RIP Chick Corea

Noooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!! -----DAMN

Ah damn, his was one of the shows I've been daydreaming about seeing again post post-covid.

Huge loss.


Oh no.   Dude could play.   

Not a huge jazz fan, but still remember first time I heard Return to Forever and was blown away.   HIs work with Miles was great too.  RIP.

Return to Forever was mind blowing indeed! Saw a few shows on the reunion tour in 2008 that were just stunning. Caught Chick many times at Yoshi's, what a loss.....

RIP Chick Corea.

Aww damn. Only got to see him once.

Rest in musical Power, Mr. Corea.

He was great, will miss him.  RIP 

Saw him twice; decades apart.

A giant.


My friend did some work on his keyboard he used to warm up before performing and had this key signed for me.

RIP Chick 



Oh, damn.

I'm a huge fan. 

It took me a long time to "find" him. I was never that big a fan of RTF back in the day (too mechanical to my ear) and I never saw them. I saw Corea numerous times through the '80s & 90s, but always in an electric band in one form or another, and that never appealed to me much either.

But then in '11 or '12 I saw him in an acoustic trio with Stanley Clarke & Jack DeJohnette, and I was completely floored. He was simply amazing on a grand piano in a trio setting, and I saw him in various trio's a number of times after that, each one great (saw that one with you Hall, at the Kuumbwa).

He was an incredible player with depth, soul, touch & groove. A master. A giant.

I didn't realize he was that old.

Everybody is old now.

On it goes.

Returned to forever     RIP Chick

Saw Return to Forever at the Universal Amphitheatre in Universal City, L.A. in maybe 83? They played 2 nights and saw them both. 2nd night which I think was the last show of tour was fantastic. They pulled out all the stops and had the place groovin'.


RIP Chick!

RIP Mr Corea.

One of the greatest shows I've seen was Griffith Park at the Circle Star.  Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke,  Lenny White with Freddy Hubbard and Joe Henderson. They would completely shift the musical style of a song by a nod from one of them.  Was lucky to see him with Woody Herman's Thundering Herd at Lincoln Center mid 70s. Fantastic player.  Another man done gone. 


Saw Chick and RTF many, many times.  Always fresh, never dull.  Great band.  Met Chick in 1980 at, of all places, Chase Manhattan Bank mid town NYC.  He was in line in front of me.  Got to speak for 5-7 mins, I was in awe!!!  We will miss you Chick, R I P.

R.I.P. to Chick who's career circumscribed most of the dominant trends in Jazz of the last 60 years.  

His contributions to Bitches Brew were my introduction.   His 60s modal records are all solid.  The post-Bitches fusion work is a mixed-bag for me.  He also made ambient records for ECM.  RTF was hyped heavily as I was getting into Jazz, but (similar to Weather Report)  their sound didn't grab me as much as the hard-bop, modal and soul-jazz records I was hearing.  I wrote Chick off for a number of years, but in the last 15 years of running a record store, I have listened to a lot of his records and found a few gems.  I've become more accepting of Jazz-Fusion too.  I suppose I prefer the guitarists, like John McLaughlin and Larry Coryell, but keyboards are a big part of that sound as well.  

Salute to you, Chick, for a long life in music.