A Respectable, Civil Discussion on the Ramifications of a Stolen Election






     I'd like to redouble my efforts of achieving civility while broaching this most sensitive subject, I think there are unforeseen consequences that some of you may not be anticipating, for instance...how do we claim the moral high ground as the beacon of democracy for the planet if we allow this to move forward?

     I think in the mad scramble to facilitate the removal of a president by hook or by crook that some may have issues with, we're contemplating paying the untenable price of sacrificing the integrity of the principle of democracy which happens to be the bedrock of this delicate experiment...forget for a moment the president, and focus on the institution of the presidency and the viability of the republic.

     Biden's theft will not and cannot stand.

     Thank you. 





Fuck off, troll.





     "Respectful" even...Mike gets it.




     cool band names, "the Respectables" or "the Respectfuls"



     "A Respectful, Civil Discussion"...the glory of such a treasure, I would expect such a thing from aficionados of Phil playing bass and other such pleasures of the spirit


I think Mike has it about right but I'll humor you for a minute.

Biden won by every fair measure, arguably the same way and manner in which Trump won four years ago. There have been no state(s) showing an ability, despite some wishing that they could, to produce any fraudulent attempts or successes to show anything to the contrary in an election that has been widely reported as the most secure in our history. Trump is repeatedly failing in court in his attempts to flip the election in his favor. What is missing for you to accept the results of this cornerstone of democracy?

Evidence?  So far you've got that condescending holier than though shit down pact, but you've never had any facts to back any of your claims...   meanwhile, we've got tomes of information backing our various stands, from Russia to voter suppression.  So far, there's a lot of evidence of the Republicans fucking with the election, many different ways, almost every state, some illegal, some based on recent laws passed to squelch voting amungst the black communities...  quite disgusting and anti democratic!!!   

Meanwhile, the "whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" presidential philosophy continues...  


Accuse the other side of all the illegal and unethical acts you yourself are perpetrating, and republicans buy it up as truth, well, sorry Bryen, it's not true, it's all quite easily provable to be false. 


So I ask you, is following all the information given to you by an Australian (Murdock) really make you a patriot, most of us here consider you to be a very arrogant clueless troll...  no evidence, can't renounce a number of social wrongs (child abuse by the catholic church, systemic racism, sexism, etc).

Hope you had a great thanksgiving, try some new sources of information, ones that actually fact check out, we are worried you spend way to much time in a misinformed echo chamber...

longtime lurker.  rarely post.  been wondering for some time now.

bryen = boko ?


Look, man, I know it's a tough loss, but you're going to have to come to terms with it, for it was the will of the people. The time to come forward and make a case has passed. We all have to accept whit is the new reality.

You lost ZOTY fair and square, to a broken phone nonetheless. If anyone was pulling for you it was me. I tried. We just have to move on, B-ry. Losing to a broken, inanimate object has to sting, by you always have your PL&F stubs to get you through.




     For the record...one of many "glitches" that coincidentally favor one candidate







     I think we're beyond the point most fair minded people deny it was stolen, I'm more interested in your thoughts on it remaining to be so, the price is too high, which is a concept I've yet to see discussed.

     There is no way this will be allowed to stand, it simply cannot stand.




I have only made one request in all the many years I have been a member of both The PhilZone and Vivalazone, please for the betterment of this site, trash the troll with Trump. On January 20th as Trump is escorted kicking and screaming in handcuffs from the White House, I again urge and implore the administration of this site that it is only appropriate that this fucking imbecilic douche bag Bryen be banished from the zone. I would be most willing to discuss this with the administration if necessary. Enough is enough. We cannot begin to heal and attempt to get back to some sort of normalcy on this site with the likes of this poisonous person continuing to exist here. 





            Explain this [please and thank you] 



For the record,  you lost it in the burbs bitch. Not the cities you base your pathetic argument on. See you at the Russian Tea Room 1/20/21 4:20 pm. It's on my calendar.  



Where's the evidence?  What's the record in the court system so far ... 1 in 39?








             or this...










I guess you didn't hear about yet another scathing decision by a judge appointed by Trump yesterday,

that yet again crushed one of his lawsuits, due to, you know, zero evidence of any wrongdoing.

Neat little fake graphic you made there, though.

Troll away the dew, "Bry"......

Here's the answer to your question dumb fuck.


The 1.8 million figure represents the number of mail-in ballots that Pennsylvania reported had been requested by persons registered as Democrats as of the voter registration deadline of Oct. 19. That figure did not include the hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that were also requested by persons registered as Republicans (or persons registered with third parties affiliations or with no party affiliation) as of that date:





     The discussion point being, how can you teach schoolchildren civics class when the worst kept secret on earth is the 2020 election was stolen?

     Can someone answer that conundrum?

     Thank you.

More bad info there shithead. Those towns are in Minnesota.  But your genius law team couldn't figure that out.




Ask for evidence, get misinformation...



The sad thing will be having to teach our school children how after four years of shitting on our country, a pathetic loser tried to take down our democracy by crying he lost a fair election and 75% of the morons who support him believe him. Sad times indeed.  

 Can someone answer that conundrum?<<<

There's only one conundrum:  in the absence of any credible evidence, how are you not actively subverting the Rule of Law at its very core; and in turn, why should you expect anyone to treat you in the future with a respect for the Rule of Law?





     Kindly explain these 10 things...


Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling

If only cranks find the tabulations strange, put me down as a crank

Patrick Basham


November 27th 2020


To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 presidential election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank or a conspiracy theorist. Mark me down as a crank, then. I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.


First, consider some facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016, the third largest rise in support ever for an incumbent. By way of comparison, President Obama was comfortably reelected in 2012 with 3.5 million fewer votes than he received in 2008.

Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites.


He earned the highest share of all minority votes for a Republican since 1960. Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016. Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose.


Trump increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent. With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. Bellwether states swung further in Trump’s direction than in 2016. Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump. Sinc1852, only Richard Nixon has lost the electoral college after winning this trio, and that 1960 defeat to John F. Kennedy is still the subject of great suspicion.


Midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin always swing in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory. He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.


We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.


Victorious presidential candidates, especially challengers, usually have down-ballot coattails; Biden did not. The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, where they gained a large number of seats while winning all 27 toss-up contests. Trump’s party did not lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level.


Another anomaly is found in the comparison between the polls and non-polling metrics. The latter include: party registrations trends; the candidates’ respective primary votes; candidate enthusiasm; social media followings; broadcast and digital media ratings; online searches; the number of (especially small) donors; and the number of individuals betting on each candidate.


Despite poor recent performances, media and academic polls have an impressive 80 percent record predicting the winner during the modern era. But, when the polls err, non-polling metrics do not; the latter have a 100 percent record. Every non-polling metric forecast Trump’s reelection. For Trump to lose this election, the mainstream polls needed to be correct, which they were not. Furthermore, for Trump to lose, not only did one or more of these metrics have to be wrong for the first time ever, but every single one had to be wrong, and at the very same time; not an impossible outcome, but extremely unlikely nonetheless.


Atypical voting patterns married with misses by polling and non-polling metrics should give observers pause for thought. Adding to the mystery is a cascade of information about the bizarre manner in which so many ballots were accumulated and counted.


The following 10 peculiarities also lack compelling explanations:


1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers


2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio


3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions


4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures


5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’


6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing


7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes


8. ‘Over votes.’ Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million ballots, but 2.5 million ballots were returned. In 10 Pennsylvania counties, Biden secured more votes than there were registered Democratic voters. In Nevada, there are 77,982 more votes in the presidential election than total ballots cast; Biden’s current margin is 33,596. Ballots exceeded the number of residents by 2.5 times in some Georgia precincts


9. Serious ‘chain of custody’ breakdowns. Invalid residential addresses. Record numbers of dead people voting. Ballots in pristine condition without creases, that is, they had not been mailed in envelopes as required by law


10. Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened.


If you think that only weirdos have legitimate concerns about these findings and claims, maybe the weirdness lies in you.





>>>>>how can you teach schoolchildren civics class when the worst kept secret on earth is the 2020 election was stolen?  Can someone answer that conundrum?  Thank you.


A conundrum in your own "mind". only.

As the election was not stolen (yet, Trump still trying), there is no conundrum.

Kindly explain these 10 things..<<<

Why should anyone be kind to someone engaged in Sedition?

with civility and not reading a single item here

FOAD  - far away from here or deadheads / hippies everywhere





     For 244 years we were the beneficiaries of being recognized as the standard bearers of the advancement of free and fair elections...are you willing to throw that by the wayside as a means of unseating a president you don't particularly care for?  That's an unthinkably high price to pay for such a convenience, I don't see that as a viable move on the chessboard...in my very humble opinion, that will not be allowed to happen.



i thought this was about the al gore debacle.

Point of Order:

  1. Bryen has consistently and repeatedly demonstrated that he is not capable of having a discussion; he spouts fake facts and does not respond to others who attempt to reason with him; and,
  2. You cannot reason with someone who is batshit crazy.

Hi Bryen! HahaHahahahahahahaahaha!


Is this the nonsense making your brain spin back and forth Bryen? 

Powell then spun a tale involving deceased Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez; billionaire Democrat George Soros; Lord Malloch-Brown, whom she described as "Mr. Soros' number two person in the U.K."; the Clinton Foundation; "the massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China in the interference with our elections"; and election software designed to facilitate cheating via "an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden." By Powell's account, "we might never have uncovered [this scheme] had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system, and that's what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in."

Has john's book outsold Art of The Deal yet?

Can't wait.


Seriously, lock this shit-stirring scumbag out already.





     ...strange bedfellows 






Point of Order:

  1. Bryen has consistently and repeatedly demonstrated that he is not capable of having a discussion; he spouts fake facts and does not respond to others who attempt to reason with him<<<

True enough, but at least he'll have been warned for the blowback that will come down upon the nation and himself after having subverted the Rule of Law.

If he's going to piss and shit in the headwaters of what makes us live together in relative peace, he ought not be surprised when other things downstream aren't "respectable or civil".  






     for archival purposes...



     ...that reminds me of the time I was kind of walking around San Francisco a bit aimlessly and stumbled upon the archive.org building, which I think Phil had quite a bit to do with, but needless to say it was quite impressive.




I'm trying to understand what makes Bryen's posts so special to folks that they need to react. Is there any reason to react or respond other than you want to play his game?
I read that some might like him blocked from posting, and I wonder, would we draw the line on other points of view?

There is nothing respectful about his posting here, yet he would tell us to think there is. We all know what he spouts and presumably, where it comes from, and our irritation that comes from his posting style is his thing.

He's not a good Zoner. Consider scrolling by. If you seriously want to talk about it, send us an email using the Contact button.

