RIP Sixto Rodriguez


Singer and songwriter Sixto Rodriguez, subject of 'Searching for Sugarman' documentary, dies at 81


What an amazing documentary and story. RIP!!!


R.I.P. to a mostly unknown legend.  

I saw him perform twice, once at the Light In The Attic record label's 10th Anniversary celebration at the Showbox Marketplace, and a second time at the Neptune Theatre in Seattle's U-Disrict.  

LITA had reissued his groundbreaking Cold Fact album from the early 70s, and played a big part in reviving his career.  Unfortunately, his was the last performance that night, and there was no chance to properly mix the house sound after the other performers sets were finished.  Although his performance that night was marred by poor sound issues, his humor, grace, and sweetness shone through.  

Fortunately, the sound problems weren't an issue at the show I caught at the Neptune.  That night was a joyous celebration.  I remember endless shouts of "we love you, Rodriguez" from the hipsterettes in attendance.  He was quite the ladies man, a real chick magnet.  He was an exceptionally gifted musician that should have been more widely known.  

Searching For Sugarman helped shine a little light on him and rescue him from complete obscurity.  It's a wonderful film that I'd highly recommend if you've never seen it.  It documents his story, his music, and his role as a community activist.  It also painted a favorable picture of Detroit that makes me want to visit there someday.

Farewell Sugarman, you were much loved.