Remaining Cool Into Your 40's


In just over a month, I will celebrate my 39th birthday, which effectively marks the end of my 30's. It's been a great run, but all good things must come to an end.

I'm curious what tips and tricks you might have for remaining cool well into my 40's. It's important  that I don't end up wearing dad jeans,  decide a fanny pack is a supremely functional concert accessory, become a Republican, or start insisting that those goddamn kids get off my lawn.

How did you stay cool into your 40's? 


Making fun of dbmb people works wonders 

so u should be fine

troll thread....

Give up trying to be 25. It weirds people out.


Call me when ya hit 54 i know all the Ropes ! devil


Dockers, no socks, white Sperrys

Also, I hear ascots are trending.

It's not an age thing. If you're cool, you can rock any look you want.


>>>m curious what tips and tricks you might have for remaining cool well into my 40's. I


stop drinking heavily

get involved with local politcs

coolness follows


Qi gong and microdosing.

Non jam band live shows.


Usually at different times.

Good stuff so far.

I recently switched from Levi's 514's to Levi's 501's, which have about an inch higher rise in the waist.

Should I be concerned?

I'll be hitting 39 in July.  Good thread.  Zoners give great advice.

>>>I recently switched from Levi's 514's to Levi's 501's, which have about an inch higher rise in the waist.

Should I be concerned?<<<


do you have back? 

I'll be 50 in March. I gave up trying to be cool a long time ago. Just let me wear my sweatpants and leave me the fuck alone.

> Should I be concerned?

It's too soon to tell. You haven't posted in the sweatpants thread yet.

The secret to staying cool into your 40's, is to resist posting on crotchety old Grateful Dead message boards.

wait, what?

i lead workshops.

$1500 for a weekend retreat at turtle's.

book now. zoner 10% discount.


If you have to try, you're doing it wrong.

Have no idea about cool thing, but as far as staying young?  Just keep repeating....youth is a state of mind, not a time of life....unfortunatly, your body usually doesnt hear you...


I pulled my back out the other day taking a nap, and i got an idea today, but it caused a headache...try not to think too much....its all uphill from here st mark

Holy shit, Dise.

After watching that video, I think I'm going to get full sleeve tattoos on both arms. 

That'll impress the other dads for sure :D

jesus christ on a popsicle stick...

I'm gonna be 63 in a bit. And I am still cool as fuck.

plank exercises have strengthened my core and increased my T levels. i went from a listless wet noodle to a now barely tamed wild animal. 

It depends whose idea of cool you're going for. I could give you some pointers, but you might want to do the exact opposite.

i can tell you, unless you're a pro skater, surfer or snowboarder, nobody over 25 should be wearing 514s. If you could even fit into them, it means that you have old man chicken legs and really need to do more squats.

lol JR....


just lol..

>>>nobody over 25 should be wearing 514s.


514's are a straight fit jean, BK. Totally age appropriate for anybody, anywhere. 

I believe you're thinking of 511's.

You're right, I am. Im so uncool that I didn't know the difference. 

I turned 40 last July. I'd say the key to staying cool is not sweating being cool. 


I'm like a goddamned cucumber. 

Its cool. I recently purchased a Mazda CX9, because it's easier to get the car seat in and out of it than it was with the Subaru.

I also anticipate it'll do well for soccer practice transport, when the time comes.

Back in the day, I made the minivan cool.

That mofo had a 4.3 l engine that could blow a Mustang off the line!

"you have the skin of a 28 year old"

i was told last week. 

>>>"you have the skin of a 28 year old"


this means you have a zit.

How to Get Really Good Skin Like John Mayer


while i don't endorse products like Proacitv i do find his other choices useful.  many of them can be found in less expensive generic brands. for many of you it's too late but those who still have a chance to not look like a swollen raisin i'd endorse his choices. 

40s were the worst decade for me.  Divorce, return to full time school while working full time for retooling the career,  So fucking broke.

I honestly feel I was at my prime during the 50s decade.  The work paid off, move to DC, remarriage to the sweetest woman, getting a good ( to me)  band going, at the height of my powers mentally, pretty good physically.  A great reefer connection.

