Rip Bucky Baxter



Not how I wanted to wake up today. Bucky is really one of my favorites, and I will miss his contributions to the music. His playing was smooth and fluid, and he never overplayed his part. “Just enough” was his approach, but to my ears it was more than enough to make a lasting impression. He was a pedal steel student of the great Texas Troubadour Buddy Charleton. 

Sad.  He was only 55.  One article said he died on Sanibel Island and another said in Nashville. 

RIP Bucky

R.I.P.  Mr. Baxter.  He played on some great records.  He was 65, still too young.

Some of these articles need to check their facts.  65 is correct.

"May 25, 2020

Born: 1965, Melbourne, FL"  <---- wrong

