Restaurant owners who support Trump


If you found out your favorite restaurant was owned and operated by a Trump supporter, would you still go?

I've never met a restaurant owner. 

How would you know if he/she is a Trump supporter?

What if they are a Trump supporter and don't make it known publicly?

How is their green chili?

There really is no aspect of personal life that the left won't invade.

Thom has a bad case of the Mondays.

Does it really matter "how" you found out?

>> There really is no aspect of personal life that the left won't invade.

Not patronizing businesses whose ownership holds views that you disagree with is one of the most basic forms of political protest.

Conservatives are pretty good at it:

There really is no aspect of personal life that the left won't invade.<<<

Would not social resistance be less invasive than violence if the former is able to pre-empt the latter?


What percentage of owners do you think aren't Republican?

Depends on how close of a friend he/she is.



but freedom fries

>> Does it really matter "how" you found out?



You might want to look into why we don't publish people's voting records.

Wasn't suggesting wholesale espionage, rather more like sitting at the table next to Elaine & Jerry arguing with Poppi about abortion.


Should the resistance publish names of businesses to avoid?



>There here really is no aspect of personal life that the left won't invade


You mean like telling people who they can or cannot marry.  Your arrogance and hypocrisy knows no bounds, eh Thom?

>>> You mean like telling people who they can or cannot marry.  

And that they can't serve and die for the country!

I support Trump as much as Thom supported Obama.

>>>Should the resistance publish names of businesses to avoid?

That's been standard practice for a while, especially when it comes to big, faceless corporations with shitty records on the environment, consumer protection, and workers rights.  Pretty easy to steer your business to sustainable, locally owned, or environmentally conscious businesses.

I guess the real question is whether you should avoid mom and pop businesses when mom and pop are Trump supporters.   It gets a little tricky there.  We used to go to a mechanic shop where the owner's office was adorned with photos of the guy with the Bushes, but the shop did good work for a fair price and was actually run by his kids, who from all appearances didn't share their dad's affinity for GOP politicians.  That being said, if there were two identical restaurants and one had a MAGA poster up and another had a BLM or Bernie sign, I would probably patronize the later.

Also, I am going to reveal a little prejudice in that I get real skived out when I see ads that have the Christian phish thingy on them.  I don't have anything against Christians per se, but when they wear it on the sleeve and use it to drum up business, it turns me off and I really am squeemish about partionizing their business.     

Now when it comes to my clients, I don't generally descriminate and have represented some hard core GOPers over the years.  Of course, I have turned down clients because they are assholes or racists, but not based solely on their political beliefs.   I just don't talk politics with my clients (unless I know for sure their beliefs line up with mine).  

99 % of my clients are assholes and thats ok. The asshole tax applies.

cha ching

How many times a week do you cook, face

>>There here really is no aspect of personal life that the left won't invade


You mean like telling people who they can or cannot marry<<



or what people can or can't put in their bodies, know...reporoductive rights.


get a grip dude.

I guess the real question is whether you should avoid mom and pop businesses when mom and pop are Trump supporters.   It gets a little tricky there.<<<

Generally speaking, I think it's a lot easier for people to boycott a faceless corporation vs. business owners who are visible and real; however, I would suspect there's got to be a "threshold" when people become willing to up the stakes.  I think we're teetering on the cusp ... as some significant lines have been crossed.  

How many times a week do you cook, face<<<

You'd be a good game show host.

I cook almost every day.

i try not to give my money to any person or company i find repugnant.


how you spend your money is the only real power you have.

The taxpayers of Delaware give their money to some sad folks

Never mix work, politics and religion. 

I think every restaurant owner should have to hang his birth certificate next to the health inspection certificate.

>>> i try not to give my money to any person or company i find repugnant. <<<

If I know about them, don't spend money at the many places that have publicized their moral stances which are at complete odds with mine, e.g. Hobby Lobby and other conservative corporations that don't provide insurance coverage for women's reproductive health, don't support marriage between people who love each other, are racists, etc. I think you get the picture.  I'm lucky that I can patronize local stores and businesses and stay out of right-wing reactionary's stores. And like Ken I avoid shopping at places with christian icons in their ads.

I cook almost every day<<<

Was thinking more of a "regular" game show, like Family Feud.