The only ramification is we have you and your pathetic posts to sift through...still no evidence ? Sorry but ur still just an idiot troll


From Bryen to Byen







                                                                                                          [[[good zoners]]]







Think Rudy has a popsicle to show you again, you clearly have been spending time there already 
















Trump Lost.

The best thing is that now more people participate in democracy.  

I am hoping that empowers those who had thought their vote doesn't count.




Do the Trump cultists and trolls like 'Bryen'  actually want us to believe that all of the Judges hearing the election fraud cases - even the Trump appointed Judges - are part of the 'conspiracy' by the left, the liberals and Soros!!! to steal the election from Trump? Have they gone completely mad?

In a scathing 21-page opinion, the 3rd Circuit said “Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does  not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We  have neither here. Voters, not lawyers, choose the  President. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections.” Pennsylvania's Secretary of State certified the results Tuesday, making official Biden's win by more than 81,000 votes.


Trolls  like 'Bryen'  aren't fooling anyone here, and having a window into the Trump cultists' insanity isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's not like anyone here believes the utter BS he spews and shares from his far right sites like Parler. Maybe give him more rope here.






     Breaking News...














    “It was Shakespeare who promised that the truth will out. Ofttimes, that feels like a dicey proposition. But Wednesday’s hearing was a point for the Bard. Slowly but surely, the truth is being made clear.”  -David Marcus, New York Post


lol, someone tweeted some BS  ^

The funniest thing is seeing the GOP eat their own and telling Republicans not to vote for the GOP candidates in the Georgia run off because the election is so fraught with fraud. Even Trump echoed those sentiments, he's such a sore loser that he really doesn't care 





               ...trust me, that won't be the funniest thing, stay tuned :)






Ok, Nostradumbass ^

I seem to remember this:


Nothing was stolen. Trump L O S T.

Buh Bye, kook.




     Love Minus Zero/No Limit







Chuck Callesto

Do you know someone that WITNESSED voting irregularities during the 2020 election? Looking for real numbers, please R/T..



You wouldn't even know where to start with a Dylan song bry so do us a favor and don't try to dress up a troll thread, we see through your mask


When you send your next payment ask why we're not contesting election results in all the dominion states instead of just the ones trump lost





    Fish...all due respect and proprieties, much love, but I've definitely been to more Dylan shows than anyone frequenting this venue, I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but there is no human currently posting that has covered more ground seeing the poet laureate of a generation, maybe you were suggesting otherwise, I also took it up as a hobby to learn a ridiculous amount of Dylan tunes on guitar.

     I could probably play a few requests



     I always thought of all else fails I could make a living being in a Kingston Trio cover band in Japan, but these days I'm just excited to sell lemonade.


     Namaste Beautiful People 


     https://youtu.be/MBlb5dzHrec       *




*  I had the good fortune of meeting Rita in Humboldt














     Phil played this venue 13 years ago, it was an epic evening 







I'm starving, What's for dinner.

I'm almost lazy enough for Dominos delivery



            "I'm starving, What's for dinner?"






although pizza hut delivers these tasty parmesan garlic boneless chicken wings

yum, corporate salt













^^^Fish...all due respect and proprieties, much love, but I've definitely been to more Dylan shows than anyone frequenting this venue, I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but there is no human currently posting that has covered more ground seeing the poet laureate of a generation, maybe you were suggesting otherwise, I also took it up as a hobby to learn a ridiculous amount of Dylan tunes on guitar.

bwahahaha, now I know you are full of shit. Low brow masquerade, fella. Only an asshole would assume the way you do

Ok lets. 


I would hope that B-ry doesn't get the boot for simply being a Trumpfuck.

>> but I've definitely been to more Dylan shows than anyone frequenting this venue,-

immense LOL - and an academy award
congrats ZOTY for providing the most laughs and getting (some of) the attention you so desperately crave

" but I've definitely had more psychotic breakdowns than anyone frequenting this venue"
Gold, pure gold I say

Different opinion.

Bad zoner.





     "and an academy award"



Well, Trump definitely violates every single principle Gandhi ever had...    


<<Is there any reason to react or respond other than you want to play his game?


judit, it's nothing new. i think we all know that viva would be a ghost town without bryen threads, cannabis threads (during the season) and us arguing over politics the rest of the time. good vibes and birthday threads can only go so far. 

<<Is there any reason to react or respond other than you want to play his game?


judit, it's nothing new. i think we all know that viva would be a ghost town without bryen threads, and us arguing over politics the rest of the time (I guess they're both kinda the same). good vibes and birthday threads can only go so far. 

Lol. Trump is tweeting Diamond and Silk to try to show claims of voter fraud are true. What a continuing dumbshit embarrassment this guy is.

I'm trying to understand what makes Bryen's posts so special to folks that they need to react. Is there any reason to react or respond other than you want to play his game?<<<

Were the few who initially spoke up against the nazis playing their game?

But yeah, it IS akin to spinning one's wheels in the sand; however, at a rudimentary level, I call it "fair warning" ... since the logical trajectory of his "game" won't be pretty.  Should not all available means to make another see reason be exhausted before force becomes the only avenue that will be understood?  To be clear, Bryen & Co. are the one's who are stoking conflict by virtue of not accepting the results of a free and fair election - with zero evidence to the contrary.

Even if Bryen is simply a cowardly "keyboard warrior", his voice has lent itself to the larger base to provide traction for the Kyle Rittenhouse's that are standing back and standing by.


Trump is currently 1-39 in court and PA has zero pending challenges to the outcome in the state, nevermind any credible claims of "fraud".


Its all over but the cryin, bryen.




Getting back to your "rough look"


This nonsense just serves to highlight your stupidity. 


Defending the Catholic Church, regarding their pedophile priests, and dismissing genocide, by stating that you are sure atrocities were committed by both sides, reveals that you are amoral, with more than a touch evil.




That the zones self proclaimed foremost authority on all things under god and everything turns out to be a fraud is no surprise. Our very own Oz the great and terrible. Your revolution is over. The bums lost. Stick to your other personas

Your idol shits himself, you too I bet -

Open SmartNews and read "Former ‘Apprentice’ Staffer Claims Donald Trump Wore Diapers On Set: ‘He Would Often Soil Himself’" here: https://smartnews.link/news/LhE4 
To read it on the web, tap here: https://smartnews.link/w/bGrU

There is nothing respectful about your continuous trolling and this is an uncivil answer, GFY. 

Rudy was a two term mayor of New York City lol. Wrap your head around that shit


^Giuliani was not the deranged fool that he is today. Remember, he helped take down some mafia heavy weights.  The one that baffles me is John Street serving two terms as Philly's mayor 

> all else fails I could make a living being in a Kingston Trio cover band in Japan,<

Flyren, Welcome back. Was worried about you. Must be so exhausting being a big dick political operative in Trumpland -- you could probably use a relaxing trip to Japan after losing all those court cases. Waiting for the bombshell evidence can be so tiring, I know.

I just saw the pictures you posted of your last trip there:

Regaling the natives with tales of voter fraud

Japanese Penis Festival.jpg

Enjoying the local cuisine


(Hey say what you will about Bryen, at least he's only delusional and not delusional and mean spirited.)



Bryen is the new kirley of the zone with a different playbook.

I disagree. Rudy is another joke that lives on in American politics. Back then when he was mayor he wasn't much different but people choose to believe what they want. 

Guiliani helped create Fox News. 


Different opinion.

Bad zoner.



quite the post by admin. up there. it's the liberal way tho, and becoming ever more apparent. 


also lol @ guliani used to be OK. 

here, just for our neoliberal fucks:





Pyramid, you continue to demonstrate your poor reading comprehension. I didn't say that Giuliani was ok, and I'm not saying that he was a good mayor, but he wasn't batshit crazy, like he is now. 


Or is it that you intentionally misrepresent what people say?





>>> here, just for our neoliberal fucks: <<<

maybe we can get some glenn greenwald quotes?

david sirota



Rudy might have been just as crazy, but not have had a reason to put it all on display.  How many people do you know that have actually "changed" that much in their adult lives?

I suspect a lot of his current behavior can be explained by a motivation of fear; perhaps from being totally exposed in a most luminous or embarrassing manner.  Another possibility is he's literally afraid for his life.


>How many people do you know that have actually "changed" that much in their adult lives?<



Precipitous cognitive decline?

I hate it when Bryen starts these threads, but I like it when the zone takes them back from the wackadoodle.

All the stolen votes are in the monolith 

With other Biden deniers chiming  in


amazing spin 

kinda birds of a neo feather 


Incontinence ??   Only in America   Ship of fools


shat upon


Precipitous cognitive decline?<<<

It's certainly possible and maybe there's a bit of it in the mix, but I more strongly suspect him acting like a "cornered animal".

You don't have to be a Biden denier to know that bry is a jack ass

Я хотел бы удвоить свои усилия по достижению вежливости, затрагивая этот самый деликатный вопрос, я думаю, что есть непредвиденные последствия, которых некоторые из вас могут не предвидеть, например ... как мы можем претендовать на моральное превосходство в качестве маяка демократия для планеты, если мы позволим этому двигаться вперед? Я думаю, что в сумасшедшей борьбе за отстранение президента всеми правдами и неправдами, с которой у некоторых могут возникнуть проблемы, мы собираемся заплатить неприемлемую цену за принесение в жертву целостности принципа демократии, который является основой всего этого. тонкий эксперимент ... Забудьте на мгновение о президенте и сосредоточьтесь на институте президентства и жизнеспособности республики. Кража Байдена не выдержит и не выдержит. Спасибо.

YA khotel by udvoit' svoi usiliya po dostizheniyu vezhlivosti, zatragivaya etot samyy delikatnyy vopros, ya dumayu, chto yest' nepredvidennyye posledstviya, kotorykh nekotoryye iz vas mogut ne predvidet', naprimer ... kak my mozhem pretendovat' na moral'noye prevoskhodstvo v kachestve mayaka demokratiya dlya planety, yesli my pozvolim etomu dvigat'sya vpered? YA dumayu, chto v sumasshedshey bor'be za otstraneniye prezidenta vsemi pravdami i nepravdami, s kotoroy u nekotorykh mogut vozniknut' problemy, my sobirayemsya zaplatit' nepriyemlemuyu tsenu za prineseniye v zhertvu tselostnosti printsipa demokratii, kotoryy yavlyayetsya osnovoy vsego etogo. tonkiy eksperiment ... Zabud'te na mgnoveniye o prezidente i sosredotoch'tes' na institute prezidentstva i zhiznesposobnosti respubliki. Krazha Baydena ne vyderzhit i ne vyderzhit. Spasibo.

