RIP Craig Marshall ~ Cubensis


Saddened by this - I Have many Great Memories With Craig at Cubensis Shows


RIP Craig

Oh, man. He really went down fast. I was looking forward to catching Cubensis Fourth of July weekend at the Mint in LA.

So long, Craig. Thanks for all the good times.

Let me tell you the story of the one time I met Garcia. In 1990 we were going to see the Dead in Eugene, Oregon, and our flight stopped over at San Francisco International, and there he was in the gift shop. My girlfriend went up and got an autograph and a hug…but I wasn’t going to bother him, because I figured everybody was always pestering him, but I knew I might not get another chance, so I went up and thanked him for all the good music. I said I was in a band called Cubensis and he nodded his acknowledgement of the name and what it meant. Then I revealed that we played all Grateful Dead music and he laughed in mock surprise and said, “Oh, yeah? So do we!”

I went on to ask him about his guitar effects and he launched a long dissertation about how he set up his effects, much of which was lost on me because I kinda got stage fright at that point because I was talking to “the man”, my favorite guitar player, but hopefully I absorbed some of it on some level. Anyway, I asked him how he felt about us playing his music and he said, “As long as you do a good job of it, go for it.” And nobody could dissuade me from doing it after that, because I received his permission in a way that completely satisfies me.



I am saddened by this news and send my condolences to the friends and family of Craig. He was a great guy with amazing musical talent and knowledge. Taken so quickly and it's heartbreaking.

RIP Craig. Nice man, thanks for the music,

So, so sad broken heart

So sad. For some of you it's a close and personal loss and I'm very sorry. Love to you.

pink yellow green petal mandala_1.jpeg

Craig RIP.  Saw you many, many times.  Thank You Cubensis for the good times.  Keep on rocking.....

I've been friends with the man for 32 yrs. I feel a great personal loss and a huge loss to the community.  So many shows. So many good times.  Craig and Cubensis were IT for so many of us in SoCal.  Last time I saw him was when they played at Ians up here in Lake County last summer. Wow. So sad. Such a huge loss.  RIP Craig. And THANKS!


I got to play with Craig and Cubensis back in 2009, the year I returned to music full time after retiring from my old day job.
He and the whole band were kind enough to let me open one of their bar shows in Huntington Beach and let me sit in with them on a few tunes.
Really good Dead cover band. Both of us were self-taught on guitar, starting with Grateful Dead music. Super nice guy. RIP Craig.

This is so very sad. Craig was a really nice guy and played guitar really well. He will be missed. Condolences to his personal family as well as his brothers in Cubensis. FUCK CANCER! 



Such a huge loss for our community

Extra love to anyone who knew him in 3D

((((Mark D)))))

So glad I got to see them once

Thanks to another lost zoner


"Tribute to Craig Marshall Founder of Cubensis - A Grateful Dead Tribute Band in Southern California. Craig also started a local Music Scene with his Band bringing us all a little closer when The Dead were not in town. For 35 years he continued to gather folks together introducing them to new bands and artists along the way. He passed away after a battle with cancer today 2022-06-16. He leaves a legacy of music and friendship with all whom he touched. These are some photos of him from various fans and he is singing Row Jimmy from the last song he sang February 5th 2022 at My Place in Huntington Beach Video made by John Murchison SBD Audio recorded by John Murchison - Soundman for Cubensis Thank You Craig for your endless years of Friendship and Music"

WoW Judit thanks - Lots of Images From That Tiny Place called 14 Below in Santa Monica such fun times there.

Sorry I never had/took the chance to see them.

Happy to see you here again, Rob, and hope your healing well!