
Part of the US.  Reading about conditions there and the challenges to getting help to folks is heart breaking.  I know the same could be said for USVI and other non-US islands, as well as Houston.  What these people will be going through for many months is ugly, but I got as far as people stuffing cotton in their ears because of all the bugs and started having nightmares.  No power, no water, no food, no roofs, roads fucked, mountains, etc etc etc. This is going to be a massive undertaking. These are our people.  PR culture is our culture. Yes, I kicked down a few bucks, but I just hope the federal government is on full court press on this, RIGHT NOW.  Massive airlifts of meds, food, water, money to get roads open, assistance rebuilding.  This is when I wish I were a doctor and could drop everything to go somewhere and help.  God bless folks who do.  




Unfortunately, 45 is too busy picking fights with athletes to lead efforts to help Americans in need.

Hillary's idea about the Navy would be a good start.

I have relatives that are congregated and holed up in a Hotel in San Juan right now.

In the country, the man with the most cows & pigs wins. Must be complete anarchy in the sticks right now.


Best (most ethical, helpful) agencies, avenues for donations?

I don't see any reason why Bacardi rum is not leading the financial mission so badly needed. I think they should donate all profits to their home island.   Surely they got the bucks

I'm not sure the best way Judit.  I went through the Hispanic Federation's "Unidos" fund, but there are probably plenty of other ways.  



I hope our compadres in Puerto Rico are able to survive the long term impact of this storm. The pics are bad.

>>I don't see any reason why Bacardi rum is not leading the financial mission so badly needed. I think they should donate all profits to their home island.   Surely they got the bucks


The headquarters for Bacardi rum is in Bermuda and they can not contact the planation, workers & museums that are in PR as of today. I hope that helps.

We have a Navy located in PR (as this is an American territory - if you didn't know that) that is in complete disarray because of the storm. Whom is not so happy with Trump right now.

Bacardi's home Island is Cuba; they left there after the Cuban revoltion.


Odysseus, not sure what you mean.  The guys at the naval base are not happy with Trump?  How come, because he did not order precautions or because we are not responding with assistance quickly and substantially enough?  I forgot we have a base there......derrrrrp....even more reason and ability to send a shit ton of men and helicopters full of medicine and supplies.  Army Corps of Engineers, STAT.

PR and most Hispanics are not too happy with Trump, before the storm. Is this news?

Are you off the grid? Do you get CNN?

It does sound like the Navy is heading there in force to assist in the recovery.   Still going to be a shit show of epic proportions for some time and will certainly add to the ongoing emigration to the mainland that has already been sapping many of the island's more educated and skilled individuals.

I am watching.  Odysseus, his portion of your post is not entirely clear:  >>>"We have a Navy located in PR that is in complete disarray because of the storm. Whom is not so happy with Trump right now."

From your follow up I take it that you are trying to say that Puerto Ricans are not happy with Trump, as opposed to the Navy not being so happy with Trump right now.  If you are off- the -grid I can send you some workbooks to help you to learn to write more clearly, bless your heart.  


Yeah Ken, while the most pressing concerns are immediate supplies and shelter, this will have massive long term effect and I am sure a lot of people will be leaving. Once the immediate emergency is over, I am sure that there will be a lot of need for rebuilding materials and $$$. The financial mess they are already in is not going to make this administration too excited about investing in that, but maybe he can buy some votes.  He can also brag on creating jobs and infrastructure, right up his alley.  Here's hoping he gets this right.

Sorry Alias, I totally didn't understand what you wrote at all.

Bless your heart. Save it or make a point.

>>>>maybe he can buy some votes

Although they are Americans, Puerto Ricans don't get to vote for president.  Part of the trade off for not having to pay federal income tax.    Trump might be able to pander to some voters stateside by an aggressive approach to the island's recovery, but so far, he seems more interested in other things.  Guess he doesn't have any properties there.  Good thing the US Southern Command has taken the initiative to begin relief operations notwithstanding the Commander in Chief's apparent indifference to the plight of his fellow Americans on the island.

In other news, Jennifer Lopez has donated $1 million to relief operations.

>>maybe he can buy some votes


The hurricane was named Maria?

Puerto Ricans living in PR can't vote but there sure are a lot of Puerto Ricans living in NY, NJ, FL who can.  Any first grade class president would know that this is a no-brainer.  Instead, Trump will probably try to enact a travel ban against Caribbean Disaster Refugees, including US Citizens, and then complain that any criticism is very unfair.  Anyway, trying to help people in situations like this must be the best part of the president's job, so I hope he gets on it.

Bacardi gave $3 mil for relief to all the storms and earthquakes.  I bet they have more than 3X as much money as Jennifer Lopez.

Bacardi is not an American Company. Goldman Sachs who is an American company gave less the 500k for Hurricane Sandy victims.

Walmart who is America's largest employer (with over 2 million employees) is giving millions right now.

You picked Bacardi because you thought it was a PR company & for what little you know about Puerto Rico (which is part of America, like it or not), it appears you don't like them or it's people.

Have a nice day smarty pants.


the U.S. Military has a long dark history of abusing the Puerto Rican population & it's environment.

Now they play 'Hero'---


What happened to PR was No act of God.



my former supervisor's entire family lives in san juan. he hasn't been able to reach anyone & it's driving him crazy. don't know when he will get the opportunity to get there

>>>>What happened to PR was No act of God.


my pr family probably disagrees. 

I'm not the one who posted that Bacardi is from PR.  Bless your heart.  

Ain't no Trump Tower there.

Lift the Jones Act.

I was hoping Dr. Slacker would stop in.

Alias is my friend, I'm normally beat up more.

