the rescue package


Should have been passed imo. WTF like shooting the tires out of an ambulance. I guess it's ok to 'let rome burn' as long as it's trumps fault.

It was focussed too much on bailing out certain hand-picked big industries and didn't do enough for small businesses. Maybe v. 2.0 might be a little better.


2.0 , 3.0 Get It Right For Regular Americans ! And Fast !

Trump and His Cronies are No Ambulances

Where the fuck are all those Tea Party people who came out to protest in 2008 because we bailed out corporations instead of people? It's almost like it was a made up movement.

Fuck That Repub Package !!!!

With a phone pole.


Billions for those that don't need a bailout - oil + gas producers, big banks and insurance companies. 

With a few nickles and dimes thrown to us, the expendables. Fuck That !!!!  Once again repubs get you thinking they're Santa Claus, when actually they're still longshanks keeping you happy with scraps from his table. 

I'll wait for the dem plan that won't be so generous to frumps donors and more generous to us, if you please.

From Kevin Drum


It is remarkably difficult to get precise details about the coronavirus rescue bill that’s currently stalled in the Senate. But here are the main pieces:

The negotiations over this bill have been almost a parody of modern American political polarization. Republicans cared only about the loans to businesses and the flashy $1,200 checks for all Americans. Democrats insisted on unemployment insurance replacing 100 percent of income; money for hospitals; and making the $1,200 checks equal for everyone.

Republicans mostly caved in on the Democratic demands, but their price was an increase from $200 billion to $500 billion in the loans for big corporations. You might wonder why there was a price for this stuff. Why did Republicans have to be talked into it in the first place? There was some muttering about not trusting the states to disburse the unemployment insurance money, but in the end it was just because they’re Republicans. Putting corporations first is in their DNA or something.

Oh, and the $500 billion loan pool would be under the control of the Secretary of the Treasury and would have virtually no strings attached. It’s just a giant slush fund that the Trump administration can do anything with. Does anyone think for a second that Trump wouldn’t use this as leverage to help his friends and punish his enemies? Of course he would.

This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Democrats were willing to vote for the loan pool, but they weren’t willing to make it a Trump slush fund. Even West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who’s conservative enough that he could pass for a Republican most of the time, was apoplectic: “They’re throwing caution to the wind for average workers and people on Main Street and going balls to the wall for people on Wall Street,” he said.

So the bill failed its first vote. Negotiations will continue on Monday.


where's thom?

your team sucks dude.

I know that many are up in arms over the corporate package, but it is also needed. It has to be in conjunction with the package to individuals. However, the package to businesses must be more fair and spread out. Why the fuck should we spend money to bail out the cruise industry, which isn't even based in the US? Let Liberia, Panama and the Caymans hail out the cruise lines. That money needs to go to small businesses, not just mega corps.

if only there was a way for the average citizen to cast a vote, even symbolically, in favor of expanding the social safety net and providing quality healthcare to all americans.

Dems wanted guarantees for workers for any corp getting assistance.

GOP wanted Mnuchin to be able to secretly give it to whoever Donald wants.


Why would you support that, greg?


those "symbolic" green party votes in 2000 and 2016 were rather unhelpful, in my opinion, larry.

Where the fuck are all those Tea Party people who came out to protest in 2008 because we bailed out corporations instead of people? It's almost like it was a made up movement.>>>

That was launched in February 2009, all of a sudden after 8 years of deficit spending by Jesus Christ Hitler, Jr & his rich father's rich friends, cutting taxes for people who did not need one, while starting wars against nuclear enemies that did not exist, it was time to be fiscally responsible.

The realty is that this century's cruel, wicked, greedy, Nazi's, the Clan of the Republican, hated the new President because his skin had more pigment than their skin.  

^^centrists and corporate media spreading lies about bernie's policy, fear mongering, antisemitism, ageism, all rather unhelpful. 

katie porter is a boss.

< go to small businesses, 

Once again, this effort is being led by the states, not frumps admin. Ct's (dem) governor has already ok'd an emergency plan for an up to 2 million $ loan to small businesses that if used correctly, following certain guidelines,  don't need to be paid back, basically a free $$ grant.

This admins been a day late dollar short on every fucking thing.