Brian -you're right - they stole this one from us

but let's take solace knowing we got them in 2016

and our message of hate, racism, ignorance and conspiracy theories

is only getting stronger - so let's cross the Rappahannock and hunker down for a while

Ivanka 2024 is just around the corner !

the very future of the kakistocracy  is at stake

Я всегда думал обо всех других неудачах, которые я мог бы заработать на жизнь в кавер-группе Kingston Trio в Японии, но сейчас я просто рад продавать лимонад.

Намасте красивые люди


He's not a zoner with a different opinion.  

He's is a stranger's dog dragging his ass on your carpet.



Фил играл здесь 13 лет назад, это был грандиозный вечер


"He's is . . . "

Pre-caffeine communication hard.blush

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thod doesn't approve of independent journalism. 

only corporate entertainment media hacks. 

thod cares now. 

Trump spending $3 million for a recount in Wisconsin only for it to gain Biden 132 more votes. Priceless 

Am I the only one who ran that through a translator?

Rainbow trout?

lol @ BK

Russian spam and disinformation takes many forms, comrade.

> only corporate entertainment media hacks

ogkb, you been spanking it to pics of Amy Goodman?

Trump throwing the FBI and Justice Dept under the bus..both agencies run by Trump appointees. This conspiracy to steal the election from Trump goes beyond the deep state to his own people?!


советские шпионы плывут вверх по течению под видом форели

Чем больше тем лучше. Добро пожаловать, жидкая обезьяна.

Думаю, кремль мне воду дозировал! Будь ты проклят, Путин!

This thread got weird.

Always trust a prankster, Timpane. Always.


Different opinion.

Bad zoner.




It's funny that Racket and pyramidheat interpret my post as suggesting that because someone has different opinions they are bad zoners and should be canceled. Read my post again, please.

Thanks to the people who sent emails about this.

I'm unveiling a new covid vaccine thread coming soon, Judit. Hopefully, we get some great difference of opinions and pointless arguing that we all have grown to love in most political zoner threads.

Really hoping to see a lot of people feeling uncomfortable and angry for no reason. Should be a classic.


^ soooo needy


not your year bruh


Don't worry, Thod. You will have time to get all whiney on the upcoming thread. A fifty plus yr old man using the word "bruh" is why I keep coming back to this place. Great stuff.

c'mon admit

you like hangin' with the olds


we won't tell you who to vote for (winky face)


Hangin' with the olds>>>

You guys are cool for the most part. Sometimes you all try to equate with anger to make up for low T but I don't blame ya'll for that.

<<<>>>Read my post again, please.

i did. seems edited. 

Seems about the same to me. What looks edited?

Edited? No. I haven't made any changes, it's precisely as I wrote and posted.

<<Thanks to the people who sent emails about this.

no problem. sorry the 3rd one was so long!

Has anyone seen Bryen? He seems to be missing and I'm kind of concerned.


Bryen,You gotta stop, man.  I know it's embarrassing to have voted for an autocratic dictator, but you did.  This embarrassing attempt to overthrow the most secure election in history does nothing but undermine our Democracy.  To ask us to be civil is ridiculous.  The country has just endured the most uncivil president in history.  How does a man take the oath of office as the leader of the free world call countries shitholes?  He calls reporters 'lightweights' when he doesn't like a question.  Mr. Trump played golf one out five days as the president.  These behaviors are infuriating to people.  So if you're looking for a civil debate don't continue this disgusting display.

Admin,  Bryen if a jerk but please do not ban him.  His right to lie should not be oppressed..  Lies are only exposed when they are heard.

Long Live the Grateful Dead.

Yeah, the list needs a good whippin boy

>>>>Trump spending $3 million for a recount in Wisconsin only for it to gain Biden 132 more votes. Priceless 

Trump spending $3 million of his followers' money for a recount in Wisconsin only for it to gain Biden 132 more votes. Priceless.   No sympathy for anyone who donated money to this lost cause.   Trump was a good con man.   I will give him that. 


Bryen must be flat because he sure isn't too sharp.

Bryen - the entire premise of your post is a non-starter considering there was no fraud.  none.  Zero.  nada.  Not a stolen election.  Chump's own lawyers won't even allege fraud in signed court documents.  Surely by now you must realize that EVERYTHING you have been posting and promising to happen hasn't and won't or maybe your just a paid troll.  Ether way - we here all get a good laugh at your expense so thanks for that 

<<Thanks to the people who sent emails about this.

no problem. sorry the 3rd one was so long!


lol,  pretty sad if someone sent an email.

4winds, in my post yesterday at 3:33, I asked for emails if people seriously wanted to talk about Bryen's posting and ways to address it. I received well thought out emails from 2 thoughtful and smart people, one an active zoner, and the other an old zoner/now lurker, which gave me ideas of the ways those people are thinking about his posts and what's going on here. Gave me more to think about. Too bad JR's email didn't make it.

<received well thought out emails 


<<an old zoner/now lurker




Did he ever think about just not clicking on the thread? That would solve his issues.


zuckerberg stays far away - IT's ok judit to stay at arms length away as well   - my $ .02








     ...the beautiful speech is actually from 6:35-10:36


     I should have mentioned that Saturday 


     I love you all unconditionally 









     Sir Ben Kingsley 

     Best Actor *




    * as beautifully masterful as any actor has every played any role.













Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame
By The Editors, National Review
November 30, 2020

President Trump said the other day that he’d leave office if he loses the vote of the Electoral College on December 14.

This is not the kind of assurance presidents of the United States typically need to make, but it was noteworthy given Trump’s disgraceful conduct since losing his bid for reelection to Joe Biden on November 3.

Behind in almost all the major polls, Trump stormed within a hair’s breadth in the key battlegrounds of winning reelection, and his unexpectedly robust performance helped put Republicans in a strong position for the post-Trump-presidency era. This is not nothing. But the president can’t stand to admit that he lost and so has insisted since the wee hours of Election Night that he really won — and won “by a lot.”

There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes (some jurisdictions, bizarrely, take weeks to complete their initial count), but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

Almost nothing that the Trump team has alleged has withstood the slightest scrutiny. In particular, it’s hard to find much that is remotely true in the president’s Twitter feed these days. It is full of already-debunked claims and crackpot conspiracy theories about Dominion voting systems. Over the weekend, he repeated the charge that 1.8 million mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were mailed out, yet 2.6 million were ultimately tallied. In a rather elementary error, this compares the number of mail-ballots requested in the primary to the number of ballots counted in the general. A straight apples-to-apples comparison finds that 1.8 million mail-in ballots were requested in the primary and 1.5 million returned, while 3.1 million ballots were requested in the general and 2.6 million returned.

Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.

Elected Republicans have generally taken the attitude that the president should be able to have his day in court. It’s his legal right to file suits, of course, but he shouldn’t pursue meritless litigation in Hail Mary attempts to get millions of votes tossed out. This is exactly what he’s been doing, it’s why reputable GOP lawyers have increasingly steered clear, and it’s why Trump has suffered defeat after defeat in court.

In its signature federal suit in Pennsylvania, the Trump team argued that it violated the equal-protection clause of the U.S. Constitution for some Pennsylvania counties to let absentee voters fix or “cure” their ballots if they contained an error while other counties didn’t. It maintained that it was another constitutional violation for Trump election observers not to be allowed in close proximity to the counting of ballots. On this basis, the Trump team sought to disqualify 1.5 million ballots and bar the certification of the Pennsylvania results or have the Pennsylvania General Assembly appoint presidential electors.

By the time the suit reached the Third Circuit, it had been whittled down to a relatively minor procedural issue (whether the Trump complaint could be amended a second time in the district court). The Trump team lost on that question, and the unanimous panel of the Third Circuit (in an opinion written by a Trump appointee) made it clear that the other claims lacked merit as well. It noted that the suit contained no evidence that Trump and Biden ballots or observers were treated differently, let alone evidence of fraud. Within reason, it is permissible for counties to have different procedures for handling ballots, and nothing forced some counties to permit voters to cure flawed absentee ballots and others to decline to do so.

Not that it mattered. The court pointed out that the suit challenged the procedures to fix absentee ballots in seven Democratic counties, which don’t even come close to having enough cured ballots to change the outcome in the state; the counties might have allowed, at most, 10,000 voters to fix their ballots, and even if every single one of them voted for Biden, that’s still far short of Biden’s 80,000-plus margin in the state.

The idea, as the Trump team stalwartly maintains, that the Supreme Court is going to take up this case and issue a game-changing ruling is fantastical. Conservative judges have consistently rejected Trump’s flailing legal appeals, and the justices are unlikely to have a different reaction.

Trump’s most reprehensible tactic has been to attempt, somewhat shamefacedly, to get local Republican officials to block the certification of votes and state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in clear violation of the public will. This has gone nowhere, thanks to the honesty and sense of duty of most of the Republicans involved, but it’s a profoundly undemocratic move that we hope no losing presidential candidate ever even thinks of again.

Getting defeated in a national election is a blow to the ego of even the most thick-skinned politicians and inevitably engenders personal feelings of bitterness and anger. What America has long expected is that losing candidates swallow those feelings and at least pretend to be gracious. If Trump’s not capable of it, he should at least stop waging war on the outcome.


Is Tim in pain?





    "as beautifully masterful as any actor has ever played any role."



     I would challenge anyone to state otherwise...he "becomes" Gandhi 





     If anyone is interested in taking to the stage I would advise them to become Sir Ben becoming Gandhi, as my golf pro often advises me to replicate what they're doing on the PGA Tour, as that's how they found themselves there

It's worn thin, Bryen. You're not relevant anymore.



     Sir Ben Kingsley  

     Good Morning America   







^fuck that guy -- hopefully he gets covid and dies. 

here is all the times biden has been accused of acting inappropriately w/ women and girls. 

this is who you supported in the primary? excuse me, rather, didn't have the balls to take a stance against in the primary?

thank you. 



<as my golf pro often advises me to replicate what they're doing on the PGA Tour>

In the false world you inhabit, is "golf pro" code for your colon-rectal specialist?



I stopped reading at the third bullet point...

Tara reede is mentioned in that third bullet point.


Could you find me a source which doesn't cite discredited accusations. 



Why are you bothered by the fact that I wasn't happy with any of the Democratic candidates in the primary?



just reminding you that your neolib support gave us trump and will give us the next more intelligent, more dangerous trump. 

thank you for your service. 


Cool, thanks for the 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

And thanks for those 200+ judges who Trump gave a lifetime appointment.