Of course now I'm going to shit. 

Not really...just have to conserve the energy for things I really want to do.

Coolness flows from being sincere in your intent. 

MarkD - absolutely true, you're one of the coolest people I've ever met.


Anyway, cool is internal so it doesn't drop off you, or wear off from over-use/exposure to the elements. I think to go from cool to uncool, one would have to make a concerted effort to do so and I don't know why you'd want to, in fact, is this a joke? indecision

As a younger person I was far less cool than now (unfortunately, because I could have rocked it back then) --- I think I passed for half-cool starting in my 20s because the "looking=as-if-I'm-cool" / "playing" cool part came to me a lot earlier (just for self defense if nothing else!).and it took time to develop the more complex inner reality of coolness.

And I'm not expecting to get less cool as time passes, either. If anything, more.

Aging would not bring on the loss of one's edge (shall we say, as I'm tired of typing "cool" especially since its opposite is "hot" which also describes me quite well, but anyway) - 

The only way that becoming old would diminish the coolness of a given individual ~~~ is if coolness is measured by one's resemblance to a blank page, and I think we all know it's the opposite.

As a general rule, anyway. Many people are born cool, and others will never even approached coolness (some think they have, others are simply oblivious).....









>>In just over a month, I will celebrate my 39th birthday, which effectively marks the end of my 30's.

I'm curious why you feel 39 is ending your 30's.



Because I'll never celebrate another birthday with a 3 in front of it again.


Great posts from Aiq and Brightday in here. Excellent stuff.

I was being flip earlier.

I couldn't really speak to my coolness or lack thereof.

That would be for someone else to ascribe.


I do like to try and stay in the game, though. That's always a moving target.

It's fucking 2017.  I plan to live to 120, peaking around 85-95. 

After that, spending my last 20 years trolling my great grandchildren should be a good way to wrap it all up and keep me spy.

I like it, Goodlight.

Taking the longview on this thing is important.

Happy Bday. Good luck. Maybe jorts could be in your 50's?

>>I'll be 50 in March.

Me too! smiley

>>ecause I'll never celebrate another birthday with a 3 in front of it again.

Ahhhh- that makes sense.  I was wondering 'cause I'm 29.  I still feel young.  Losing my hair a bit... but feel young.

As far as staying "cool".  I think playing music keeps me feeling fresh.  In general, though, I'm so far removed from popular culture that it bugs me out a little.

>I'm so far removed from popular culture that it bugs me out a little.


please don't tell me that means u only listen to jam bands

^ No, not at all.  I don't listen to many jam bands outside of concerts.  My favorite bands are The Kinks, GD and The Band.  Don't get me wrong, I love the Disco Biscuits, Phish and all that that scene entails but I really get my rocks off on storytelling through songs.  The art of the album.  


I think what I meant is my obsession with history and music/movies of yesterday sometimes disqualifies me from being considered "cool"

53, I just bought a pair of 511's

a game changer

My YouTube in this thread is the ultimate understanding of cool

Yer done for.


As long as you  can pay your rent .....

Maturity is way over rated. Do not EVAH be too old or mature or proper to be immature.


Next time you have some youngens that you want to impress - go thru a fast food drive thru backwards and in reverse

a) It is fun as hell

b) Masters level field study in human psychology to watch the staff at the restaurant as the car backs up - hourlies and management tend to react a bit differently. Even better when the next car pulls up behind you (don't be  dick ... dim your lights)

c) the passenger will end up at the order window ... not you. Let them deal with it.

d) how could that not be cool?


Done it many times. It is a The Dude level move surefire to impress those younger than you

A friend of mine did that when we were 16. He's in jail now. 


I dare say that the act of simply remaining is in itself cool.  Having to think about being cool is in itself uncool.

Hopefully tie dyes aren't finding there way into any of this cool talk. 

Northern lights socks.JPG

I must be cool, I wear tie-dye.


>>I'm curious what tips and tricks you might have for remaining cool well into my 40s



lol.  you gotta get there first



Fish is kind of a dork.

If you chose to have kids, being a good parent is a pretty cool thing to do in your 40's.