Speak English face


So now you don't want to be a game show host?

I want to spange with you outside boulder's restaurants 

got one for sale in France,didnt vote for trump



Good luck selling the restaurant. I hope it happens soon.

Any good restaurant owner, would not let a patron know their politics. Nor let politics touch the restaurant in any way.

I find it distasteful to allow such.
I stopped patronizing a local pizza establishment during the primaries.
He insisted on putting his home-printed "Jeb 2017" stickers on every pizza box. Stupid fucker.

I live in Utah. If I didn't go to a place because I didn't like someone's opinions in a democracy, I probably wouldn't have many places to go. 

I understand economic boycotts and if their actions are egregious enough, I'll participate. i.e., I won' t go to Hobby Lobby. 

But the healing has to begin. I dislike this tool in the WH as much as anyone, but I'm going to try to guard against him influencing my life so intricately. Restaurant choices?

And I'm gonna try and work with people who disagree with me. (I live in mormon Utah. I've experienced this for a long time.)

We have to overcome this and render him as obsolete as possible. We, and our love, can be stronger than his hate and the disgust we feel. 

As Tom Paxton sang, "Peace. Let it begin with me."  Let us rise above his bullshit, when we are strong enough to.

While remaining vigilant politically, I'm trying to not let this person create hate in my life.

Flame away.

PS - I'm human, and I don't always act like I should. 

But the healing has to begin. I dislike this tool in the WH as much as anyone, but I'm going to try to guard against him influencing my life so intricately. Restaurant choices?<<<

I couldn't agree more slickrock re: "healing has to begin".  For real.

Having voted for Gary Johnson, I get no love from either "side"; likewise see the whole thing unfolding in so far as it having an entropy of its own ... very difficult to stop the freight train at this point.  While the DNC certainly still has issues (i.e. why in the f*$k are their STILL "super delegates"?!?), I believe Trump is Bernie Madoff x1000 in so far as being nothing more than a glorified con man.  Given the hyper-partisan climate leading up to the 2016 election, conservatives are being ropoed into having to "double down" on backing Trump & the narrative is getting more and more sketchy and untenable as more information comes to light.  Do you really believe in a "deep state" that's calling the shots in a conspiratorial manner?  Until the "average conservative" relinquishes the notion that this is "all about sour grapes" and accepts the possibility that Trump has hoodwinked millions at the least (and may have had a nefarious role in elevating himself to power) this hyper-partisan impasse will continue.

Having said that, if you believe that Trump is unfit for the Presidency of the United States (and just plain "no good" overall - in the vernacular of western movies), then why not pull out all the stops if a significant percentage of the population continue to hold on to the notion that "their decision to vote for Trump was the right one".  Not suggesting a vote for Hillary was the right one either, it would've just been more of an slow motion entrenchment of special interests in a different manner. 

I'm basically just suggesting that if you've come to the conclusion that Trump is dangerous, then the time to mobilize is yesterday.

I don't think boycotting Chick-Fil-A is "pulling out all the stops" and "mobilizing". LOFL.


Never in my life have I let politics ruin my meal. I have seen others let politics ruin their meal, specially at Christmas times.

I guess it would depend on how active/obnoxious the owner was and how loyal I was to the restaurant. I know there's a bit if a kerfuffle in Santa Cruz at the moment because some restaurant owner has been donating to David Duke,  That probably tickles my obnoxiousness threshold.  A guy who would donate to David Duke would serve rancid rat meat without even thinking.

The Mooch's place seems to be doing OK.  

Still haven't "frequented" the restaurant in question ... was thinking about this yesterday.

I don't hold any ill will, but do believe now more than ever:

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!


I don’t use the gas station in town cause the window is littered w Trump shat......

Your dollars are often the only vote that counts.  

I know several restaurant owners - none support or voted for Dumpster Donnie.

I patronize several that are run by "good ol' boys" (or gals). They don't say who they voted for and I don't ask. As long as they treat everybody the same in their business or wherever, I'm good.

If I did find out they were Trumpkins, I'd have to think it over.

If one is willing to not give their business to a business because of the owner's political leanings; wouldn't it also be fair if said business refused to serve a potential patron because of their political leanings? 