Thanks for helping to erect a 20-25 year judicial roadblock for most progressive policies. 


you don't understand. haha. 

we're completely fucked b/c of maga dems like yourself, where you've convinced yourself pragmatism is what you practice, yet we're worse off now than ever before in recent memory, going back decades. 

that SC is on you. those judges are on you and your corporate apologist friends. 

and it's only going to get worse. 

odd thing is, you're obviously smart -- so are you afraid of change or do you not support real change for americans -- like m4a, canceling  student debt, ubi, criminal justice reform, livable wage, etc etc. 

your establishment incrementalism has caused the largest ever wealth gap, an environment on fire, and the full blown modern suffocation of minorities. 


Damn, Lumber, you're pretty powerful, to be able to cause all those problems.

BK lives in the same state as heat so he's as much to blame as heat, right?


neera tanden is gonna continue to make the bernie bros full melt, again.

fuck your delicate sensibilities.


bernie will vote for her, lol


it was really simple

vote for hillary 

instead of trump.

now covid is out of control

thanks to trump


grow the fuck up.


The majority of Americans are not "progressive". Thus, they will not nominate or elect a "progressive" candidate.

You sound like a white supremacist that doesn't like Democracy. 

^^^thod, thank you. thod mad. thod cares. 

<<<>>>neera tanden is gonna continue to make the bernie bros full melt, again.

fuck your delicate sensibilities.

man, you're such a brainwashed fool. you just run w/ whatever the corporate media entertainment funnels into your hollow skull. 

bernie bros bad. evil. 

neera good. hahahahaahhaa. 

tanden supports cuts to SS. 

where is weird steve to yell that isn't true? 

and yes, when bernie votes for her, itll make him supreme cuck. 

she was a main architect of the aca, bro mad ^

she's the president of the center for american progress, bro mad ^


also dipshit, i never said I support her

but it sure is fun watching you try to untie that knot in your panties.


Ogkb, who would you like to see in key cabinet positions, and why? Please list people who would have a chance of being approved by the Senate.

the aca is horrible legislation and was written by healthcare lobbyists. lol. 

center for american progress is a corporate funded think tank. 


and bro mad ^


>>> and yes, when bernie votes for her, itll make him supreme cuck. <<<


yep, you supported a cuck in janitors clothing

cleanup on aisle 46



dude, you supported warren -- she couldn't even win her own state lol. you also supported bernie in 2016 b/c it was cool. 



i guess i'd rather be mad than stupid as fuck, like you. 


>>> i guess i'd rather be mad than stupid as fuck, like you <<<


 i imagined you just saying that in the mirror 








in real life your neoliberal masters said that. 


you're hilarious, got some more?



You know it's gonna get stranger...


is her comment about wanting to take libyan oil as payback for overthrowing their govt hilarious? 

do we still care about kids in cages? 

we support warmongers that are registered blue but not red. 

that's our thoddy. 

you're hovering at a 4.7


i know you got it in ya kid, let's go


Always just attacking others, never "hey here's what I'm doing to improve things"

if this is 4.7, maybe bk was right? 

i'd recommend it. 

fishcane -- you voted for W. come on man. 

Lol at least you have something you think you can latch on to

and in 2004? 

doubming down on the hate. 


I bet Heater wasn't even old enough to Vote in 2004.




I can't decide.

Rough is the constant anger trip but you seem to practice enough. Not good on the body cardiac wise so I'll probably see ya soon

Bryen, the stuff your asking to be explained is easily explained.  The numbers in the pictures you posted are incorrect.  In the case of the numbers from Michigan showing more votes than registered voters it's because on the affidavit Trumps lawyers used numbers from Minnesota to compare to the number of registered voters in Michigan.




The simplest explanation is you're an idiot that believes ridiculous claims without checking up to see if it's factual because it fits with the dumbass narrative you want to believe.

>>> if this is 4.7, maybe bk was right? 

i'd recommend it.  <<<



that's right, fish is the science denying nurse. lol. 


>so are you afraid of change or do you not support real change for americans -- like m4a, canceling  student debt, ubi, criminal justice reform, livable wage, etc etc<


Nope. I'm just trying to figure out how m4a and ubi gets through the Senate. 

The ACA, which you dislike, took 2 years, and cost the Democrats control of the congress. M4a and ubi would have never passed then, and it wouldn't pass now.


Livable wage and criminal justice reform have the best chance. 


But stuff like this is why I question your understanding of the mechanisms of government. That and...


Back to 2016, the Supreme Court was spilt 4/4 liberal/conservative. I believe there were 194 open seats on the federal judiciary. Mitch McConnell stated the the voters would decide who would fill those seats, plus fill maybe 2 or three more Supreme Court seats.

Given these facts, the choice the voters faced was whether it would be Clinton or Trump who would fill these vacancies.

Unfortunately, many progressives in swing states either didn't understand this, or they felt that either candidate would choose poor justices.

What baffles me about you is that you stated that up until 2016 you chose the lesser of two evils, which I assume was the Democrat, in presidential elections. Why would someone who understood the consequences of the 2016 election choose that particular election to vote third party/write in? Did you believe that Clinton and Trump would choose equally poor justices? Did you consider the Supreme Court? 





I'm all science son but like I said, you are gonna play your narrative any way you want anyway so why let the facts play a role. See ya soon!

^lol. tell us why you supported george w bush. what did he have to offer to society and the world that was positive? 

lumber -- you're stuck on 2016 only. why? 

lots of lies, deception, theft, war, bailouts, destruction lead up to this. 

the confirmation of roberts was the complete takeover. 

obama doing nothing and succumbing to his corporate masters resulted in losing congress. 

the pragmatic approach and the establishment's incrementalism is was gave us this mess. 

I didn't support him but it's a  cool fixation for ya so I'll try to make something up

lol you said you voted for W. 

you're a strange guy. 

>>Obama doing nothing and succumbing to his corporate masters resulted in losing congress. the pragmatic approach and the establishment's incrementalism is was gave us this mess. 

You keep saying this. What data are you basing this on? And no, I'm not going to research it myself. Back up what you're saying.

Pot kettle 


never said support 

fish, let this fool chase his own tail


he's just a....



    WRONG !!

You guys are too much -- 

The McLaughlin Group - 

fishcane said he voted for george w bush. 

why would i make this up?

thod never answers questions. just posts dumb shit. 

as one of the worst zoners, we expect this. 

One could argue by his logic that just living here indicates support for each elected administration  so not really sure how he lives with himself. Kids in cages dude.. 

^thats insane. talk about reading comprehension. wow. 

we all know republicans are the worst, fish. that includes you. common knowledge for the most part. 

i go hard on the dems b/c they're supposed to be on our side -- we know the gop never was. you're fucked up. 

When did I "stand up for republicans" here?  You yourself said that others are off your "hook" for their votes as they don't "stand up for neoliberals" the way others do, why do I get viewed through a different lens?

lol wow. 

Depheater'd is melting HARD.

It's gonna be OK, buddy....

what's up ned. 

has daddy had coffee and cocaine w/ biden yet? 

are we laughing yet? 

It must be hard to be sidelined the way all the BernieBros were. Your candidate lost to Biden (like Trump). Irrelevance is hard to accept, for both you and TrumpCo.

Here's an orange slice and a participation trophy...



I can see the tiny bubbles of the slow boil just starting to rise..


>you're stuck on 2016 only. why? <


194 federal judiciary vacancies, one Supreme Court vacancy.(turned into 3 Supreme Court appointments)


Regardless of the past, voters faced a choice in 2016, a choice that will affect policy for a generation. Given this, and the certainty that either Trump or Clinton would be making these appointments, tens of thousands of voters in swing states decided that it was irrelevant whether it was Trump or Clinton making the appointments. You were one of those voters. 


Again, regardless of the past, the 2016 election outcome will affect policy for the next 20-25 years. This fact causes me to wonder if these voters, including you, understand how our government functions. Maybe they(you) believed there would be no discernable difference between the judges that Trump or Clinton would nominate?




>obama doing nothing and succumbing to his corporate masters resulted in losing congress<


No, passing "government run healthcare " lost congress for the Democrats.  The people were Taxed Enough Already! (That's a TEA party reference)

meltman AKA known as heater the hater  - so i will ASK - HOW OLD ARE YOU? - 

neo fill in the blank

king of the "progressives"

neo progressive



Proponents of social democracy have identified themselves as promoting the progressive cause.[26]

and your buttermilk dip sounds yummy  - 







                                           Uh oh, Bry.....



Bill Barr, appointed by Donald Trump and one of the most loyal lackies in the president's quiver, who has shown himself willing to twist the duties of the office to benefit Dump at every turn, has said there is no evidence of any fraud that would change the election.




                                          I believe the word is still......Checkmate.








Bryen gives no fucks about mountains of evidence, or the National Review, or Bill Barr. Bryen believes what Bryen believes because Bryen believes what Bryen believes. He's a tautology wrapped in an enigma whose name is mud, and he gives no fucks.

Bryen, bryen, bryen. Namaste, motherfucker.

yep 73

now in '22 and '24 everybody will believe there's no fuckery

meanwhile putie et al will be going hard to steal it again

repugs don't get to set the narrative 

fuck them


they had every intention on stealing it this time, they just couldn't overcome how huge the vote margin was.



Lol, so THod still thinks 2016 was a stolen election. Awesome.

<<  we all know republicans are the worst

Everyone acknowledges this

<< i go hard on the dems b/c they're supposed to be on our side

We respect legitimate criticism bro, what you fail to comprehend is how our gov't actually fucking works,, on this you're clueless. Dems have to try and navigate a ship half full of fools, sleeping with the enemy ain't easy . And it can all be boiled down to # of Senate seats + House seats ya got. My advise to you, move to a red state and impregnate the shit out of the population, creating your own swing county. Some'a you boys seem young and spunky, you can do this.

> move to a red state and impregnate the shit out of the population

I suggest Oklahoma. They've got Tulsa Chris, Kum and Gos, and medical marijuana. I hear it's a hippie paradise. 

Zoner Democrats read the New Yorker every morning and think they understand how the government works, lmao. You guys don't know shit. You're just as clueless as everyone else. 

Heard Biden fell down and hurt his foot the other day. Sounds like you got yourself a real winner

Pretty sure the New Yorker only comes out once a week.

I read Hannah Goldfield's restaurant reviews in the New Yorker when I'm on the crapper, but what does that have to do with politics or government?

Edit: You'll have to excuse Timpane's confusing the New York Times with the New Yorker, 73. His phone is broken.

^^^Heard Biden fell down and hurt his foot the other day. Sounds like you got yourself a real winner

difference being the transparency of his circumstances vs trump and his shroud of secrecy.

sign of strength for Biden and illustrates the weakness of the one termie diaper boy


^What? Yea , New Yorker and New York Times are pretty much the same garbage. 5th grade reading level and 90% bullshit. 

So, wait the Democrats still can't admit that they are just as bad if not worse than the Republicans?


