Rousey vs Nunez


Don't see how Rousey stands a change with Nunez, what a monster Nunez is if anyone saw her last fight will know.

Not doing a pay per view for this although tempting, totally pulling for Rousey to take back her belt.

Rousey wins in round one, Go Rhonda !

um, yeah, no.. 

That was a tough draw with Nunez being her first fight, just wishful thinking. She should have started with not fighting for the belt her first time back, not sure if it even works that way. She could have beaten Tate maybe i think.

shouldve learned some defensive moves

Yep and she should have studied Nunez, if she watched the Nunez vs Tate she was probably scared to death going in. Nunez is a bruiser.

Hope nobody got up to get a beer and missed it!

Not a big fan of this sport, but always happy to see people with egos too big for what they deserve to be get their ass handed to them.



Got off work early to see the fight...

walked down to B Dubs and was in line for a beer and the fight was over before I got served. Lol

Apparently boxing beats grappling. 

matty's girl got pummeled  

women beating each other is unbecoming.

I read that Rousey  got paid 3 million to get tko'd.