>>Any good restaurant owner, would not let a patron know their politics.

This.   It's just stupid in any business.... these are just people who are part of the problem, IMNSHO.  The ones who have such a strong opinion it becomes their identity and aggressively shove it down everyone's throat at every chance they get.

Now how about if your dentist displays a sticker supporting Trump in his office?    Yeah, mine does...   And he's also a good client.   I always rib him and tell him how it's needlessly polarizing and some people no doubt find it offputting, but he stands his ground and the bumper sticker remains.   I find it hard to believe, but he says it hasn't cost him any business.


If one is willing to not give their business to a business because of the owner's political leanings; wouldn't it also be fair if said business refused to serve a potential patron because of their political leanings? <<<

I think what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

However, at this juncture, I think it's beyond "political leanings".   The stage is being set to pit the country against itself in a giant "he said she said" ordeal re: competing narratives; either the system has been compromised at the highest of levels (deep state) or Trump is up this neck in nefarious activities.  

How about if your dentist displays a sticker supporting Trump in his office?<<<

I suspect most people who believe he's a good dentist simply don't want to "go down that road"! 

It's an interesting variant of the question  ... since many people value "trusted" medical professionals in a different way.

>>it also be fair if said business refused to serve a potential patron because of their political leanings?

This already happening. Some of these stubborn - moronic business owners are treating their customers like shit, just because of their customer's political convictions and common logic.

* goose / gander might be all well and good, but legality might be another story.

I am willing to turn the other cheek and I'm the customer even.

Business is business. I only care about what happens when the power goes out.

Perhaps one day the power will go out because people allowed "business to be business".

I suspect the power is very spotty (at best) in Syria these days.



FOM, even worse, the people most deeply rooted in the 'business' belief system tend to have the least amount of production value and practical knowledge... things that come in handy if/when the lights go out and business as usual ends.  :/

Many people depend WAY too much on being able pay for convenience... to the point that we're losing the infrastructure and skills needed to be self-sufficient - both as individuals and a society.  It all works great until the ones capable of actually producing anything tangible are a domestic rarity and everything including the cash register is gone because a bunch of greedy/lazy unskilled people took more than their fair cut until things went belly up... all in the name of business, of course.  Our business culture has basically got everyone in the mindset that their personal ideal and goal is anything BUT actual labor and production.   

But back to dumbasses who think any customer ever wants to hear or know about your political leanings.  Unless they ask.   It's poor form AND bad business.  

I try and reapply peoples values back on them (said half jokingly).   I have a lot of people who want to go mining with me, but i'm pretty liberal (not on all issues), and they're very conservative as a rule.  So if they're into boycotting everything they don't like, they usually won't get to join me...   if they're cool with different conflicting points of view, they can join me.  Figure it's a fair way to give people what they want, lol...  besides, I was raised to not discuss politics or religion, but we didn't have funny memes back then, thanks for the entertainment Russia!  But I wouldn't be able to go out to eat in some of these rural towns if I avoided all pro trump signs  (or Obama signs in the city last time around).  But I much prefer to support people who don't shove their beliefs in my face!  

The sad thing, is everyone wants to argue to win these days (without being well studied on the issues), vs having a discussion to exchange information so we can become better informed...

if a restaurant publicizes their political beliefs i wouldnt go there, regardless of who they support or what party they align with - im not trying to hear about trump or guns while i eat, and i also dont want to hear about minority issues or social activism when i eat. there are lots of spots in oakland that have black lives matter posters in the window and i dont go to those either - but in CA, especially the bay area, no restaurant would ever publicize support of trump so i dont think its something i will ever come across out here.

if i found out they were a trump head thru non public channels, i might stop going if the food was bad. but if i really like the food i dont give a fuck if the cook is a trump supporter, a racist, an antifa member, a terrorist, whatever, if the food is good i am there.

fwiw i eat at chick-fil-a all the time and give no fucks. i didnt eat there much when gay marriage was illegal, but now its legal, we won, and im gonna eat some fucking chicken. 

i would be way more apt to avoid spending money at businesses owned by devout christians or muslims than i would one owned by a trump supporter.

Of course same on the religion stuff.   