Maybe, go run along and drive down your nearest Martin Luther Ling Blvd in any city near you. Go check out the projects too. Your Democrats really changed a lot, right? 


Still every four years the Democratic Party begs and pleads with the black communities that they are on their side. "Change we can Beleive in" lol. 

Then they just keep fucking then and fucking them. That's your party, guys.

Uh huh.

^ Mr. no contribution, lmao. Nice work. 

A two syllable utterance got you to take the bait.

Don't you have a bridge to paint or something? People's lives depend on it.

<<That's your party, guys.

We've already been through this.  You voted for Joe Biden and the democratic party.  It's your party to, dispshit. 



>New Yorker and New York Times are pretty much the same garbage. 5th grade reading level...<


Near the other end of the scale, The New Yorker has an average grade level of 11. 




The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level applies a reading grade level to your writing. New York Times articles have a tenth-grade reading level





Perhaps you're thinking of the Post?

>>> Then they just keep fucking then and fucking them. That's your party, guys. <<<




Oh wow, 11th grade lol. Makes them super intellectual. 


Mike, are you pissed because you don't know how to contribute to the zone? Most guys who's handles are the same as their user names have issues on the zone.


Que, JR. What's up man? I'm an anarchistic, btw. I believe the only true change will come when all the corrupt politicians are dead and the government burns to the ground. I'm still a nice guy though and try to make my wife happy.

^^Super trippy paint colors brahhhhh. 

I love it when the core of the Old White Guy Loser Train comes out all at once to play.


What's up you punk ass honkys?

Who's the last old cracker you listened to, 'Pane?

> try to make my wife happy.

Trying to make her happy isn't really the same thing as making her happy though, is it?

Uh huh.

>>> I'm still a nice guy though and try to make my wife happy. <<<

that's awesome

now ask her if she could make us happy...

and let you start doing droogs again

cuz your shit is stale bruh


shouldn't have to try this hard

but here we are




mike edwards is like a baby thod. 

Aww, isn't that adorable? ogkb made a comparison. And it's a simile!

haha see. 

now your next step is to start stalking my business online, just like thod. 

You have a really inflated sense of your own significance, ogkb. Overcompensate much?

Uh huh. 

broken phone and broken record


the busted twins




> Uh huh. 


I'm not sure, Slack. I don't really listen to old crackers because they mostly are just keyboard jockeys who get all hyped on Facebook but have no idea what's going in their country or the developments in urban areas. Do any of you old white guys know what Martin Luther king Blvd is? 

I mean you guys throw up these BLM signs and you don't even know what it stands for. 

Dems were the confederates hahahahahahhaha

What part of NJ are you from Timpane? I'm guessing Carteret or Mahwah.

is that a picture of your kids, thod? 

Neither. I don't give out my info to creepy old guys on the internet.


> 11th grade lol. Makes them super intellectual<


No, but still too difficult for a large percentage of Americans. 


The average American is considered to have a readability level equivalent to a 7th/8th grader (12 to 14 years old). This level is actively used as a benchmark for written guidelines in the medical industry.




The Post is 7th grade.

I'm just curious, Timpane, because you seem to be possessed of an enormous amount of street cred.

>>> is that a picture of your kids <<<

sorry if the olsen twins triggered ya buddy






you still broke tho


I think ogkb was looking for a date, T.O.D.

damn they look insane. 

at least thod actually gets some funny shit in here, mike edwards. 

do you actually exist? you're like dust on a screen. just nothingness. 



>>> I think ogkb was looking for a date, T.O.D. <<<

all aboard the chinstrap express, toot toot



thod -- you googled my business, found a picture, and make fun of the way i look in your posts on viva. 

tell the class you did that. 

project much?




you know you weren't a piece of shit until you started doing that. 

talk about a melt -- you've been at 5.0 man, for months. 

I'm glad you glimpsed my ephemerality, ogkb. Too bad you don't seem to see your own.

mike edwards, remember your dumb ass exchange from earlier today? i'm still laughing at that.

Out of nothing there came laughter. What could be better than that?


>I'm an anarchistic<


What sort of economic system to you desire? Back to bartering?

Anarchist that works for a company (The Man!) that paints corporate buildings (Corporatists!). LOL.

You do you, Mr. Rebel!

Timpy is an anarchist who is a union and works on government projects, making way more money than the national average and with a sweet benefits package.

Sounds like more of a poser than an anarchist. Fucking guy is 33 years old, no kids, and is already in the top 5%.

Fight the good fight.

my daddy knows biden. 

what a dick. 

bk gave up the rich life to be a real progressive. lol. 

that one was awesome, thanks, bk. 

Ogkb, I like you, but damn, you are a fucking idiot.

I never said my Dad knows Biden.

Maybe smoke a little less weed, dude. You're losing it, and with a slightly younger brain than mine.

i've told you i'm very stupid already. 

haha! what does daddy say biden told him? 


Lol, you really don't have to overstate the obvious.

You crack me up, kid.

>>> you know you weren't a piece of shit until you started doing that. 

talk about a melt -- you've been at 5.0 man, for months.   <<<

^ dealing it out like it's going out of business


today hasn't been a good one for you


today has been great, wtf are you talking about? 

go ahead, tell the class yourself. 

we all know you're a fucking tool, man. just say it. 

Why would anyone think timpane is under 50?


>>> go ahead, tell the class yourself. 

       we all know you're a fucking tool, man. just say it. <<<

you overcharging for all that hate?


here's something i will tell ya...


pizza is just a spatchcocked calzone



That's right, Ned and BK you jealous little baby boys. The unions work for the most evil and corrupt companies who take millions of tax dollars they don't need for large industrial jobs and so we demand living wages, retirement benefits and health and welfare and we get it back as much as we can. Unions aren't perfect by any means but we are one of the last lines of defense against corporate greed.

And yes, not matter what way you look at it we will end up back at anarchy. Whether it be nuclear war or an asteroid or it be the abolishment of the magic paper dollar and gold pound. We end up back in the same place. Republicans vs Democrats is just a temporary embarrassment which will die off soon. Perhaps it will be the robots who kill us off for good but who can tell the future. 

And Ned I'll take you up on that cross country ski challenge. I promise if you fall and break a hip that I'll dial 911 for you.

Sweet justification, 5%er.

thod, did trump give you covid? 

^ do you think sleepy joe will handle it better than trump?


BK, don't spend all your whines and cries in one place. We are gonna need you on the Holiday Vaccine thread. 

My guess is sometime Thursday evening it will be unveiling. 

Covid Satans gonna kill sleepy Joe Bahahahaha

is a melt score over 5.0 ??

a cumulative scoring system, perhaps?


Takes a lot of work to beat out bryen for "asshole supreme" on bryen's own troll thread.

Remarkable effort going into it, though.

^Weird Steve lol.


Hope you finally understand the meltdown rating one day, lltd. It's been explained many times.

I don't think Timpy's melting, but he's getting kind of frenetic and unhinged.

I'm worried about you, hoss.

Thod thinks I should start using drugs again. Probably a bad idea wouldn't you say?

^ context son, context


 >>>>>>Do any of you old white guys know what Martin Luther king Blvd is?    I mean you guys throw up these BLM signs and you don't even know what it stands for.


Uhhh, Boulevard Luther Martin? 

many laughs feel good i am stupid and white. 

PHeat - pizza battle on Chopped right now on Food Network - at least on the Left Coast.

So freakin glad I'm jot a Republican 

'Someone's Going To Get Killed': Ga. Official Blasts GOP Silence On Election Threats 

Updated at 10:55 p.m. ET

A top election official in Georgia had strong words for President Trump and other top Republican leaders who have attacked Georgia's election system in recent weeks after reports of harassment and death threats against officials overseeing the state's recount.

"Someone's going to get hurt, someone's going to get shot, someone's going to get killed," Gabriel Sterling, with the secretary of state's office, said Monday afternoon in an emotional and forceful news conference. "It's not right."

Among other things, a Twitter thread accusing a young technician working on the recount of altering votes led to his identity being released and calls for him to be "hung for treason."

Meanwhile, caravans of horn-honking Trump supporters constantly parade past Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's private residence and his wife has reportedly received sexually explicit threats. The president himself, who has falsely suggested he won Georgia's 16 electoral votes, has called on Republican Gov. Brian Kemp to overturn the election.

In a tweet Tuesday evening responding to Sterling's news conference, Trump again falsely alleged massive voter fraud in Georgia.

Sterling, a fixture in recent weeks as a calm, even-tempered source of election information and factoids about the complicated counting processes, unloaded on Trump, both Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and other GOP officials that have egged on the party's base to believe in widespread fraud.

"It has to stop," he said. "Mr. President, you have not condemned these actions or this language. Senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions. This has to stop. We need you to step up. And if you take a position of leadership, show some."

Sterling said the situation came to a head with a report that a Gwinnett County technician was outed and receiving death threats after a video circulated online purportedly showing him manipulating data as part of an official recount.

"A 20-something tech in Gwinnett County today has death threats and a noose put out saying he should be hung for treason because he was transferring a report on batches from an EMS to a county computer so he could read it," Sterling said.

"His family is getting harassed now. There's a noose out there with his name on it. And it's not right," he said, adding: "I've got police protection outside my house. Fine. You know, I took a higher profile job. I get it, the Secretary ran for office, his wife knew that too. This kid took a job. He just took a job, and it's just wrong."

Ron Watkins, the former administrator of extremist site 8kun that played host to posts from the Qanon conspiracy theory, was one of the main boosters of that video. Watkins has also encouraged followers to monitor and livestream several county elections warehouses in search of evidence of impropriety.

Tuesday afternoon, police were called to a Gwinnett County location where a man who was livestreaming video followed workers he believed were secretly transporting voting machines in violation of a court order. In the video, an officer explained that boxes were full of office phones, and told the man he was trespassing.

Trump, both of Georgia's U.S. senators, many House members, several GOP state lawmakers and the chair of the Republican Party of Georgia have all cast doubt on the 2020 election process with little to no evidence of fraud or wrongdoing.

Sterling said those leaders, especially Perdue and Loeffler, need to "step up" and fight back against conspiracies.

"You have to be responsible in your rhetoric, you have to be responsible in your statements, you have to be responsible in your deeds," Sterling said. "That shouldn't be too much to ask for people who asked for us to give them responsibility."

In response, Trump campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh said: "The campaign is focused on ensuring that all legal votes are counted and all illegal votes are not. No one should engage in threats or violence, and if that has happened, we condemn that fully."

Both Perdue and Loeffler said they condemn any sort of violence, but won't apologize for their harsh questioning of Georgia's election administration.

