Predator Underagers


The 10 year olds who murdered James Bulger could be called ‘predator underagers’ 


Both boys who committed the murder were given new identities and allowed to go free when they reached adulthood. one of them (Venerable) has been arrested a couple of times for possessing kiddie porn and had his name changed/protected twice. He’s was jailed more recently, 25 years after the murder,  for possessing kiddie porn and given a sentence of 40 months. Psychopaths will be psychopaths, and clearly they don’t seem capable of changing. it’s believed that the other boy, Thompson, was in charge of the attack, but both boys participated  in the murder of 2 year old James Bulger 


Anyone watch the movie about the predator 10 year olds?

Ryan Adams, R. Kelly, and that Epstein case all in the same week. Kind of shines a spotlight on the issue. 

Sorry, I realize this is about something else though. 

Except the  predators in those cases were adults. 

Yes, I see what you did there, lol. I messed up an otherwise fine spin-off thread.

Wow, that was tough reading the linked article.


Not sure that I'd want to see the short film, though it must be good.  Or at least good enough for an Oscar nomination.


Interesting to see that Jack Straw was involved in the story.

Ryan Adams was just texting with some chick that lied about her age to him.

hardly the same as R Kelly, who just had a video released of him fucking a 14 year old....

uh oh 

CT, yes  there are degrees of sexual harassment and criminality. RA is facing allegations of emotional abuse, manipulation and the harassment from  at least seven women. And the FBI is investigating allegations that he was sexting a 14 year old. Please tell me you're not suggesting the 14 year old was a "predator". 

He said she lied about her age. How else can that be worded? 

that didn’t work for Anthony Weiner. A jury will decide. Won’t help his case that he has a history of treating women like shit and being a manipulative misogynistic prick.