Republicans gave Capitol rioters "reconnaissance" tour day before siege


Some more fucked-up details coming out about the siege. Sounds like some Republican congressmen showed some of the wingnuts around the Capitol the day before as a prep mission. Apparently some of the rioters knew exactly where to go in that massive building. Jim Clyburn in particular said his secondary office were he mainly worked was trashed, while his main office, with his name on the outside that he rarely uses, was untouched. 

This sounds like a wacko conspiracy theory you'd see on the other side but there's some strange shit coming out about this. No doubt this woman's already contacted the FBI. I imagine names will appear soon.


Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) said Tuesday that she witnessed colleagues escorting people through the Capitol on Jan. 5 for what she described as "reconnaissance" ahead of the next day's violent insurrection that left five dead.

In a 13-minute Facebook video billed as an address to her constituents about the House's efforts to hold President Donald Trump accountable for inciting the riot, Sherrill included the allegation as part of a call to hold Trump's allies in Congress accountable as well.

"I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him — those members of Congress who had groups coming through the capitol that I saw on Jan. 5 for reconnaissance for the next day — those members of Congress who incited the violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy, I'm going see that they're held accountable," Sherrill said.

Sherrill did not identify the lawmakers she was referring to, how she was able to describe their activities as "reconnaissance" and how she knew they were connected to the riots that consumed the Capitol the following day. Sherrill's office was not immediately available for comment.

The startling allegation comes as lawmakers are still seeking answers about the extent of planning and coordination behind the Jan. 6 Trump rally that became the violent assault on the Capitol. Federal investigators say they're pouring enormous resources into unearthing details of a potential "seditious conspiracy" and that some of the undisclosed evidence about what happened inside the Capitol will be "shocking."

"Archivists Are Mining Parler Metadata to Pinpoint Crimes at the Capitol"


<<While all the data scraped from Parler was publicly available, archiving it allows analysts to extract the EXIF metadata from photos and videos uploaded to the social media site en masse and to examine specific ones that were taken at the insurrection on Capitol Hill. This data includes specific GPS coordinates as well as the date and time the photos were taken. These are now being analyzed in IRC chat channels by a handful of people, some of whom believe crimes can be catalogued and given to the FBI.


Metadata ex;


<<One technologist took the scraped Parler data, took every file that had GPS coordinates included within it, formatted that information into JSON, and plotted those onto a map. The technologist then shared screenshots of their map with Motherboard, showing Parler posts originating from various countries, and then the United States, and finally in or around the Capitol itself. In other words, they were able to show that Parler users were posting material from the Capitol on the day of the rioting, and can now go back into the rest of the Parler data to retrieve specific material from that time.



Makes one wonder if there weren't alternative motives behind parler, lol. (knocked down, like a bowling pin)

Trumps biggest fear is being sued over this. Each member of the Senate and anyone hurt should start filing cases, oh boy that would turn up the heat 

The Mercer family fund Parler, Breitbart and other right wing extremists tools

"Many sedition indictments coming."

the whole fucking thing is nuts.

locking up some frat boy psuedo nazi elected officials would be good, doubt it happens.

The country is very lucky that more people were't killed last week.

Not only is Brooks implicated, the current AL attorney general, Steve Marshall, is head of a committee that helped plan that "rally". 

These clowns are all realizing now why their grandparents wore hoods

>These clowns are all realizing now why their grandparents wore hoods


One of my strangest childhood memories is of driving to my grandparents house in central Florida (probably around 1975) and my sweet southern mother, raised by a pastor, opening the car windows and screaming "FUCK YOU" to the hooded clans members on the side of the road recruiting new members. I had never heard that phrase. Being raised in Northern Va, as a 7 year old I had no idea who they were.

Later in life, recalling that memory, I was incredibly proud of my mother.

ramble on > awesome

all the rest, not so much
dumb is as dumb does


haters hate, 


It was obvious some of the Capitol Police were in on it (one of them put on a MAGA hat and began showing the rioters around).

I am wondering whether any of the 20,000 national guardsmen that are pouring into Washington have been vetted for extremism?   

the worst part is this is just the beginning

^ Yup

Fuck those who protect the destroyer of democracy

Hang all conspirators



>It was obvious some of the Capitol Police were in on it (one of them put on a MAGA hat and began showing the rioters around).


and still are.

WTF allowing GOP Congressmen and women refusing to go through the newly installed  metal detectors or refusing to be searched when they set it off?!  

They're still plotting more insurrection..