Read Sterling's full remarks below:

"Good afternoon. My name is Gabriel Sterling and I'm the voting system implementation manager for State of Georgia. And just to give you a heads up, this is going to be sort of a two-part press conference today. At the beginning of this, I'm going to do my best to keep it together.

Because it has all gone too far. All of it.

Joe diGenova today asked for Chris Krebs, a patriot who ran CISA, to be shot. A 20-something tech in Gwinnett County today has death threats and a noose put out, saying he should be hung for treason because he was transferring a report on batches from an EMS to a county computer so he could read it.

It has to stop.

Mr. President, you have not condemned these actions or this language. Senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions. This has to stop. We need you to step up. And if you take a position of leadership, show some.

My boss, Secretary Raffensperger — his address is out there. They have people doing caravans in front of their house, they've had people come onto their property. Tricia, his wife of 40 years, is getting sexualized threats through her cellphone.

It has to stop.

This is elections, this is the backbone of democracy, and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this. It's too much. 

Yes, fight for every single vote. Go through your due process, we encourage you — use your First Amendment. That's fine. Death threats, physical threats, intimidation — it's too much. It's not right. We've lost the moral high ground to claim that it is.

I don't have all the best words to do this because I'm angry, and the straw that broke the camel's back today is, again, this 20-year-old contractor for a voting system company just trying to do his job. In fact, I talked to Dominion today and they said he's one of the better ones they got. His family is getting harassed now. There's a noose out there with his name on it. And it's not right.

I've got police protection outside my house. Fine. You know, I took a higher-profile job. I get it, Secretary ran for office, his wife knew that, too. This kid took a job. He just took a job, and it's just wrong.

I can't begin to explain the level of anger I have right now over this, and every American, every Georgian, Republican and Democrat alike, should have that same level of anger.

Mr. President. It looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia. We're investigating. There's always a possibility, I get it, and you have the rights to go through the courts. What you don't have the ability to do — and you need to step up and say this — is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone's going to get hurt. Someone's going to get shot. Someone's going to get killed. And it's not right.

It's not right. And I don't have anything scripted — this is like I said, I will do my best to keep it together. All of this is wrong. DiGenova, who said for Chris Krebs to get shot, is a former U.S. attorney. He knows better. The people around the president know better.

Mr. President, as the secretary said yesterday, people aren't giving you the best advice on what's actually going on the ground. It's time to look forward if you want to run for reelection in four years. Fine, do it. But everything we're seeing right now, there's not a path. Be the bigger man here and stop. Step in, tell your supporters: Don't be violent, don't intimidate. All that's wrong. It's unAmerican.

I don't know what else to say on that front. I mean, these are elections. One of our goals was to make elections boring again. Well, guess what? That didn't happen. This is all wrong. It's all too much, and that's I'll leave that for there." 

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit NPR.


Finally. Caravans Republicans are actually worried about.


<<<>>>So freakin glad I'm jot a Republican 

neolibs are republicans. 

here is a morning read for you -- how does this make you feel? my guess is, it doesn't matter any longer b/c you now feel safe biden won -- even tho this woman worked to get the trump corporate tax cut passed -- trump bad still or.........same team, same fuckery, same jokers. we lose. 




We love our media! There's something for everyone 

Neo haters

are just haters

You are as much a republican supporter as I am, son

you just can't see the forest (or the trees)  < psycho babble winner right there 


go enjoy a pie or two

The four years of the mafia running the government are about to end I hope



Yes there will still be some graft and corruption and big business getting over on all of us with the dems

  But the level of criminal activities over the past four years is incomprehensible

may republicans  and trump  blind  supporters   The earth is flat 

get what the deserve.   Heaven will have to close those pearly gates to those assholes I 

this depicts what you describe. 

crininal action. 

the american societal collapse is on every politician in congress, republican and dem alike. they all have chosen to fail the american people. it's a failed state. 

theh chose to help their corporate masters. 

this is fact. indisputable. the same exact team. 

but the establishment has made good little cheerleaders out of people like LLTD and Thod. it's expected, brainwashed as mark says. 

and pelosi said NO money before the holidaze -- even tho the people need it, desperately. 

nobody will forget this. 




Pyramid, do you think that companies should get complete immunity from covid related lawsuits?



Although the Dems have their share of blame, I'm wondering if Trump ad the Reps are going out of their way to sabotage all sorts of shit. It sure seems like it.

Pile of heat 


you have lost your shit

LLTD hate is bizarre


i say I hate politicians so you hate me 

go overdose on some more hash. Might clear your head



do you think we should cancel rent, mortgages, taxes, and directly pay people money while covid destroys the country? 


^Yes, but Mitch McConnell has refused to allow a vote on any bill which does not Include complete immunity for corporations regarding covid lawsuits. 


In your opinion, should Democrats make this compromise?





^Pelosi, and Senate Democrats agree with you.

That's why there hasn't been any relief beyond the first cares act.



^no they don't. 

they just prolonged the suffering, and will give the corporations what they want eventually. 


Ok, so if they compromise and go along with immunity for corporations, they are yielding to their corporate masters.

if they refuse to compromise, they are heartless neoliberals, who don't care about the American people. 


It's things like this which make me believe that you are clueless when it comes to how our government functions. 


pelosi should've just agreed to the minuscule deal in october so it could've provided some type of relief. 

do we need congress to cancel rent, mortgages, loan payments, direct monthly stimulus payments, etc.? 

what can the executive branch do end of jan. for immediate relief? any or all of this? 


>do we need congress to cancel rent, mortgages, loan payments, direct monthly stimulus payment<


Yes, for the second time. 



>Pelosi should've just agreed to the minuscule deal in october so it could've provided some type of relief. <


Even if that bill provided a blanket immunity for corporations regarding covid related lawsuits? Because McConnell has refused to vote on any relief bill which does not include this immunity. 


Did you know that the House passed a second relief bill way back in May and another in October?  McConnell has not allowed a vote on them.


biden can cancel student loans but not sba loans or mortgage or rent? 






also, all you neolibs said biden was the one that would be able to compromise -- thats reason 1 why bernie was a terrible choice. 

y'all are funny. 

fuck mitch mcconnel

what a fucking piece of shit.

seriously one of the worst humans in the world.



Regarding student loans: He can try to cancel them through executive action, but it will surely be challenged in court.



He can also defer federally backed mortgage loans, and impose a moratorium on evictions for those with federally subsidized rent.


My SBA loan has been deferred until the end of January. 





Regarding Medicare for all, that's certainly an interesting avenue to try. Not sure it would stand up to a legal challenge. Not sure the courts will be comfortable calling a virus an environmental health hazzard.



Ogkb, did you read the full article: "And using Section 1881A, the incoming Biden administration can give all 11 million people infected with COVID—and if they want to be really aggressive—all Americans who have tested positive for coronavirus the option of free Medicare coverage, immediately."

The headline doesn't quite match up with the content.

Defer federally backed mortgages>>>

This has already been enacted by Trumps office and the companies reserve the right to ask for the total amount that you owe from deferred months after the deferment period if they want. That's what I was offered on my federally backed mortgage. After three months I would be required to pay the total three months of mortgage payments in one payment. That's really no help at all. It helps people not being evicted during the time of the pandemic but once that time is up those individuals will find themselves in a boat load of debt especially if they aren't working at this time.

I have heard of some mortgage companies allowing home owners to have the payments out on the back end of their loans but each company can make their own rules on how they want their money.

After Hurricaine Irene my mortgage company let me defer payments for a few months, and they'd then do an internal refinance once my tenants were back in.

They made a mistake on some numbers, said I didn't requalify, and gave me 24 hours to come up with a boatload of cash. Turns out I did qualify, so it worked out okay.

Or so I thought...their "helpful refinance" added a point to my rate, and they extended it over 40 years to keep it the same payment. On top of that, they erroneously reported me to the credit agencies for being over 90 days late, which I only found out and had corrected a few years ago.

The whole thing is a mess!

BREAKING: Biden's national popular vote lead just surpassed 7 million (4.5%)... Biden 81,264,673 (51.3%) Trump 74,210,838 (46.9%)

Share of vote 21st c. presidential candidates

1) Obama 2008 52.9

2) Biden 2020 51.3

3) Obama 2012 51.1

4) Bush 2004 50.7

5) Gore 2000 48.4

6) Kerry 2004 48.3

7) Clinton 2016 48.2

8) Bush 2000 47.9

9) Romney 2012 47.2

10) Trump 2020 46.9

11) Trump 2016 46.1

12) McCain 2008 45.7

Agree Turtle.

How the fuck can these Kentucky shitheads keep voting for a human pile of shit like this?

He clearly has all those low income people's best interests at heart.

It boggles the mind.

14.6 million people in the US have lost their healthcare since the pandemic started. 




also, now the dems are saying they're agreeing to 900b in stimulus, although they passed on 1.8t in october? 


so they compromised for less than half, even tho they could've had 1.8t. 


hard to laugh as the situation is so grave

but u do make me laugh, son       VIVA Che might not work here and now - but whatever floats your boat...



>now the dems are saying they're agreeing to 900b in stimulus, although they passed on 1.8t in october? 


so they compromised for less than half, even tho they could've had 1.8t.<



How the hell could they have had a 1.8 trillion bill? McConnell would not bring that bill up for a vote. It was dead. McConnell was more interested in confirming Barrett before the election. That's why they compromised and got something, instead of nothing.  


Again you have demonstrated that you are clueless as to how congress functions. 



McConnell shoots down bipartisan $900 billion coronavirus stimulus plan as stalemate drags on


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected a proposed bipartisan coronavirus stimulus package Tuesday amid months of congressional inaction on curbing the economic damage from the outbreak.

The Kentucky Republican, who has supported about $500 billion in new aid spending, said he wants to pass what he called a "targeted relief bill" this year. McConnell said he spoke to White House officials about what President Donald Trump would sign into law. He plans to offer potential solutions to GOP senators and get their feedback.

It is unclear whether lawmakers can craft a plan that can get through both chambers of Congress before the end of the year, when many programs expire. Democrats have opposed liability protections and pushed for a $600 per week supplemental jobless benefit, while the GOP is against new state and local aid.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who worked on the proposal, said the group had no assurances from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that they would vote on the plan.

Mnuchin said during congressional testimony Tuesday that he spoke with McConnell, Trump, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. They agreed that Congress should craft a targeted fiscal response



you keep saying that, but you support the corporate system that has brought us to where we are. your lesser of evil votes and pragmatic approach have proven not to work. 

your neoliberal ideology has destroyed the country.  

pelosi rejected the limp stimulus before the election b/c she thought it would help trump win. fact. 

now she's going to accept less for the american people from monster mitch and the gop. 

the gop straight up owns the dems -- and the country is worse off for it. 

and the liability protection is still in there. lol. 

theyre so terrible at their jobs. it's amazing. 


