RSD Black Friday


Usually lean toward the Live releases:

NRPS​     Miles    JGB     Doors    Mule   MTB


Hoping to get Frog Brigade Animals.

Beware the “first release” trap vs the supposed “exclusive”. It’s always fun to watch the novelty that we stood in line for get a follow up widespread release. Sure it usually won’t be the fun numbered colored vinyl edition but a good chunk of the time the colored doesn’t sound as good anyway, and the number? Well I guess you had to get something for standing in line. A lot of em don’t get numbers anymore either. It was fun to see jg camp issue a follow up to the electric on the eel “exclusive”


that said, I’ll be in for jgb

Fu Manchu. Only 500 and a regional release. 

That would be one to grab that day^

MTB,  Marshall  Tucker Band?


I’m all over that Marshall Tucker release. Been listening to the FM broadcast my whole life, this will be a nice upgrade. At the time (New Years 78/79), this was the most-listened live concert broadcast in history. You know I love that cosmic flute.

Gangsta Bitch Music Vol. 1Cardi B EMPIRE

That On The Road Look "Live" Tony Joe White

The only live album recorded at Tony Joe White's peak…and it's never been available at retail before. Recorded in the fall of 1971 while TJW was opening for Creedence Clearwater Revival, this show became the proverbial "legendary lost live album," and for good reason: Warner Bros. recorded the concert on multitrack tape, fully intending it to be released. But for some reason lost to the mists of time, the album never came out until Rhino Handmade released it on CD in 2010 via their website. Which means it never went to regular retail at all in any format, and that's a real shame, because you could make a good argument that it's the best Tony Joe White album of 'em all, with a set list to die for, a great band (featuring Duck Dunn on bass), pristine fidelity, and plenty of Swamp Fox attitude. This exclusive RSD Black Friday white vinyl pressing comes inside a gatefold jacket featuring a front cover cut-out displaying the art on one of two inner sleeves, with great liner notes by Ben Vaughn.

Did anyone pick up the Hampton '79 discs back in 2014?  I'm wondering how the quality is on these.

I have them, they are decent and apparently that’s all that exists in the vault of that performance 

Wouldnt mind getting ahold of Story of the Ghost... but who wants to deal with that black friday bullshit to get it..

Definitely it for quite a few. I'm also a sucker for holiday albums- going to snag them all if I can.

This is the only Black Friday shopping I do. It's fun and I always meet interesting people.

Got skunked today on NRPS, Marshall Tucker, and Tony Joe in grants pass and ashland.


anybody else?

all good...

JGB,MTB, NRPS, Doors, Mule, Skip Spence, Miles

No Hendrix Xmas picture dic LP arrived at Amoeba

always fun time chatting with folks on the line amidst the early am Haight Street riff-raff...

Lucky guy

batting 1000% today!