Rats are jumping ship


Republican Senator Corker on Trump

“I don't know why he lowers himself to such a low, low standard and debases our country in the way he does but he does… but it's unfortunate our nation finds itself in this place,” Corker added.

When asked if he regrets supporting Trump’s 2016 presidential bid, Corker responded that there’s “no way” he’d ever support the president for an election again.

He said Trump is “absolutely not” a role model for young children, and refused to say whether he trusts the president with the nuclear codes.

“I expressed concerns a few weeks ago about his leadership and just his stability and the lack of desire to be competent on issues and understand and, you know, nothing has changed,” Corker said.


not really. the only republicans brave enough to speak out are the ones not facing re-election.  that is not really bravery - just settling scores.  it will only mean something when the ones seeking re-election speak up. 


From the Times of London 

Jeff Flake not going to run for reelection. 

Flake is giving a great speech right now.


Followed by Sen. John McCain.