Return of the Mustache


Don't know if its just a Portland thing, but it seems like the mustache is de rigueur these days for straight guys in their 20s.  Even my son in New York is going for that look.  

Up until recently, the beard was standard facial hair for men here in Portland and still is for the over 30 crowd.  But facial hair styles have come and gone over the decades and guess we are at another crossroads. 


might be seeing movember residuals 

huge hockey thing


I blame Paul Skenes

Mullets also

Not gonna be a good outcome for the man bun

Harry Reems first porn experience | Shaun Costello's Blog  Rollie Fingers – Bio, Birthday, Age, Video | Cameo

it's rampant here

Are The Shameless Trendhoppers opening for Hipster Douchestache at Revolution Hall?

Beats thinking you're going through a dark night of the soul 

Just. Saying!

they sell moustache wax at surf

> Mullets also

I've been letting (what's left of) my hair grow out the last year or so, but it's more of a mop than a mullet.

Dennis's mustache has been in my kitchen for so many years, long before the Pig Day Card of 2013.

Dennis Eckersly card_0_0.jpeg


We need a love a post button



Mustache, The flavor saver