Pyramid with every post you display the need for you to stfu, you are a toxic pollutant

^lol, my god.

we need grants. not loans. 

ras what's w/ the name calling? 

lol nice edit, ras. this is tough for you, i can tell.  (Wapo)




That's pretty low, attacking organizations that help the poor and disabled.

I don't think evangelicals are really Christian at all.

Be proud of your party of deplorables, Republicans.

Speaker Pelosi bill  ASAP...

Bernie does not matter in this discussion right now.


Reading  comprehension challenge

Or  psychobabble ?

DOA>Pelosi>Help on the Way...

<<<>>>Bernie does not matter in this discussion right now.

huh, id say psychobabble then--  considering bernie is pushing for use of the defense production act, and stimulus relief for essential workers -- health workers, delivery and warehouse workers, food, transit. 

Lol, Bernie is the only person who is on the senate floor right now fighting for your rights. You're just not intelligent enough to realize that. The 1k check we all get and have to pay back next year is a direct result of our broken two party system that only work for ceos and corporations. The bill trying to be passed is just a bailout for companies in disguise as help for working citizens. 

1.0 X 2.0 X  3.0 is Next

Slush Money Its Trillions And Every Sponger Repub And Repub Corporate Donor wants In The Perfect Storm for them Except The Fed Has More Powers Than Them HA HA  ! HALT

I Figured It Out just like Andy Dusfrene



Take THAT ReGurgitate GregALater PUKE Trump.


Joe Biden holds what office currently?

Biden's been in touch with governors who remember he set up the WH pandemic team.


Get back to work slackers...


what office is he running for? 

A vote against Biden is a vote for trumpism?

Psychobabble says

My personal opinion is your over the top Bernieism  and how you obsessively communicate (via insult) is a bit out of control (reminds me of the passive aggressive king whose name starts with Bry)

FYI The post above is more cogent and rational

I completely agree that Joe Biden is not a good candidate. Too old , too weak

The Democrats do not have their shit together, at all, Although they may have some good intentions

Bernie has some good concepts but personally I think they’re too out there And not realistic economically
He too is too old

I also think there is a small chance that he would be able to defeat Trump which is the most important thing for this country right now

Bernie in the senate is a good thing And the pieces and  his role that you articulate is very valuable

I am not a Democrat, I Left that party many many years ago

Where is JFK?

The Republicans Are generally just plain fucking evil, and I am comfortable saying that I hate them (even in this time when polarization and division is so extreme)

They are worse now than the good old Eisenhower Reagan Nixon years -where I grew up politically 

IMHO People that support trump are generally poor excuses for human beings

Sacrificing ethics and morals and supporting a despicable human being with so many character flaws and negative qualities 

A narcissist unable to see beyond his own nose

Who is actually very very stupid AND MORALLY CORRUPT

Completely off the rails and out of control
And right now is the worst time to have a terrible non leader during this pandemic crisis

I suspect that Trump (and by extension his supporters)  will have at least half a million dead bodies on his / their hands due to incompetence and fear of .....

negative qualities
Fake Christians
Anti women’s rights 
Big business Uber ales

Me me me me me

If Trump had disappeared like Biden, we'd all be better off.

Pyramid you ignorant slut,

that's all

Biden's not a great candidate.

Iif the economy starts to turn around by October, and the Covfefe-19 is ebbing, Trump is a shoe-in no matter who the D. nom. is.

However, if the economy still sucks and the virus is still around at that time, Trump is toast.

It depends on how the rest of the world is accurately doing in comparison . ..but even then im thinking trump wins

what's up ras. i love that greeting, btw. 

so have we all witnessed biden's dementia on national television today? 

i feel like i ate a 10 strip listening to the guy. amazing.


wow. sad stuff guys. 

the trump ads make themselves. 

Yeah but he has a stutter. Ya’ jerk.

a stutter is not an excuse for mixing up words and making no sense, thats not the way it works

The recuse package is garbage. 

Hes not stuttering in that video lol. He doesn't revenge know he's on camera in that moment.

The package is the usual repub pork. One dollar for you, 100 billion for oil.

Why you defeated bernie bros can't refocus and join the team shows precisely how clump won in the first place.

Shameful is what you be.

I'm now wondering how we can deal with all the bitching you're gonna do for the next 4 years that will all be your fault.