Forever Young....


Be a ToysRUs kid...


If only my kids knew that being a good parent is cool.  


Wear one of these to make sure evrybody knows......................


since you folks seem to have a complete grasp on levis could someone just fill in the blanks here for those of us who don't know what age group should wear which?


501® Original Fit_______________________________________________

505™ Regular Fit______________________________________________

512™ Slim Taper Fit___________________________________________

502™ Regular Taper Fit___________________________________________

510™ Skinny Fit_______________________________________________

511™ Slim Fit___________________________________________________

541™ Athletic___________________________________________________

If you have to ask how to be cool, you aren't.

That being said, you can fake it to a degree by including this phrase in any discussion of released music; "I've got that on original vinyl."

As Fish said, turning 39 is not turning 40, when you turn 40 you will then be 40, and calling people dorks does not make you cooler.

Being cool is not a big deal once you reach a certain point, i think you are approaching this wonderful time in your life where you can just go about your daily business and realize its ok to not be cool, and its ok if your socks don't match..

And not caring about being cool is kinda cool in of itself.

>>>>And not caring about being cool is kinda cool in of itself.


There's quite a big gap between "not caring" and mustard stained shirts, basketball shorts, sweats, fanny packs, and slippers though.  I mean there's not caring and still being cool, and then there's just plain not caring.

>>>As Fish said, turning 39 is not turning 40


Fish didn't say that.

One thing I'm sure we can all agree on; reading is cool.

Absolutely there is, thank you for pointing that out.

Not caring about how you compare yourself to others is more what I was going for.

Not caring if you are a slob or not or not caring about yourself is not cool. 

But there is the Jeff Lebowski factor. Do you think he was cool?

Yep, in a few more years you will totally understand and start to let loose of the over self conscience burden of thinking people really give a flying fuk if you have moccasins or sperry dock siders on.

It could easily mean two things, either you are not 40, which is the obvious fact here, or you have never been cool ever, which is highly possible.

People do, in fact, judge you based on your appearance.

There's a ton of science that supports that fact, Fog. 

Not interested in pleasing those people.

Surfdead doesn't care for science.

True, some do, the part you need to get past is if someone is judging you over moccasins or sperry dock siders they are probably just miserable assholes most likely overly self conscience over their own shoes or some other shortcoming they have, attire or otherwise.

I just wore my $10 Terrapin CrossRoads T shirt at breakfast today at the Embassy Suite. 

Science - it's over-rated.

It seems like Fog is trying a little too hard to defend his moccasins again.

Self-Conscious, not self conscience although related, speaking of science...



this thread is a fucking mess.

Is smoking still cool?

Please don't kill my thread, Fog. 

You've killed a slew of high potential threads since Viva opened, including my epic style thread. 

I'd honestly prefer that you dismiss yourself from this thread, and maybe scoot over to the sweatpants thread. I think that's more in your wheelhouse, honestly.


Good question Hounder, at one time smoking may have been cool, this day and age smoking cigs is not cool at all.

Smoking will always look cool.

No amount of dubstep in the anti-smoking ads can change that.

Hang out in a Cancer Ward and see how cool smoking is. 

I was never a smoker but this radiation is kicking my Ass.

How cool is that? 

Easy now.

I said smoking looks cool. I didn't say getting cancer was cool.

Hi Mark.

I had a tougher time with 39 than 40.

Once you turn 40 you're the youngest 40-something out there. Rock that shit.


That being said, I turn 50 in June and have fully given up on caring about the number.

You're still cool, Ned. 

Obviously being a handsome devil helps you out tremendously.

I am in the top ten percentile of best looking,  smartest and physically strong zoner. 

You've lost your edge, JR.


Taking things way too seriously has never been cool.

I don't think I need to name names.





OK, I haven't read much of this thread, but all I can say is:


No matter how hard you work to "keep it cool" as you age, it all goes down the drain when your first-born becomes a teenager.


At that point, embrace the fun role of being a complete embarrassment to the family and all else which is holy.    devil


I'm cool, but it depends on which angle you look at me from. 

Really not looking forward to that one Johnny.

