the part where they quote the sheriff talking about increases in robberies and violent crime as being related to an increase in cannabis grows, without any evidence whatsoever tying these crime statistics to cannabis, and without any mention of the economic downturn caused by covid restrictions as a possible culprit during a time when many places all over the country are experiencing a similar rise in crime without having cannabis growers around to blame it on.

this kind of reporting is why it can be hard to trust mainstream media outlets with far more serious and far more complex issues. whoever wrote this article should be ashamed of themselves for continuing the age old tradition of american mainstream media outlets acting as a propaganda/misinformation machine for law enforcement and the national security state. straight up nauseating.

Lots of large, illegal/cartel/gang farms being hammered across SoCA desert areas as well.


"Wow that's a lot of bud, you lefties are serious consumers."

Get your head out of your ass - I would bet much if not all of that weed was destined for red state consumers due to their respectively shitty laws. 

Really ? 

You must be smoking yer handle,, everyone knows that good ol boys grow their own out yonder in the sticks.

Some great stuff too. Maybe they're exporting it.

I find it' interesting someone just posted here how there is an abundance of weed and prices were dropping.... now they are cracking down... I guess free markets aren't a thing anymore ??? 

I guess Roger Daltrey would never live in White City.

Thanks, daylight, for the perspective.