Puerto Rico: Mission Accomplished, time to go!


Word is coming down from above that the storm is over, everyone is now safe and we are going to have to now extricate our people who we sent to help out. Looks like about 16% of them have water now, (which is probably more than had it before the storm right?} and Tesla sent some batteries down there and they got free paper towels too, so WE OUT!!!!

I think this is definitely one we can put in the “WIN” column after that horrible showing in the soccer World Cup qualifying, 

Best headline seen, so far:

Trump Throws in the Towel(s)



A heckuva job that would have made Brownie proud. 

Best president ever...

Every single time I think I could not have any more loathing for this asshole, he proves me wrong.


Rose McGowan had her twitter account suspended, while Trump continues to be an ass... 

Now all he has to do is block all passage from PR to the states and we will be good to go.........

Puerto Rican women must not be good looking enough, or certainly not white enough, to grab them in their nether regions...

Be a shame if a million Puerto Ricans moved to Florida with a visceral hatred of the GOP.

Being US citizens, their votes would count then.


Trump will tweet about  imposing a ban on Puerto Ricans "immigrating" to Florida if he hears of this..

Punte Vick's, y ya!

>>Puerto Rican women must not be good looking enough

Some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.  Seriously mind blowing.  I had the privilege of visiting the island 6 times this year.  Love to all those suffering.

Well put Jay. I do so agree.

Trump never met a Puerto Rican woman in a locker room I would wager. Oh to be a fly on a wall sometimes would be a kick.

Oakster was right. A lot of people in the north east don't like Puerto Ricans.

Most for no reason other then their parents didn't like them. Watched them crawl out of the barrios and bypass them in the America Latter of success.

It has gotten much better through out the nation; but there is a lot of prejudicialness and hate in the east coast against Puerto Ricans, starting with the uneducated like Trump.

Roses are red

Tacos are enjoyable,

Don't blame a [Hispanic] 

If you're unemployable.


(((((((((Amerikan exceptionality)))))))