JaJajajJajajaja Joe vs satan, it's a no brainer folks. Like you're all so fucking perfect, you make me wana bitch slap ya's.

Stuttering stammering makin' no sence you say ?  Yet he still smoked,  absolutely burried bernie in the debate you all said would show all his faults. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Fuck I'd gladly vote for either of these guys over stump, I'm sure you would too.  Come on over fellas, look, we're all one. 


Ras, it really is amazing that even in light of this current global crisis that you still don't get it. This isn't about Bernie or Biden. It's about a horrible political system which is completely broken and barely even able to function in this current crisis. The American government is just garbage. Weird that you still don't get that.

Putting leverage and partisanship ahead of the well being of Americans Reeeaaaly helps "...this obstruction achieves nothing. ." - Mitch McConnell. this is the first thing this man has said that I've ever agreed with. Making moscow mitch look like he's the one making sense....what a fucking joke

Making sausage - REALLY EXPENSIVE sausage. 

Good Biden Joe! LOL


Are homeless people getting a piece of this package?

Razmtazz must be watching different videos of joe than the rest of us. Jump on board, you say? The man is flat out spouting incoherent gibberish. This is undeniable. Trump, on his worst day - is more coherent and present than this. Even a republican can figure that out.

That Americans are screaming for this meandering nonsense drivel-babble, over social democracy, is unforgivable.

Have fun with the Donald until 2024 dudes and dudettes. 

Buncha’ Yankee fans in here

Why you defeated bernie bros can't refocus and join the team

because ive never been on "the team" and "the team" has never done anything to earn my vote, "the team" is full of corporatists and warmongers

i did "join the team" in the last election so i could vote bernie in the primary, just like this election.

all done with my temporary democrat card. i guess i can wipe my ass with it...


look, i'll still vote for dementia joe, just not sure it will make a difference not living in a swinghole state...


That Americans are screaming for this meandering nonsense drivel-babble, over social democracy, is unforgivable.

Have fun with the Donald until 2024 dudes and dudettes. 


Dems rolling out another crusty old flawed candidate.  This one less articulate than Hillary.

because ive never been on "the team" and "the team" has never done anything to earn my vote, "the team" is full of corporatists and warmongers<<<

Team red, team blue.


I like Bernie as a human being. Not as a leader of the Planet. You got bad muthafuckers out there. They need to be dealt with in a world they only know. They don't get the peace and love vibe.

>>>>Have fun with the Donald until 2024 dudes and dudettes.

im also for Bernie over Biden. When it comes to national elections, I'm not one to cut off my nose to spite my face though. Obviously elections have consequences, be it to a kid who has been separated from his parents for the rest of their life because they had the audacity to try to escape violence and seek shelter in the USA, or someone's grandma is dying in NY because they don't have a ventilator. 

So yeah, Bernie supporters have every right to not participate. 

Gleefully telling his fellow citizens that they can all fuck off and live with the worst leader our country has ever seen isn't a great look though. The whole "I'm taking my ball and going home" reminds us all of childish and selfish behavior, because that's what it is, Mice Elf. 

>>>>Team red, team blue.



also, ridiculous

Good job brother turtle. When you use a microscope we're all flawed. Misfits unite !!

Can you believe dems had to add this to the package ?  >>**

Democrats instead negotiated to have strings attached to it. Instead of giving the Trump administration broad discretion to make the loans, Schumer and Pelosi said there will likely be a new inspector general in the Treasury Department specifically to oversee these funds, as well as a congressional oversight panel to examine how the money is being used. Schumer’s office also announced they secured a provision that will “prohibit businesses controlled by the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and heads of Executive Departments from receiving loans or investments from Treasury programs.” The children, spouses or in-laws of lawmakers and executive officials also cannot receive these loans.

Dems, the last line of defense against THEM taking all of it ($ from this stimulus + our country).  Be proud you're one.

Gonna be keeping an eye on you repub vulture fucks this time round.

Lol selfish. The reality is I am an independent in a blue state. I vote my conscience in local and state elections because this is where my vote matters. This is where a vote, in my circumstances, carries actual weight and meaning. And I actually do have a grandma in New York, so you can stick that bullshit right back up where you found it.

Bucky what is your actual response to sleepy joe’s repeated nonsensical mumbling psychobabble in (what are otherwise mostly scripted) interviews, when asked softball questions (with the answers already there for him on a Teleprompter) on national television?