My wife tells me she thinks I could be an exception but I know enough to know there are no exceptions.

Well..there probably are.  Tom Waits' kids as teens probably thought he was cool.



I'm about to make 50 look fucking amazeballz

I'm going to get in front of that problem early by making sure my little girl knows how uncool she is when she's dorking around all awkward in her tween years. 

Gotta learn these kids. 

Wow, I never even considered that Mark.

That is not a bad idea.



Totally, Felina.

I'm also planning on cranking up 'Territorial Pissings' whenever she gets sassy about how lame her parents are, just to give her a sense of the awesome fury that was the early 90's.

I'm sensing some jealousy from the older broken down crowd here. 


older broken down is cool



from "the bottom 90%:

As some things break down others grow and flourish.

New outlooks on life ARE cool.

Way cool.

HA! I didn't read the any of the above!....

But, I turn 60 in 4 days and I'll always be cool in my mind , and nobody else matters, for what it's worth!!!!



>>>I was being flip earlier


I actually thought your initial advice was the best on growing old gracefully.


>>>No amount of dubstep in the anti-smoking ads can change that.


It's funny cause it's true


When i turned 50 , i said fuck this "number " system, and started counting backwards...ill be 43 in may...if figure if i live to a 100, ill be 0, and ready for  the next adventure...


Anyway, i did it long enough, that i actually forgot how old i was...all year i thought i was 57, but about two weeks ago, out of nowhere, i thought of my next birthday upcoming in May, and realized, not only will i turn 57 then, but that i had obviously spent most of this year was very liberating, i felt like i had just "bought" a whole new year!


Confusion is cool.......try it

jambone, you still chain smoking fags? 

Lol, JR, holy shit, i JUST hung up phone w my cousin in Brooklyn. He is a married, dad, ex-smoker. I am single, kids grown, and smoke, yes, heavily, at times...


We talk once a week, usually he tells me how he smoked a cig, and his wife is ready to cut his balls off...


We always compare notes, basically, he s my "hero" and im his...we remind each other how good we got it etc...


But, to answer your question w a number?


Im down to about half  a pack a day...unfortunately, that number skyrockets on my days off.


My cous finally admittdd to wife he z been sneaking a few a day sometimez, cpl a week usually..he just told me April 2 is new quit, im trying to get down to less than 5 a day by then.

The EXACT day I turned 40 I was brushing up the gnashers in the AM and looked in the mirror to find one gray hair one either side of my head.

Didn't see any more pop up until the EXACT day I turned 41.

How the fuck do they know ???

Anyway I was dating a 20-something yr. old massage-therapist at the time. That was Cool.

^^I'm about to make 50 look fucking amazeballz

Two more weeks and I will hit that milestone.

If you have to think about it, by definition you are not cool.

That is incorrect, Thom.

Definition of cool

1:  moderately cold :  lacking in warmth <The plant grows best in cool climates.>

2a :  marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control <a cool and calculating businessperson>b :  lacking ardor or friendliness <a cool impersonal manner>c of jazz :  marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint (see 1counterpoint)d :  free from tensions or violence <We used to fight, but we're cool now.>

3—used as an intensive <a cool million dollars>

4:  marked by deliberate effrontery or lack of due respect or discretion <a cool reply>

5:  facilitating or suggesting relief from heat <a cool dress>

6a of a color :  producing an impression of being cool; specifically :  of a hue in the range violet through blue to green b of a musical tone :  relatively lacking in timbre or resonance (see resonance 2a)

7slang a :  very good :  excellent <That was a really cool movie.>; also :  all right <Is getting together Friday night cool with you?>b :  fashionable, hip < … not happy with the new shoes … because they were not “cool.” — Celestine Sibley>

Good to see you Thom Bagenhammers.

High 5, Mule!!

Fuck yeah, Sweatervest makes an appearance!

jonny mica 2013 birdy crop.jpgim in the top 5% cool mofo zoners . also the most striking looking..

and i love killing threads!

Back atcha Jill !

Some really good advice in here. 

Thanks, gang.

>>Fish is kind of a dork


I'm like lou reed next to you

More like Lou Dobbs.

