In regards to those who claim to “genuinely” believe the election wasn’t stolen






     ...for the sake of intelligent discourse, it's my belief you're in one of two categories:


     A)  You're obviously being disingenuous while actually being perfectly knowledgeable of and absolutely fine with a stolen election if it accomplished the desired goal, which is certainly reprehensible to say the very least.

     B)  Genuinely brainwashed by a systematic Orwellian weaponization of what was once thought of as "journalism" by the Jake Tappers and Rachael Maddows of the world.



     If you're in category "B" you have bigger problems than debating various subject matter on a message board.



     ...please discuss 


What makes you a patriot if you don't do anything about it? 

Just stop at Orwellian.  Someone on the right saw a slight definition and ran with it.  Orwell's book is the polar opposite of what the right is about. Im just going with plain old run of the mill stupidity. The right lacks the intellect to interpret something as blatant as 1984. 

What's to discuss?u have it all sorted. What r u going to do about it? 

Did they hide the Trump votes in the antifa's temptress's pussy too?

Bry falls for a known NYC con man's continued grift and has the temerity to point the finger? If the election was stolen, why has no respectable conservative lawyer stepped up and proven it?

Is today "opposite day"?

At least the Zone remains relevant enough to have dedicated right wing people come on here and regularly spout lies.

Trump lost the election. Bigly. End of story. You can deny that reality until doomsday and it won't change a thing.

We survived 4 years of Trump in power. He has been removed. He will not return to power.

Bryen (or whoever the hell you are), no sympathy for your hurt feelings, but maybe you are really an anarchist and post these absurd threads for laughs.

You got a comment out of me, which is tough to do these days, so, yes, I did notice you, and gave you some attention.

The contested states of Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania were all Red States with Republicans in charge 


he was fucked over by his own people, that right there speaks volumes 


and if he just told people to wear a mask, he would of won the election hands down. Hard to believe but a man with such small hands fucked himself



Hair Furious is pissed that he couldn't rig it which in his pea brain automatically means the other side must've

You cannot hide behind a make-believe mask pretending that you are a dead head any longer

You are a traitor to your country to your flag to the republic to The constitution and to our  country’s founders

and to democracy 

January 6th denial???

and you are also a traitor to the grateful dead 

You are not a member of the tribe




I will no longer feed you as a troll 

Do not expect another  answer regarding  history or for me to be occasionally civil 

Go, and stay in your own hell

and leave us out of it

I do hope you do recover from your Delusions and mental illness

You have zero conscience no morals and no ethics 

Republicans like you Are the devil incarnate

Devil incarnate

You can claim to be a hefty drug addict 

or whatever the fuck it is you think you are 

don’t you dare ever call yourself a dead head

You are a coward as ore every single Republican senator that would support 



.....Do you drive with your eyes closed also?....


I'm here live. I'm not a cat.

"Bry" never saw Jerry