I hope your grandma comes through this OK, I'm sorry she could be vulnerable. Perhaps with a different President, she wouldn't be in this situation. 

How bout you, doc? Care to respond to the substance there?

Appreciate the well wishes.

Bucky dodges.


cornavius fucked up ras's brain. 


>>>Bucky dodges

i already started Bernie>Biden. I'm not a Biden fan. I'd actually prefer a younger candidate altogether but it doesn't look like that's an option anymore. 

if we had weighted voting, my vote would go like this


2) Biden 

infinity and beyond) Trump

if you think that makes me the enemy, then that's on you. 

I know who you like. I never said you're my enemy. I don't really have enemies. At least not that I know of.

I am asking for your response to how much of joe's recent tv appearance time has ended up. How do you think these types of responses will serve him when he is literally being verbally dismembered by dt? Is joe's level of coherence in these appearances representative of his voting base? Is it a sample of something that is going to get better for him as this election progresses, or will it get worse? Tell me how joe is inspiring ANY amount of confidence here, please.

because in my eyes it's pretty much / borderline elder abuse putting him up there

Ras is a republican right? Pretty much shares the same exact values, he just doesn't know it. Pretty sad.

Several Republican senators said the bill needed to be changed to ensure that laid-off workers would not be paid more than they earned on the job.

"This bill pays you more not to work than if you were working," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close Trump ally, told a news conference.

Democrats scoffed in response, noting that employees cannot collect unemployment if they leave their jobs voluntarily.

"Why would the senators hold up this really important bill ... because they resent people at the low end of the spectrum who have lost their jobs, from getting $600?" House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked on CNN.

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he was prepared to block the bill if Republicans did not drop those objections.

>>>>>I am asking for your response

i'll pass but there are a good half-dozen idiots around here that I'm sure you can get to engage with you


how can you not vote for this man?

hes the only one actually looking out for the working class. even during this crisis. incredible. 

people say he won't get shit done as president (which is absurd and lazy thinking)....

you know what, fine. that means shit won't get any worse at least, like it does under every other dem and repub president. 


btw biden is highly unqualified to be president, is a serial sexual predator and has dementia. 

bernie gonna whoop his ass again in the next debate. 

pay attention this time, ras. 

^ Seriously bro, you n tinpan stop it, yer gonna hurt yerselves



been a rough week for ras. 

So, did the repugs get their no strings slush fund? What concessions did the Dems get  to pass it?

More of the same corruption that only Bernie is against.   Take our tax dollars and just give it to the rich so they can buy back their stock.  Meanwhile the workers get pissed on. 

every vote for biden is a vote to re-elect trump. 

biden is a pathological liar, plagiarist, rapist, and has dementia. 

ras, ned, and other centrists -- how do you justify supporting a sexual predator, you know, like trump? 

does it not matter now b/c it's your team? 


WTF OG?  This thread is about the rescue package.  No-one wants Bernie more than I, but dude, give it a rest.

you're saying this deserves its own thread?




^^^^^^^^This isn't a Bernie Sanders rescue package thread

Fuck President Back McPatterson and his daily briefing. Why do the american people need to go back to work and risk there lives??? Oh rich people need all of us to work to keep them rich see stock market. Money makes money world.

pyramid, that does call for it's own thread.

corporations are loving this corona bs. 

united states of corporate america. 

The appropriation of the single biggest number literally says "large corporations: other". Bwa 

If corporations are people, why aren't corporations each getting $1200?

The large corporations should get loans and the small businesses should get relief. As a society we can't let either fail, because when this shitshow ends, if there are no corps or small businesses, there won't be jobs to go back to.

Then maybe it will be time to rebuild this sinking ship.

Time to buckle up kids there is no road map for where we are going with this, and having the worlds most successful grifter and his cronies in charge of disbursing the money doesn't fill me with a whole lot of confidence.  

From WSJ.

“Mr. Trump has told people he wants his signature to appear on the direct payment checks that will go out to many Americans in the coming weeks, according to an administration official. The White House didn’t comment. Normally, a civil servant—the disbursing officer for the payment center—would sign federal checks, said Don Hammond, a former senior Treasury Department official.”

the democrats like suck...



Mob boss...

What is a word for anti Ethical