Cindy lou who

I'm turning 38 in a few weeks. Just be yourself: and for me that means being the most attractive, healthiest, interesting and decent guy in any given setting. I have a 13 year old, and seeing how all his friends parents are about 15 years older, it isn't too hard.

jonny is a good looking man.

Old folks helping newer old folks. 'Tis a beautiful thing.


I am not cool.


I still use a flip phone.

Even Lou Dobbs is cooler than Mark. lol

How do you remain cool in your 60's?

Growing the best weed on the block.

Obviously coolness has been elusive for Sixy during every decade of his life. 

Lou Dobbs lives on a 300 acre horse farm and his net worth is 10 mil..

Lou Dobbs doesn't like immigrants.

Bet he gets creepy with the horses, too.

How do you remain cool in your 60's?

Growing the best weed on the block.


And then it gets stolen... sad



Mark you might want sachay back to the sweat pants thread, you seemed to be doing better over there.

I'm good, Fog. This is my thread, and I'll host it.

Run along.

How cool would it be to own a 300 acre horse farm and have a net worth of 10 mil? 

Very cool !

Slow people love horses. They're gentle, simple creatures.

Trump is cool because he has more than Lou? 

Don't try to reason with Fog, Slacker.

Just let him pet the horses.

No Slacker, Lou is cool because he's not Trump.

Anyone heard from my friend Graivy? 

I'm a wee bit worried about the little guy. 

Last I heard Gravy was still trying to purchase Native American artwork from Tulsa Chris' gallery of tears.

Is Mark EVER going to get anything right about me?

His batting average has taken a huge hit lately.


Mark, how do you feel about Slackers sweat pants thread outperforming your cool thread.


Fog, how are you measuring performance?

I'd be curious to hear Fog's metrics as well.

Fog? Enlighten us, please.


Only one Cool...


Do people in their 40s wear sweat pants?

Ah, answering questions with questions now are we, hmm interesting.


I believe that is a verified troll technique.

Fog with the no question mark question troll.  Again.


Alternate facts.

Not approaching 40 yet but I'd assuming dying your hair can make one cooler and look younger. Keeping Rogaine around is probably a valuable asset for on in their 40's as well 

I was hoping Fog might give us a peek into his thread success measurements.


Starting a thread seeking guidance on being cool into your 40's just screams Low T and High insecurity levels..

Nice to see you HD.

You weren't one of the zoners I really had in mind when I started this thread, Fog. 

Back to the sweatpants thread, Squirrel Beard.

Thanks Shuffle, it's good to be seen.


Right back atcha.


Time to turn off my mind, relax, and float downstream.  


Have a good Friday, everyone.  





own that shit!!!! I'm about to be 43 in a few months... I am so not cool but I think I am so that's all that matters!!

(and the last show I went to - that this photo was taken at, the young 20something year old chick next to us told me there was no way I was in my 40s :-) )

this is me at almost 43!


Looking good, Scarlet ;)


I am so not cool but I think I am so that's all that matters!!

Words to live by. Well said, Scarlet.

Do you still wear pleats in your pants, Sixy?

Was just walking by some retail store fronts and happened to catch my reflection in the window.  I stopped and thought to myself how damn good look.  Feels great being in my prime.

The over 50 crowd can feel free to live vicariously through me. 

Thank you, St. Mark. :-)  I've also dropped 30 pounds so getting older isn't so bad! I feel like I'm more confident and care less what others think of me now than when I did when I was younger. :-)

doing drug band shows? (on a weeknight?)


(((((over 50 crowd)))))


That's right before Hall dumped a beer on Barrys head.

haha, yep

Some cool zoners in this thread.

Hall is cooler than any other Zoner ever was or is.

^fake news

Hall is a beautiful man. 

Embrace Your 40s ! They Seemed To Have Flown By For Me - I Will be Double Nickles in October GNARLY ! - Where Does The Time Go ?

Nice Pic HALL !

Well done Hall.

Pay the man, or at least by him another beer.

Anybody in that picture would have had sex with Hall had he asked.

But he didn't because he's a perfect gentleman.