Rate your weeds


Peach oz is sleepy

GG4 is sleepy

Green crack is speedy

galactic Jack is speedy

Bruce Banner is tops, nuthing with a fruit name is high on the list except grape ape, and green crack is also up there

Loving fruit in everything right now. 

I think Galactic Jack is our favorite so we're hitting it the least. 

# 1 In the Last 1 1/2 Years ?    Would Be ______ KUSH Co and His Friend Other KUSH _____ Woodland Hills Ca at Mother Natures Remedy yes yes yes Excellent

Don't really have a favorite but this week I'm really hating on Dandelions. 

Don't like the sweet ones, the fruity ones, or the ones that end in "kush".

Mostly still liking the good ol' - SD, TW, SSH, WR, DP, a few others. Would like to find more that aren't in those three categories above - I like sativa, indica, or cross.

Don't like the sweet ones, the fruity ones, or the ones that end in "kush".

so...you mean all good weed? do you live in an illegal state? fruity flavors and gassy(kush) flavors compromise almost all of the best strains out there...

by "SD" do you mean sour diesel? sour is very very similar to things like og kush and bubba kush...wondering are you maybe not getting properly grown herb, or are you getting mislabeled herb?  

I love Dandelions. What a great opportunity to have edibles growing in so many yards.  I love the way the yellow pops in contrast to the green.

Personally I think that monocroped lawns are sadly a sign of the inextinguishable natural presence of xenophobia in the human spirit.

Plant genocide by chemical is despicable in most cases.

Ragweed, Genus Ambrosia on the other hand is a little aggressive I might add. Is it seen as an invader in our yard. Not welcome due to its desire to occupy land previously inhabited by other lifeforms...

Bindweed is the worst. 

Yes, Sour Diesel. Been growing it for years - its "successors" - the Kushes - just don't seem to measure up - I'm always disappointed in them. We have a few "Obama Kush" this year, but they're going to someone else who likes those.

The search goes on.

SF sunset sherbet


i havent seen, smelled, or smoked in about 10 years or so. at this point dont even know where to get any crying

totally missing this renaissance


SF sunset sherbert <<

Delicious. <<<

Outstanding ! turtle __ I have Some ! yes

>>sunset sherbet


That's my favorite and what I am enjoying right now.

Got Thistles,  Milkweed,  Pigweed,  Cockleburr,  many others.

Dandelions are just part of the greenscape.  Thistles I actually like a lot,  as their deep roots bring up lotsa minerals making for mineral-enriched compost.

But the most invasive and prolific has to be the 'Garlic Mustard'  Alliaria petiolata, which seems to flower and seed in moments.


Shit's just taken over everywhere.