RIP Larry Flynt


He was a First Amendment freedom fighter, an agent provocateur, and otherwise a pretty despicable human being by most accounts.

I thought he died years ago. 

Me too. I was shocked when Larry King died recently too.

If you're not going to offend somebody you don't need the First Amendment.

People aren't interested in others controlling what they can do or read or see in the privacy of their own homes.

I will concede to you one thing - 'Hustler' is offensive, even to the point of being iconoclastic. That's our purpose - to be offensive.

- Larry Flynt

he definitely succeeded at the offensive part. He said what he wanted to say....
















Joe scanning his old Husler mags! LOL

May the 4 winds blow you where your karma goes Larry!


Trosley, the creator of that last cartoon, is the son of one of my high school teachers... she was very proud of him.



Easy to take for granted now but Larry was a true trailblazer with big ole' brass balls.

Whenever I was cruising around LA on business and passed his building, I had to wonder what was happening up in his master office, assuming it was far more interesting than my humdrum routine.

And after working at Playboy for a few years, I came away with the insight that Hugh Hefner was by far the creepier individual. He just cloaked it better.

He showed the real valid pornography. Images of the Vietnam War.

The Immoral Majority salutes you, Larry Flint.

I was at an Angels game in Anaheim and had good seats about 15 rows behind home plate.  Around the 2nd or 3rd inning, Hugh Hefner was escorted into his front row seats with a couple of his girlfriends.  Grown men all around me were standing and bowing to him.  It was a surreal L.A. moment .

Flynt, Hefner, Guccione...all the old pornographers are dust.

In this new digital computer age, men controlling the medium is too.