Bluelight ?  Sorry for your interpretation of  my suggestion of corporate philanthropy and my lack of bacardi rum history. I do recall seeing a large bacardi plant on the island when i was there. Was told it was the largest in the world.  Perhaps I am mistaken, I did not have an interest in visiting their factory.  But it looked like one of the largest buildings there.  Also, I very much like Puerto Rico  for what it's worth. 

No sweat big guy. Slacker pointed out how sometimes a miss-interpretation can lead to some funny stuff on line here.

maybe google will help fund the relief efforts? my friend's kid works there..



President "Shit For Brains" tweeted last night, that Puerto Rico's problem here is that they are in debt.

The situation in PR is Apocalyptic & this clown will have blood on his hands.

Once again, I want to point out this an American territory. This is part of America. 3.5 million people on Amercica's paradise Island, with a high density of Purple Hearts.


It's clearly obvious Trump is mentally ill & anyone that has resided in the NY metro area the last 30 years knows this.

A healthy mind doesn't react like his and intimidate those around (like his immediate family) who are trying to help this sick man out.


I'm not sure PR is in debt. They are bankrupt, and are under strict austerity measures until they are solvent.

Wealthy investors grabbed up PR for pennies on the dollar when they were allowed to declare bankruptcy.

Many argue that the Jones Act was a huge factor in causing the financial woes, and it is now a huge factor in keeping necessary aid from the island. Trump lifted the Jones Act to the East Coast, right after the hurricanes, to ensure that oil kept coming in, but he refuses to lift it for PR. The island is literally being strangled.

PR is in debt & is in the midst of bankruptcy proposal, as of 1/17.

What does that have to do with saving Americans from a natural disaster again?


>>>Many argue that the Jones Act was

Show me the many people. The storm happened a week ago.

It has zero to do with it, at least in my mind, but Trump is now God and gets to make such determinations.

I can't show you them, but if you Google "Jones Act" and click "News," you'll see a lot of stories, from recent days, about how the Act is keeping aid out of PR.

Yeah, I have been reading it on-line. Going to print this for my father to read. Thanks.

The med pot biz was about to take off there. Lot $ lost from young entrepreneurs that just moved back to PR. CNN did a cool article about them before the storm

What Zooey said <3

Watching morning news now, months before power grid restored, 'mass exodus".  Hopefully the threat of an influx of brown people will get Trump's racist fanbase to call for a major move by US gov't to help the island.  Mr Builder ought to be able to get a ton of people and materials down there and start rebuilding the electrical infrastructure.  Creating jobs, keeping white people white, winning some "get it done" cred, it's a win-win-win for him.  But instead, he will probably blame Obama and do nothing.

Brian made me look up Jones Act, and hell yes if it was a good enough idea to lift it for the east coast then they should certainly do it for PR.  

Pretty sure Trump calls it Housekeeper Island

The Island is now a black dot from space. No power.

45 is grinning in his press conference right now. But he's busy and can't be there until next Tuesday (a fucking week from today)

>>if it was a good enough idea to lift it for the east coast then they should certainly do it for PR.  

The question is, why won't he lift it for PR? It essentially keeps the island a colony.

It doesn't really matter to me if Trump goes there, although it is the respectful thing to do.  The idea of him getting a photo-op as if he cares sickens me. He needs to send people who can be effective.  

Yeah, that could get ugly, quickly.

Lucky for Trump, the folks that can stand by then will be too famished to bare arms.

Trump on Difficulties in Puerto Rico: "It's out in the ocean, you can't just drive your trucks there from other states...This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean. This is tough stuff."

actual quote 

Who knew Puerto Rico was on an island? 

um, maybe that extra 80billion for defense could buy a couple of fancy boats to like take things there...?


oh yeah planes and hellicopters, those things also.

"Unfortunately, 45 is too busy picking fights with athletes to lead efforts to help Americans in need."

I understand your incessant need to criticize Trump at every opportunity.  But your complaints would carry more force if you reserved them for the things (and there are many of them) where they are deserved.  This is not one of them.


OHN YANG: Governor, are you getting all the aid you need or getting it fast enough from the states?

GOV. RICARDO ROSSELLO: First of all, we are very grateful for the administration. They have responded quickly. The president has been very attentive to the situation, personally calling me several times. FEMA and the FEMA director have been here in Puerto Rico twice. As a matter of fact, they were here with us today, making sure that all the resources in FEMA were working in conjunction with the central government. We have been working together. We have been getting results. The magnitude of this catastrophe is enormous. This is going to take a lot of help, a lot of collaboration. So, my call is to congressmen and congresswomen to take action quickly and conclusively with an aid package for Puerto Rico.


Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college. “This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination,” said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico’s non-voting representative in Washington.


Finding things to complain about with Donald Trump is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Unfortunately, even with such an easy target, you're missing.

If there is one thing we know about Donald Trump it is that you'd better kiss his ass or he will become petulant and cut off all aid to Puerto Rico.


BK, Jones Act will remain in place.

Could it have something to do with this? 

Trump’s failed Puerto Rico golf course has cost the territory’s taxpayers more than $32 million



>>>one thing we know about Donald Trump it is that you'd better kiss his ass or he will become petulant and cut off all aid to Puerto Rico.

Could explain the Governor's purported ass kissing.

At this point, the Jones Act is really an academic question.  There are apparently many supply ships already in port, but the real problem is getting the supplies out to the folks who need it, with roads washed away or blocked by debris and communications non-existent.  Sounds like Navy construction units (Seabees) and lots of helicopters are what is really needed, along with US Air Force air traffic control units to coordinate flights in and out.  At least they are now finally sending that huge Navy hospital ship which can take some of the burden off the dozens and dozens of hospitals with no power.