Primus Sux


Hey now.....a virtual show under $20

I'm a fan of Les

Next Friday Dec. 11

I like the delirium 

I like the delirium x2

Had tickets to see them this past summer at the Edgefield.  Show has been rescheduled to August 17, 2021 and my tickets are still good.  

Primus playing Rush what a dream come true

you deserve a show dude.

If you're into competent musicians covering rush check out the youtubes of Alex Skolnick(testament), Charlie Bennante(anthrax and quite possibly the best drummer around), Ra Diaz(suicidal tendancies) & Brandon Yeagley(crobot) on vocals.  Red Barchetta is unbelievable. 


First time I saw RUSH , Primus was the opening act.  Las Cruces , NM 1992.  I went with my neighbor Anna Egge. They  drove.  I had no wheels.  They wanted to leave during RUSH.  Oh well... Rush was playing prerecorded music anyway...

I've been to many Primus shows, some small ones back in the early days, and I honestly don't ever not eventually get annoyed with Les's bass sound. I can deal with 30-45 minutes and then after that I'm done. 

Les is certainly a virtuoso on bass but somewhere along the way the legend of Les overshadowed the actual music.  

My favorite Les was with Praxis -- Buckethead, Brain, Laswell.  That band was mind blowing live.  


I honestly don't ever not eventually get annoyed with Les's bass sound. I can deal with 30-45 minutes and then after that I'm done. <<


I hear that.



Killer is king of 1 one song and I'm done.   

One year at the GOTV we were being obnoxious, talking shit about Keller(admittedly we were spaced out dick heads about it) and the younger dude camping next to us broke down in tears about how he was the savior of the jam band scene. We talked him down from that ledge and honestly felt bad about it afterwards.  Ow well...... 



I dug Frog Brigade at the one  Phil show I saw in summer 2001. I won tickets on the radio.. 

I can only stand 30-40 minutes of bluegrass before I'm done. I love jamming out to a full Primus/Les show.
Looking forward to catching the Rush set. Cygnus X1 !

Have seen Primus, Oysterhead, Frog Brigade...  even have a couple of autographed bottles from his winery!!!  

Les is more!

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Sux bump 

>>>>Frog Brigade at the one  Phil show I saw in summer 2001.

Sunday aftrnoon?

Think they played some Pink Floyd during that set

Fuuiuuuug sweet