RIP Darcelle


Too many accolades for this iconic performer, community ambassador, and classiest of class acts, i'm at a loss for words...  RIP



I did sound for that first outdoor show venue w/ Darcelle 20 some odd years ago, RIP

Excellent OPB piece.  Matt took his mom to see Darcelle in '87.  They loved it!

DeSantis to extend "Don't say gay" to all grade levels in FL.

Governing board of a public charter school in FL forces principal to resign or be fired for showing Michelangelo's David to a sixth grade art class because three parents complained.  The parents demanded and have been given control over curriculum.  Not one board member has any educational credentials...all business people and Repubs.

Ongoing attacks on libraries across the country.

Article about the NYC Young Republican Club meeting where the big topic was how to wipe out drag.  Several seen wearing Russian flag lapel pins.


So tired of them...

never heard of D but clearly RIP to a Legend