RIP Canyon Critter


Hi folks,

It's with a heavy heart that I forward the news of Canyon Critter's passing.  I've been seeing through FB today that he passed away from complications due to a recent heart attack.

I first started chatting with CC through in about '07 or '08 and he became part of a small crew of great people I "hung" with for a while there.  

He posted on the Zone a bit and I'm sure there are many here who have interacted with him and should know this.


RIP Scott.




zoner down. crying
rip, dear scott.

Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 8.33.20 PM.jpg

Sorry to hear about another Zoner down.  Condolences to all that knew him.

2016 sucks

Oh shit. Jay, thank you, and I'm so sad about this. We had an email relationship; heHeart in space.jpg was generous of spirit, kind, helpful... damn.


RIP Canyon Critter

Sorry to see this. Condolences to Scott's family & friends.

RIP Scott...

Sorry to hear that.  Peace to his friends and family.

I'm so sorry. RIP, Canyon Critter, and condolences to friends and family.

Your fight is over. RIP

Rip Scott 

Damn. He wasn't that old, was he?


Sorry to hear





Judit, i love that image you posted

He was a regular on when they had chat. Along with Gypsycowgirl and Khat and Peggy-O.

Rest in Peace!

Didn't he live in Chicago?

Sad news. Condolences to family and friends.

RIP Scott.

Condolences to all who knew him. 

I will dance for those who can't on NYE.

Very sad

RIP brother




holy shit :(


Refilling my glass as we speak and raising one to CC.


Hit 'em straight, Scott. 

So sorry to hear


God Speed Brother....

Condolences to his friends and family.

Rest in Peace, CC.

Sad News.

Fare Thee Well Canyon Critter.

My condolences to any and all who knew him.




Sorry to hear of this.




RIP Canyon Critter heart

Very sad news, he seemed like he was pretty young.

Rest In Peace, Canyon Critter.

Condolences to his friends and family.

RIP brother

RIP Scott

My condolences to his friends and family.

RIP Canyon Critter.


(((((((CC's family and friends))))))))



Peace to his family and friends.

totally sad. Condolences to all that were close.

sorry to hear this

rip canyon critter 

Another one bites the dust. RIP CC.  Been a tough yr.

(((Bad Canyon)))



May you rest in peace, friend...

rip canyon critter

Safe travels to the next place, Mr. Canyon Critter.

What a shame, seemed like a Nice Fellow here on PZ. I will miss the contributions of text and thoughts.

Man. Sure has been a rough one. 

Boogie in peace Canyon Critter. 


And to those who knew him as scott my condolences. 

This is so sad.  RIP Canyon Critter.  Condolences to Scott's friends and family.

The herd keeps thinning. 


RIP Canyon Critter 






Sad news,but thanks for passing it along.


Peace and understanding to all who called him family and friend.

So sad.....wishing all his friends and family peace in this difficult time.   RIP my friend. 


Does this mean we'll never get that Furthur Fest video? 

RIP Canyon Critter. 


Damn, he posted here not long ago. 

Awww so sorry to read this. RIP Zoner...

Really sorry and saddened to hear about this.  RIP Critter.

goddamns - lets just get to 2017 already..... 

RIP CC and condolences to all that loved him

Damn! Furthur Fest videos are really not happening. So sorry to his family.Rest in Peace, Canyon. 

I still crack up thinking of his GD50 FTW ticket meltdown. I gave him shit about that - he took it well.

Didn't know the guy at all, but obviously much much too young. Peace to his family and loved ones.

Here's CC's page of the videos he made

I first met Scott at charity poker events in the Chicago area. When I found out he was very interested in the Grateful Dead we immediately hit it off and became freindly. He was actually the person who got me interested in philzone. he told me the story where his parents took him to his first grateful Dead concert at 6 years old, that concert which was 12/31/85 or.12/31/84.,  so that would make him about 38 or 39 years old. He worked at a golf course as a golf instructor in Naperville Illinois.  He told me that he knew people at the Grateful Dead ticket office and offered to get me tickets a few times to some of the further shows.  even though we are casual acquaintances he always treated me as a friend he even encouraged me to go with them in a camper to be on a Bonnorroo one year.  the last time I remember talking to him was before the 50th anniversary shows at Soldiers field.  He mentioned that they were getting a hotel room in downtown Chicago and that a bunch of people were staying there and that I was also invited. Does anybody know his cause of death?

So sad to hear:(

>>>Damn! Furthur Fest videos are really not happening.


Here it is, one of his friends posted it on fb...

Thanks for the links.  Some good memories in there.  Thanks, CC.

Way, way too young. RIP Zoner.


Nice guy. We need more like him, not less.

(Far right in photo.)


Canyon Critter.JPG

He was a zoner for sure.

We all have our time.

Celebrate it.

BTW, at 23:30 in that cool Futhurfest video that sure looks like Louie Fuckin' Lardo playing guitar with some other folks. Could that be hoover in that shot as well?

I ran into LFL at that event and he said he was hanging with hoover and others.

Things just go round & round, don't they?

{{{Thoughts and Prayers}}}

For all his friends, Family and other loved ones!


yep, that's Louie in our camp w/Hoover on the right on guitar (Turtle about to do up some 'boat)

Turtle does love the boat, doesn't he?

I think that was a good time for all involved, including the now departed Louie Lardo and Canyon Critter.

Good times are a good thing.

Let's all have some more of those.