Probably A Jersey Thing


So Da Boy was packing to fly back west and remarked that he'd probably be searched extry special at the airport, since he was flying with some potentially suspicious-looking stuff (coffee pot, French press, analog synthesizer).


Sure enough, they back up the belt and grab his bag.


"Is that Taylor Ham?"

"Yes, sir.  Do you get a lot of these?"

"You'd be surprised."

They swabbed the freezer pack and the zip-loc bag it was in.


Good to know we're safe from pork bombs.

I feel much safer now, Bluest. smiley


I hope he enjoys Denver. Happy new year. 

They were checking for Spam

>>>Probably A Jersey Thing
>>>"Is that Taylor Ham?"

Hey man, talk smack about Jersey if you want, but call Pork Roll Taylor Ham again & we're gonna have a problem Bluest. wink

Hide the salami.

My wife bought it, so it was Taylor Ham.


I usually go with generic.smiley

If they find a brick of Scrapple, they keep it.

MacGyver could fashion a mortar out of the pork roll and the French press, so I understand their caution. 

Should've mailed it. 


You know they're eating pork roll egg and cheeses and the airport right now.

They didn't confiscate it.

He turned on a select segment of Oakland upon touchdownwink

Until a few years ago, I thought "Taylor Ham" was a brand of Ham. We always called it "Pork Roll" as a Yout.

I was once going through Customs (Mirabel I think) and the Agent looked in my suitcase, which was full of frozen Venison. The butcher who processed all the local Deer would wrap them in plastic and white freezer paper then stamp them "Deer Roast", "Deer Chops", "Deer Steak" et al.

Agent was all "I am not sure if we can allow all this Venison into Canada, eh?" So I said "You really ought to try these Chops. My belief is that Jerseyland Venison is among the most Tasty." The Agent then recalled "Oh it is OK since it's Frozen".

And that is my tale of International Venison smuggling and a well-placed bribe. 

my mom sent T-day leftovers home with popped/inspected at airport....thought they were gonna bark about the hash, man.

It must be smoked pork.

They caught me with some cans of nice duck confit at the Nice airport, I was on my way to NY.  It was a crime to have to throw them away but that was the regulation...they pointed out it was American rules that did not allow flying with duck confit, not French rules.

bacon prices have fallen so much this jersey boy has taken a break from the mystery meat known as pork roll/taylor ham.

 god knows whats in that shit. it is good but with bacon at 3.00 a lb (on sale) ill go bacon