RIP Batman


Adam West has passed away at 88.


The one true Batman.

Sorry to see him go. RIP.

Wow, just heard him on Dan Lebatard show a cpl weeks ago...he was funny as hell, great interview...



~~~~RIP Adam~~~~


Holy Bad News!

Yep.  The greatest Batman of them all.   

RIP Mayor West:

Adam West.jpg

Batman and Robin Climbing.jpg


Another part of my childhood passes on.  RIP Caped Crusader.


Mayor easy...

RIP Batman


88 is pretty great




Hopefully, he gets one last ride in the Bathearse.

I guess that leaves Burt Ward and Julie Newmar as the last two surviving cast members...




Julie Newmar could make you bite your knuckle.

I remember in the late 70's waiting for the Batman reruns to air on wpix11 and thinking that they were the single greatest thing ever. 

Without that show, campiness included, the modern super hero movie would not exist.


The best thing about Adam West was that he got the joke. 

RIP Batman



>>>Julie Newmar could make you bite your knuckle.<<<

YES - or more when i was a mere yout' in the mid 70's

WPIX 11 - totally watched those Batman re-runs after school when i was in JR high



It's not apparent how to rotate the image frown

They lit the Batsignal for him last night in LA