

She is such a badass. heart


Shit.  Her frail body is the backbone for dems.  Other dems need a spine!



I thought this was a rev buddy greene thread

Fuck cancer vibes for RBG.

Hoping for ease and comfortable living. And hoping for anyone who can beat the current turkey dick.

I thought she croaked over a year ago,  and hasn't been seen in public for well over that time range ?

Didn't they have some weird Theatrical event in DC featuring her robe and spectacles ?

Maybe you're thinking about the time she was on The Big Bang Theory, Stu?


It would be pretty un Christian like to wish any ill will, no?



go away


really disco stu? i know you hate women and consider yourself an incel, but that's over the top to say even for you. 

should've retired a long time ago. 


Says our lil' Trumper.

Says our lil' Trumper.

Says our lil' Trumper.

Lol - sorry.

i don't support trump, old man. lol 

try harder. 

long live the dead

love matters on Friday, July 17, 2020 – 08:39 pm



go away



Tell ya what -- if you quit stalking me and commenting upon my threads,  I'll send you a link for a recipe for Cherry Pie and Coffee.
That could occupy your free time instead of yelling at people in your yard while Denny's is shut down.

I get that you're going through the Alzheimer's,  Senility,  Dementia phase of Life,  but I am not available to help you.

Most likely there is some "support group"  for senile folks in your area.


pyramidheat, life might have been easier for Justice Ginsburg if she'd retired a long time ago. As she continues to be a force for women and human rights we're lucky to have her, especially now.

she could've done it for her country. years ago. who the fuck works until they're 90 anyway -- just power hungry. ego. 

obama had clear sailing his first two years. 

one more example of the evil republicans just playing this fucked up game way smarter than the dems. 

so sad to see play out. 

>>>>>she could've done it for her country. years ago. who the fuck works until they're 90 anyway -- just power hungry. ego.      obama had clear sailing his first two years.


She was appointed by Clinton, Who was going to appoint a more leftist justice after that? Certainly not Bush 43. Obama? I don't see him as being to the left of RBG. 

for the sake of our children, please hold on until November. 

Unfortunately she has to hold on until 1-20-21 if Donnie loses.

doesn't change the fact she fucked up and should've retired years ago knowing the game. 

republican are just better at this shit -- sad.