RIP Bob Sagat

Bob Saget


Bob Saget - Sucks Dick For Coke

RIP great sense of humor guy

Here he is telling the dirtiest joke of the world, with ease and killing it:

  Never heard of him

John Mayer and Jeff Ross drove out to pick up his car from the airport.


So Bob Saget had a performance, went back to his hotel, hit his head, went to bed, died. Huh.

Can't say I saw that one coming..,

I heard on news last night

I now have an ear worm

Bumped his head, went to bed, didn't get up in the morning.


RIP Funny Man

One of my brothers hit the back of his head in a nasty fall while playing baseball about 20 years ago.  He had to fly out on a business trip the next day, and thought he was going to die on the flight.  He has abstained from drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages ever since.  I forwarded this story about Saget to him, and he told me that a head injury like the one he sustained has a 60% mortality rate.  Makes me wonder about two concussions I exprrienced, one in a helmet to helmet hit making a tackle playing football, and the other making a tackle playing rugby without a helmet.

Rough stuff. I have a friend whom slipped on ice and smacked the back of his head on it too as he went horizontal on the way down a few years ago. Lucky for him (unknowingly at the time) he also encurred a gash at the base of his skull that would not stop bleeding. When he finally went to see a doctor a couple days later (after being tired and sleeping lots) she told him he likely would have died if the cut was not there to relieve some of the pressure from the hard hit.

I endo'd coming down a steep mt bike trail in 2008 - separating my shoulder in the process - and briefly blacked out as/after my head slammed backwards into a rock face, slightly damaging the helmet. Had I not been wearing a helmet the head injury would have been horrific. I never skied without helmet from that point forward as well. Becareful out there!

At age 7  I was bouncing on the bed, bounced off, and hit the back of my head on the radiator. I was bleeding like a mofo. My dad was taking care of us since mom was out. He cleaned me up and didn't take me to the doctor.

Big reveal - I survived.


RIP Bob.