I would list a few of the other religious clans for clarity and to make things truly even across the board, but I think it goes without saying.  cheeky


Anyway, yeah, any overtly strong religious symbolism or overeager identifying, if not called for, def counts as a strike IMO... especially if given a choice of similar unbiased & non-opinionated competition.

i have no interest in knowing the owner's political beliefs. if they advertise their love for trump and they have signs, fine, i won't be going there. same thing for bernie or whoever. if a restaurant has a bunch of bernie signs in the establishment i'm def not eating there, fuck that. i don't want to see that shit. it's bad enough people throw their political signs in your face, lining community streets w/ their trash, like those signs are even effective at all-total pass if a restaurant is doing that. seems pretty uncommon tho. 

If the owner wants to divide his customers by divulging his political beliefs "he get what he gets"  #PolarizingTimes

Can the 2 party system do anything other than to divide the people? The 2 parties never learn there lessons (R) 2012 & (D) 2016 because you have no other choice every 4 years except your sworn enemy. That's allot of choice one more than Russia!

^ Well then....why didn't Bernie run 3rd party?

>> why didn't Bernie run 3rd party?

Because, in his own words, he was trying to "transform the Democratic Party".

Jesus what a bunch of simpletons

I'm not Bernie ask him but If I had to guess I say the 2 biggest reasons are...

1) getting on ballot issues in a bunch of states (see Ralph Nader, Ron Paul & Ross Perot ballot issues)

2) donkeys and elephants control the debates not the people and usually exclude 3rd, 4th and 5th party candidates. (Where have you gone League of Women Voters)

When one finds oneself in such a predicament one just needs to ask oneself what would FOM do?

<<<<Jesus what a bunch of simpletons

Thanks Bullwinkle always love your Mr. Know-it-all posts amid any discussion

Trumpsters don't flush or wash their hands.

So, no.

>> 1) getting on ballot issues in a bunch of states (see Ralph Nader, Ron Paul & Ross Perot ballot issues) <<


1) Bernie had quite a support network. He could have gotten on all 50 ballots no sweat.


>>2) donkeys and elephants control the debates ... <


2) Host your own debates...invite the other candidates.

<<<<<2) Host your own debates...invite the other candidates.

Who will televise? YouTube ain't gonna cut it.

^ You're kidding, right?

^^^whatever Bernie hater

Bernie hater?

Bernie had more momentum than Clinton. You claim we're stuck in a 2 party paradigm. I'm supporting his ability to break that paradigm. Yet you want him to fall into the same rut you just decried....and then call me a hater LOL. Good luck, nugster.


Actually, I'd say Clinton had more momentum... plus tons of built up political kinetic energy from over the years.   But that's not to say Bernie's potential wasn't stronger, and strong enough to win.

The DNC put lots of effort into not providing Bernie the necessary inertia.   They funneled it all to Hillary and directly worked against Bernie.

For the record, I support all efforts to break some paradigms.  cheeky

lol nugs 

I wouldn't and don't knowingly patronize any place that supports a trump-supporter owner. Boycott for sure.

I'm hungry.

We all zone with Thom and some even pay for it. 

<<<<<Bernie had more momentum than Clinton. You claim we're stuck in a 2 party paradigm. I'm supporting his ability to break that paradigm. Yet you want him to fall into the same rut you just decried....and then call me a hater LOL. Good luck, nugster.

I supported Bernie in that fight (Ross Perot as well) to break through the paradigm in 2016 but I got fucked back then and since...

- Tom Perez picked to head DNC over Keith Ellison

- No reform to super-delegates yet (management pondering it)

- Joe Biden thinking of running (will probably lock up all Clinton super-delegates who fucked us in 2016)

Chach your lol'ing more than a 13 year old lately

Looking to buy a home in Sacramento, Calif.? Well, if you support President Donald Trump, at least one homeowner reportedly says she doesn't want to sell her home to you.

The homeowner made the condition clear to her Realtor, Elizabeth Weintraub, according to Sacramento's KOVR-TV.

Weintraub relayed the woman’s request to the station, noting it could be difficult to screen potential buyers based on politics.

"We can ask somebody how they voted, but they don't have to tell us," she said.

"We can ask somebody how they voted, but they don't have to tell us."