>pelosi rejected the limp stimulus before the election b/c she thought it would help trump win. fact  uneducated opinion (fixed that for you)


^You're so clueless. Mitch McConnell rejected the 1.8 trillion dollar proposal. Hell, he rejects the 900 billion proposal.  

Please educate yourself. Take a civics class.


Starting to believe that you will only be satisfied with a socialist dictator 


pelosi rejected the 1.8 b/c it was under her 2t, amongst a few other reasons. 

it was one of those situations where literally anything would be better than nothing. she said fuck no. shameful. 


<<>>Starting to believe that you will only be satisfied with a socialist dictator 

haha, awesome. 

remember, you couldn't even pick out your pretty little neolib during the primary, take a seat, lumber. you only had 15 to choose from. 


Here you go bry...pure comedy.


Roger Stone Says North Korean Boats Delivered Ballots Through Maine Harbor As Trump Boosts Fraud Claims




^again,  please educate yourself.  Mitch McConnell immediately rejected the 1.8 trillion.  He stated that the Senate's priority was to confirm Barrett prior to the election.  Yes, pelosi rejected it too. But why should  she  accept an insufficient compromise when it was DOA in the Senate?



>remember, you couldn't even pick out your pretty little neolib during the primary, take a seat, lumber. you only had 15 to choose from<


I know it's hard for an ideologue to understand,  but I was not happy with any of them. 


And yes, I do believe that only a socialist dictator would satisfy you. I came to this conclusion because you seem to believe that policies should be enacted on the merits of the policy, regardless congressional support.  Unfortunately, the congress doesn't work that way.

< again,  please educate yourself

Or bro pyro, at the very least, try riding a nice sativa for a change. You and that indica are just not breaking thru 


^funny thing is that  you would still be frustrated if understood the mechanisms of Congress, but at least your frustration would be grounded in reality. 





^I see you are ignorant as well, Racket. 

But most here already knew that.

Have you been working on you reading comprehension, little buddy?


Racket,  maybe you can answer this...


The House of Representatives passed a second relief bill in May. They passed another relief bill in October. (Are you aware of this?)


Why did Mitch McConnell refuse to allow the Senate to vote on either bill? Is it because he doesn't care about the suffering of ordinary Americans?




lumber you're posting a lot of nonsense -- sorry man, pelosi and the dems declined to take the gop's and trump's 1.8t stimulus -- even tho it gave corps liability immunity. 

now she's on record as saying 500b or whatever is fine b/c biden is president. come on man. wtf are you saying? i don't know this or that, that's all you have? why are you so loyal to a losing strategy? 

very strange. corporate apologists are the worst. 


Everyone knows it was the dems that dragged their feet. They attatched a bunch of agenda to the stimulus.  Then Trump was even ready to extend the unemployment benefits and work on the rest after the election but Pelosi wasn't interested. 


..and they are gonna keep tightening the screws until after the jan 5 runoff


She's on the record supporting 900 billion now, not 500 billion.  But facts, whatever. 


The 1.8 wasn't the GOP plan, it was the White House offer, an offer McConnell immediately rejected.

To negotiate, you need a willing partner


she is willing to compromise on the 900 billion now, knowing that this can be addressed again after Biden is inaugurated. 


Losing strategy? The House passed two bills and McConnell refused to address the issue.  The Senate has been too busy confirming conservative judges to the federal courts. 


Again, a willing partner is needed when one negotiates, McConnell has refused to address the issue. How does one negotiate with such a partner?







"your neoliberal ideology has destroyed the country. "

narrow minded fellow I must say - is it hard to be so much smarter than everyone else  ?  ( in your own " ........" mind)

and you have saved it / will "save it"

ho ho ho   ... ho hi chi minh - do you even wear a mask?
or a che beret?

be well physically regardless


^psychobabble -- how does it feel to contribute nothing to threads and just troll and nip at others? that's all you do. you never post anything of substance. just saying. please, continue, it's funny sometimes when you melt real hard and when it's obvious you're having a hard time posting/in general and have your panties in a bunch. 

<<<>>>do you even wear a mask?

haha, you sound so stupid. 

lumber -- yeah now she wants a deal? people have struggled enough? lol. 

if pelosi agreed, trump and mnunchin would've made mcconnell take the deal. 

she passed on it b/c even tho it wasn't perfect, and america needed it, she didn't want to give trump a win. 

that's a massive gamble, a even tho biden won, her decision will not be forgotten. shameful. 

now she's agreeing to much less, w/ liability immunity lol, when it needed to be way more to begin w/. 

she is a horrible leader, the definition of corporate dem. she fucked america, just like mcconnell. 




You contribute nothing 

your babble has no merit, nor impact

you exhibit zero common sense

You seem to enjoy screaming at nothing for your self


bryen's soul brother

Ha ha hoho

Speaking of Bryen, and conceptually the threads intention 


President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

It was another harsh milestone in a monthlong run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

The losses included a rejection in Wisconsin from the state Supreme Court, where the majority was gobsmacked at the effort by a conservative group to invalidate the entire election without any compelling evidence of voter fraud or misconduct.

“The relief being sought by the petitioners is the most dramatic invocation of judicial power I have ever seen,” said Brian Hagedorn, a conservative elected justice, in a concurring opinion. “Judicial acquiescence to such entreaties built on so flimsy a foundation would do indelible damage to every future election. Once the door is opened to judicial invalidation of presidential election results, it will be awfully hard to close that door again. This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”





remember when you melted so hard you were crying for bryen to die. 

i just post about how our corporate politicians endlessly fuck us. 

you then lost after me. 

you are the copy and paste king. offering nothing, and honestly you're very negative in a psychotic poster kind of way. 

we've seen this many times here. manic. 

but i'll be here to witness your full melt and more. 

To care enough to melt, the true sign of a zoner


<yeah now she wants a deal? people have struggled enough? lol<

The House passed a relief bill in May and another in October.  But sure, she didn't want a deal. 


> if pelosi agreed, trump and mnunchin would've made mcconnell take the deal<

Wrong. McConnell has his own agenda. Additionally,  he made it clear publicly that he would not bring the bill ip for a vote. But sure, McConnell would bow to pressure from Trump.


>now she's agreeing to much less, w/ liability immunity lol, when it needed to be way more to begin with<

So she is a horrible leader when she refuses to compromise, and she's a horrible leader when she agrees to compromise. Got it.



Pyramid, maybe this will help you understand why a bill that passes in the House is dead if McConnell refuses to allow debate and a vote in the Senate. 




But at least gregulator and racket seem to agree with your point of view regarding stimulus,  so you have that going for you




< maybe this will help you understand why a bill that passes in the House is dead if McConnell refuses to allow debate and a vote in the Senate. 

Makes you wonder why the House chose now to decriminalize weed 

Dem senate + Biden 1st 100 Days  = Legal Weed Nationwide 

From NAACP.org:

"Once a Congress adjourns, however, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have been introduced in either the House or the Senate that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead."

<<<>>>Dem senate + Biden 1st 100 Days  = Legal Weed Nationwide 

he doesn't need to senate to do this -- and he's against legalization, he's stated that. it should be legal on day 1 under any dem -- not supporting cannabis legalization is racist. 


<<<>>>So she is a horrible leader when she refuses to compromise, and she's a horrible leader when she agrees to compromise. Got it.

that's what get interpret from this? come on man. get it together. 

you should think she's a horrible leader b/c she approved trump policy for 4yrs. what's you're excuse for that one? go ahead answer, noisy gives a fuck tho. 

lumber -- you're the worst kind of liberal -- you say you're pro m4a, gnd, etc etc etc., but we have to be pragmatic, go slow, baby steps -- have you been paying attention? you clearly have not. we've gotten nowhere w/ centrist, corporate rule -- your logic got us into this mess and you're too afraid to see it. 

your constant defending of pelosi and the corporate dems is just sad and pathetic tbh. it's cultish, just like the trumpers. exactly like it. you can't call pelosi and her crew out on their bs, abandoning america, along w/ the gop, that's a huge issue and totally fucked up and all neolibs do it. 

you're embarrassing. 


>but we have to be pragmatic, go slow, baby step...<


You're an idiot, pyramid. The votes aren't there for things like M4A and GND.  They couldn't pass.  There are democrats who would vote against them, and no Republicans would support them  The votes aren't there. Just because the policy is good, doesn't mean it can pass through congress. And again,  yes, it is obvious that you are completely clueless as to how our government functions.


And I never stated that Pelosi was a good leader,  I just reject the general ignorance of most of your criticism. 


One day you might get your dictator who will enact policy by fiat, until then you have to live with what the Senate can pass.


Take a civics class, you ignoramus. 



^4.3 @ 1am. nice. 

and hahahahahahahhaa. 

people like you are literally why we can't have nice things. 

thank you, lumber, for consistently holding our county back w/ your neoliberalism logic. 


Being up at 1am is not related to the zone. But the zone does provide a respite. 


Pointing out your ignorance is not a melt,  although it is becoming tedious 



I'll try to make this easy, so that even you will understand...


Will Joe Manchin vote for the green new deal?

Will Joe Manchin vote for Medicare for all?

Because these policies will not pass the Senate without 50 votes, and that's if the Democrats win the Senate and eliminate the filibuster. 



Until that happens, keep derping along, displaying your ignorance like a point of pride.







just for you lumber -- we're on the same path, just different president. maybe one day you'll wake up and stop voting for neoliberals. 

until then, you and your corporate apologists keep voting people in that only represent their corporate masters. 

i mean, you couldn't even figure that out in this primary -- where it became more obvious than ever. stunning really. sad. 

same goes for thod and all the other neolibs here. 

you think a wall st owned congress will eventually make change. incredible. 

this pandemic has been quite the gift for the elites in america -- and mcconnell, pelosi, trump, schumer, have made the transfer of wealth to the top absurdly easy. 



your manchin question is why we needed somebody like bernie -- he'd go to west virginia, as president, and explain why manchin is horrible, owned by the corporations, to west virginians --  he'd campaign that asshole out of the senate. wv was abandoned by the dems decades ago, used to be a dem stronghold,  yet they support m4a and a gnd and support leftist policy that enhances their life and environment. 

bernie would have won that state against trump. 

you just don't get it man. simple as that. 

i know, it's different, your heros would never do that. 

you chose the status quo, b/c you're afraid and are satisfied w/ how things are. 



>I mean, you couldn't even figure that out in this primary -- where it became more obvious than ever. stunning really. <


Lord, you are an idiot.  What I would like to see and what is possible are two different issues. You believe that your point of view represents the majority's opinion. It doesn't. The US is not that progressive. 



