Rainbow Theatre ~ London, March 1981



Came across this Interview segment that I'd never seen before. These 4 shows at The Rainbow Theatre in London, England in March of 1981 were among my very favorite indoor shows. The sheer intimacy, open floor and easy access to the stage area were really fun to be a part of. The boys played great, and the British crowd, mixed with traveling or ex-Pat Americans was a novelty at the time. I spoke to some spike-haired bloke who thought "Grateful Dead" sounded like a Death Metal band, so he came to check it out. Drumz > Space really blew his mind. I also remember audience members asking Phil how he liked the British beers, which got a bigs thumbs up from Phil.

Were any other Zoners there? 

There are some OK sounding recordings on LMA that definitely reflect the energy displayed by The Dead during that run, , but I've always wished there was something a bit more pristine...

I posted that vid before on PZ.


That Let it grow into china-rider from the 21st is on fire.