- Elizabeth Weintraub, Realtor

The house has reportedly been owned by the seller’s family for several decades. Now the woman, whose name was not released, wants to sell -- so long as the buyer has political views similar to her own.

But that may be illegal, attorney Allen Sawyer said.

Discrimination based on one's political views is “an unlawful contractual term that infringes the freedom of association and First Amendment rights,” he said.

“People have a right to believe what they want to believe," Sawyer added, "and they shouldn’t be restricted from purchasing property based on that.”

"People have a right to believe what they want to believe, and they shouldn’t be restricted from purchasing property based on that.”

- Allen Sawyer, attorney

The Fair Housing Act forbids home sellers from discriminating against potential buyers based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or nationality – but says nothing about political preference.

Despite having been home to presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, the Golden State has backed Democrats for president in recent elections.

George H.W. Bush, who was elected in 1988, is the most recent Republican presidential candidate to win the state.  


^ thought this was interesting re: selling house, but I did happen to see restaurant owner (impetus of the original post) last week while sitting on a bench.   He passed twice, and we didn't respond to one another ... although I was having a conversation with someone on the bench.  He's definitely not an idiot, so I'm sure he's got some idea why I haven't been in his place in over a year.  Part of me felt a little bad, but at the same time believe resolve is now needed more than ever.

I don't even have a favorite restaurant anymore. indecision

I feel like there was a thread about this boring ass subject not too long ago. 

If I refused a bar or restaurant because of their political leaning I wouldn't have anyplace to eat or drink.

Most establishments here in ct have a tv on at all times. And it's either on foxnews or CNN. Pick your poison. Our favorite breakfast joint, always on fox, but the people who own it are great. We discuss bigly and get to the crux of the biscuit and always part with smiles and laughs. WTF kinda fun is it hanging with those who think just like you? To spread the vibe you must go into the belly of the beast.

Because to some people every action in life must have political ramifications.

No.  Most people with their head not in their asses know that it isn't good business to publicize politics.  

Gas station in town run by new immigrants installed 2 more tv's after Trump was elected so that Fox News is on 24/7 on every wall.  The place is a ghost town but the owners somehow just don't get it. When you throw your politics in my face I react.   I'm all for being around people that don't think like me.  But the working word here is THINK. I don't associate with people that are spoon fed state tv propaganda.  I don't consider anyone that can defend this current administration a good person.     

Sentimental Hogwash

I'm center left trippy highhead hippy. Who fucking cares ? It's how you coexist, treat others,  that people remember you for.

My dad ww2 navy vet. Leyte Gulf, Saipan, Marianas Turkey Shoot. Serious shit. Conservative whiskey drinker. He's been passed since 70's. As I get older I find myself in my spare time going to his local VFW + his favorite Army Navy Surplus store, just to experience some of his kind before they're all gone. Went to the A/N store a while back to get a POW/MIA sticker for my car and while there 3 older korea and nam vets came in, not to buy anything just to talk. I wont go into their stories, suffice to say it was fucking awesome. 

I'm not into war, but appreciate and honor the warriors.

I guess my point is, bridges not walls. Respectfully communicate with those you think you might not have a lot in common with. Its the only way to get thru.

If I didn't communicate with people on the right, 

I'd be missing the chance to make a difference in their lives. Peace Out your adversaries, you may be surprised.

Last week this fella walks into my favorite breakfast joint. Of course I hop on over to thank him for kicking major league ass and asked if I could get a photo with him.

In typical Navy fashion he said, sure but not with you.

Pointing to my daughter Amanda he says, with her.

93 year old Henry Long who served on the USS Hornet in all the same engagements as my father. I almost hit the floor.

Communicate communicate via satellite or solid state

Never never hesitate communicate



I'd eat there every day!!!

:) lol

If I dont go there, because it's a foxnews restaurant,

cool opportunities missed. Not often you get to meet and put a smile on the face of one of the Greatest Generation.

For me when shit like that happens, it's a been a good day.

Do they know who Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters are? 

That's great, Razmataz!

We've spent MANY hours on the USS Hornet, which (as I'm sure you know) is anchored at the former Alameda Naval Air Station.


I've often set aside my proverbial weapons to have meaningful conversations with war veterans.

Do they serve real sausage or that brown and serve stuff?