As President Donald Trump lurches closer to certified insanity, he is unwittingly doing the country a great service t


Says it all

If Hillary got elected, I can only imagine how the congress would have attacked, and possibly impeached her...  So, this will help democrats win the midterm elections  (if Hillary was in dems would likely get routed), with rump being in people are so pissed, they might actually vote...  so this is a good thing.  If the dems can do well enough in 2018, they can hopefully take over a few statehouses, and be able to reverse some of the illegal redistricting that took place in 2010, after all, the folks elected in 2018 will be responsible for the 2020 census...   losing a battle to T-rump may be the best thing for winning the bigger war against (list insults here) 

I found this article scary & interesting on Trump's mental state. 


The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: Robert Jay Lifton and Bill Moyers on ‘A Duty to Warn’

Renowned psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on the Goldwater Rule: We have a duty to warn if someone may be dangerous to others.


Moyers: Some of the descriptions used to describe Trump — narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, delusional disorder, malignant narcissist — even some have suggested early forms of dementia — are difficult for lay people to grasp. Some experts say that it’s not one thing that’s wrong with him — there are a lot of things wrong with him and together they add up to what one of your colleagues calls “a scary witches brew, a toxic stew.”

Lifton: I think that’s very accurate. I agree that there’s an all-enveloping destructiveness in his character and in his psychological tendencies. But I’ve focused on what professionally I call solipsistic reality. Solipsistic reality means that the only reality he’s capable of embracing has to do with his own self and the perception by and protection of his own self. And for a president to be so bound in this isolated solipsistic reality could not be more dangerous for the country and for the world. In that sense, he does what psychotics do. Psychotics engage in, or frequently engage in a view of reality based only on the self. He’s not psychotic, but I think ultimately this solipsistic reality will be the source of his removal from the presidency.


Solipsistic reality means that the only reality he’s capable of embracing has to do with his own self and the perception by and protection of his own self. And for a president to be so bound in this isolated solipsistic reality could not be more dangerous for the country and for the world.



^^^^^^Goldwater rule for years until dangerous Don comes along.