>bernie would have won that state against trump. 

you just don't get it man. simple as that. 

i know, it's different, your heros would<


Sanders would not have won West Virginia. 

My heros are not politicians. 



It's a mixed bag, but demographics suggest a reason to be optimistic, IMO...



U.S. Support for More Government Inches Up, but Not for Socialism



Positive opinions of socialism steady at 39%;

capitalism at 60%

47% desire government to do more to solve country's problems

Fewer, 25%, favor more government services if paired with higher taxes


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' reaction to the term "socialism" remains more negative than positive in new Gallup polling, as solid majorities continue to view capitalism and free enterprise positively. At the same time, Americans are expressing slightly greater support for activist government across a range of measures, suggesting a more conducive climate for socialist-style policies taking root than has been the case in recent years.

The year 2010 serves as one reference point for evaluating recent shifts in U.S. adults' views on government. Gallup conducted an in-depth survey of U.S. attitudes toward government that year at the peak of the Tea Party movement and as Republicans made major gains in Congress.


Americans Expect More From Government Now Than in 2010

Since 2010, the percentage of Americans saying government should do more to solve the country's problems has increased 11 percentage points, to 47%, and the percentage wanting government to take active steps to improve people's lives is up eight points, to 42%. Gallup also finds a nine-point increase -- to 25% -- in the percentage who would prefer to have more government services and higher taxes rather than the alternatives of less government services and less taxes, or no change to the current balance.

These trends offer a mixed picture on perceptions of government regulation of business, one of the core tenets of socialism. On the one hand, a scant 28% say there is too little government regulation, unchanged from 2010. On the other, 53% now agree with the statement that business will harm society if it is not regulated, up from 45% saying this in 2010.

As noted, since 2010 there has been no meaningful change in the percentage holding positive views of socialism per se, holding steady at just under 40%.

The 2019 findings come from two recent surveys, including Gallup's annual Governance poll conducted Sept. 3-15 and an Oct. 1-13 survey.

One cautionary note is that Americans' support for government playing an active role in solving problems was as high or higher at points in the past, such as after the 1991-1992 recession and after 9/11 -- suggesting that increases in pro-government views can be episodic rather than permanent.Here are more details on these key public opinion trends as Congress debates enhanced roles for the government in healthcare, the environment and income redistribution, and as the Democratic Party chooses its standard-bearer for 2020.


Socialism Still Not Popular

Americans' reaction to the term "socialism" remains more negative than positive in new Gallup polling, while solid majorities continue to view capitalism and free enterprise positively.

In the October poll, 39% of Americans said they have a positive opinion of socialism, while 57% view it negatively. Gallup first asked this question in 2010, and since then positive responses about socialism have been fairly steady, between 35% and 39%. The current percentage viewing socialism positively is similar to the 43% who earlier this year told Gallup that "some form of socialism" would be good for the U.S.

Americans' ratings of capitalism have not changed and are about the inverse of socialism's ratings, with roughly six in 10 viewing capitalism positively. Americans are even more positive toward "free enterprise," with 87% evaluating that term positively.

In addition to these three economic systems, the poll finds majorities of Americans holding positive views of three aspects of capitalism: small business (97%), entrepreneurs (90%) and big business (52%). (See full trends by selecting "View complete question responses and trends" at the end of the article.)


Democrats' Support for Socialism Rises Further

Although not favored by the public at large, socialism has been getting a warmer reception from Democrats, with its positive rating reaching 60% in 2016. That may have reflected the influence of avowed Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign -- but since then, Democrats' positive views of socialism have remained elevated, with this year's uptick to 65% the highest yet.

Over the same period, Republicans have become less charitable toward socialism, with today's 9% viewing it positively down from the high point of 24% in 2012.

A slight majority of Democrats have continued to view capitalism positively. However, as more have become comfortable with socialism, the lines have crossed -- and since 2016, Democrats have held a modestly more positive opinion of socialism than of capitalism.

Republicans' opinion of capitalism has consistently been positive, but has grown more so since President Donald Trump took office. Both Republicans and independents continue to evaluate capitalism more positively than socialism.

Notably, young adults (those aged 18 to 34) have mixed views of both socialism (52% positive, 47% negative) and capitalism (47% positive, 50% negative). (See demographic breaks by selecting "View complete question responses and trends" at the end of the article.)


Support Gaining for Expanded Government Role in Solving Problems

Even as Americans' opinions of capitalism and socialism have held steady, there has been an increase in the percentage of those who want to see an expanded government role in society.

When asked to rate their own views on a five-point scale where "5" indicates they favor government taking active steps in every area it can to improve people's lives and "1" indicates they favor government providing only the most basic functions, a new high of 42% place themselves on the activist side of the scale (rating themselves a "4" or "5"). By contrast, 29% put themselves on the limited government side ("1" or "2") and 29% are in the middle ("3").

The current data show a clear shift toward a more active government role. Each time this question was asked from 2010 to 2016, Americans divided evenly, with no more than 35% favoring active government.

Support for activist government has increased among all major party groups, although there is still a wide partisan gulf -- with 62% of Democrats, 40% of independents and 22% of Republicans today favoring a more active government.


Scant Desire for More Government When Tied to Higher Taxes

A more active government would almost certainly result in higher taxes. However, relatively few Americans favor that approach when given the choice among 1) more government services and more taxes to pay for them, 2) fewer government services and lower taxes, or 3) keeping services and taxes as they are now.

In the latest poll, 25% would opt for increased taxes and services, 32% want no change and 42% prefer smaller government.  While increased taxes and services is the least popular option, slightly more choose it now than did so in Gallup's readings between 1993 and 2013, when no more than 20% favored it.

Self-identified liberals (58%) and Democrats (45%) are among the subgroups most likely to prefer higher taxes and more government services. Also, 35% of younger adults favor that approach, compared with about one in five among those older than 35.


Trends Suggest Rise in Pro-Government Views May Be Episodic

As previously mentioned, the September poll finds the public closely split on a different question about the role of government, with 49% saying the government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses and 47% wanting it to do more to solve the country's problems.

The 47% in favor of more government is significantly higher than the 36% recorded in 2010. It is also among the highest Gallup has recorded for this position in its trends on this question since the early 1990s.

However, demand for more government has been higher in the past, including shortly after the 9/11 attacks when 50% preferred a greater role for government. Gallup also found high percentages (47% and 49%) favoring more government in 1992 and 1993 as the nation was emerging from an economic recession.

These high-profile challenges arguably prompted more Americans to see a need for increased government action -- although the change in attitudes was short-lived and Americans reverted to wanting government to do less.


Another factor appearing to influence how active Americans want the government to be is the party of the incumbent president.  Americans have tended to favor less government regardless of the president's party affiliation, but the preference for more government is typically stronger when a Republican is in office.

In the past three Republican presidencies, including Trump's, an average of 44% thought the government should do more. By contrast, in the past two Democratic presidencies, 38% said it should do more.

Thus, it is unclear how much of the recent increase in desire for more government is related to an embracing of socialist ideals versus a reaction to a Republican president in the White House. The historical pattern suggests that Americans may shift toward believing the government is doing too much the next time a Democrat takes office, as it did under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama









This is so fucking stupid. First, the "Bernie would have..." is bullshit. It's 100% heresay. It's all a guess based on what you want.

Second, just like Trump couldn't abolish abortion, end the ACA, build a massive wall, and keep Muslims out, no Democratic or third party president could do all the things that you say they could.

I've asked you over and over for viable pathways to positive change. You come back with pipe dreams.

Face it, ogkb, we're talking about different things altogether, that will always create "us vs them." People like Lumber and me are looking for change within the system. You are looking for a new system. Let's not pretend otherwise, and let's maybe stop being so fucking aggressive about it.

Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck. 

What are your "viable" solutions, Neo libs? So far after like 100 political arguments threads where you go back and forth, you still haven't presented anything that represents a real change. 


^IMO, this country won't see a sea change until 2028, at the earliest.  By then the silent generation will be gone, and baby boomers will by a lot less significant. The electorate will likely be much more progressive. 


Unfortunately, Republicans control most state governments and will control redistricting, plus they have stacked the federal courts. Tough obstacles to overcome. But I believe the states need to lead the way, particularly California and New York. 


Additionally, it seems that a unhealthy number of Republicans have demonstrated a willingness to slide towards authoritarianism. 

The viable change has to start at the local and State levels, and then move to Congress.

We're talking about changing long-held beliefs, hearts and minds. It requires a plan of action, consistency and time. Top down won't work.

San Mateo and Orange County said they won't listen to Newsom. 

So, nothing. Gotchya. Change at the local level is good and fine but usually it comes from the states. In states like California which claim "progressive" they have been one of the most evil and negative states in the nation. Aside from the sheer economic imbalance which had a created one of the largest homeless populations in the country, they use more nuclear power and drill and refine more oil than pretty much every state except Texas and most recently let large companies slide by us labor laws. 

The "political system"whether you can admit it or not needs to be changed or their will be no change. If people think NY and California are going to lead the way to change then we have some serious misunderstandings of what progressive change means as those are practically two of the most corrupt places in the world. 

Yeah, we need to bust loose from the 2 party system. I really rustled some feathers when I criticized Bernie for running as Dem rather than a new Party. He had zero chance as a Dem and zero on his own, but at least he could have started something.

BK, you are correct we have to change the system, the establishment has proven to us that we are not allowed to change the system that we now have, we must completely tear down and build a new one. 

You want to tear it down and rebuild it one way. Trump Fucks want to tear it down and rebuild it their way. There are more Trump Fucks than there are Progressives. How's that plan going to work?


>So, nothing. Gotchya<


Unfortunately, the nation and the government are so divided and adverse to compromise that I don't see any significant change coming from the federal level. 


If there is change it will be led by the states. I mentioned California and New York because they have the populations  and economies which are large enough to drive significant change.  But unlikely, partly for the reasons you mentioned. 

So I'm back to hoping that  demographic change drives political and social change. 



I think amazingly for the first time in a while we all agree, there will be no change lol. Sad but it's at least something we can agree on and move forward with.

<<<<<>>>>>>There are more Trump Fucks than there are Progressives. How's that plan going to work?

well, if the neolibs would start helping us instead of the gop, we could make some change. 

they are "comfortable enough" to you know, not rock the boat.


If we had some ham, we could have some ham and eggs, if we had some eggs.

So I guess bacon's off the table.

surf and mike are content w/ the status quo. 

we had the ham -- you chose the corporate masters. 

I like bacon. Corporate masters are pigs, but their meat is sour.

pelosi and her comrads are responsible for delaying the stimulus:



...she admits it

Gag u later