R.I.P. Jerry Stiller


Very funny man.   Thanks for the laughs.


Serenity now....





92.  The "stop short" may have been his move, but he had a long and wonderful run, with a second act to his career second to none.  



Frank: What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?!? He had 30 home runs, and over 100 RBIs last year. He’s got a rocket for an arm. You don’t know what the hell you’re doin’!



He stole every scene he walked into on Seinfeld, my favorite character on the show, any episode with his son living back in his house is a keeper.  See below

Frank: Yeah, you know my friend, the bra salesman. He says they are looking maybe to put somebody on so I got you an interview next Friday with his boss.

Estelle: He doesn't know anything about bras.

George: I know a little. Besides, what do you have to know?

Frank: Well, it wouldn't hurt to go in the and be able to discuss it intelligently. Maybe you should take a look at a few bras? Where is you bra? Give him a bra to look.

Estelle: I am not giving him a bra.

Frank: Why, so he'll go to the interview and he wouldn't know what he's talking about!?!

Frank: You don't even know what they're made from.

George: They are made from lycra-spandex.

Frank: Get out of here! Lycra-spandex?

Estelle: I think they are made from lycra-spandex.

Frank: Wanna bet? How much you wanna bet?

Frank: I'm not saying go to the library and read the whole history, but it wouldn't kill you to know a little bit about it.

George: All right, it wouldn't kill me.

Frank: They have different cups.

Frank: You got the A, B, C the D. That's the biggest.

George: I know the D is the biggest. I've based my whole life on knowing that the D is the biggest.

Frank: You got the cups in the front, two loops in the back. All right, a guess that's about it.

***One of the great thrillers of the 1970's, Taking of Pelham 123 is back on cable, he does a great job in a small role in the control tower.***


>>> ***One of the great thrillers of the 1970's, Taking of Pelham 123 is back on cable, he does a great job in a small role in the control tower.***


he basically ad-libbed all his dialogue in that film.

the man was a genius.   he even made king of queens watchable.

A true New Yorker... RIP



Festivus will be especially poignant this year.


If he was offensive to anyone I don't know. Otherwise liked the guy and his humor look at life. He brought  smiles not frowns to people! GOD BLESS!

In the new film Have a Good Trip, Jerry Stiller talks about his first LSD trip, which he characterizes as a huge mistake where he found his anxieties amplified.

At one point in the trip, he says, "I decided that I needed to talk to my parents to tell them what was happening to me” and called his famous dad Jerry on the phone. Stiller recounts: "I said, ‘Dad, I took some acid.’ And he said ‘What? What is acid?’ I think he might have thought I drank some battery acid or something. It wasn’t like my dad was Jerry Garcia. He’s Jerry Stiller."

Ben clarified for his dad that he had taken LSD and Jerry took a moment to consider his response, and then said “I understand what you’re going through. When I was ten years old, I smoked a Pall Mall cigarette and I was sick for two days."

RIP Jerry Stiller.

He accidentally tried to take my luggage off the Hertz shuttle at LAX one afternoon. When I politely pointed out his error, he seemed quite perturbed that I would own luggage that so closely resembled his own, somehow shifting the blame my way. Although for no apparent reason, I recall apologizing to him for the mix-up. 

In that moment, he was quintessential Frank Costanza. 


Some of his best work was on The King of Queens. Great show, great stuff. Give it a watch if you've never seen it. Hysterical