Scam Websites


My food dehydrator finally kicked the bucket a few days ago. So I googled and spent an hour or so searching options etc and decided on one from a site called ELC Hardware. Gave them my cc info and they charged it. ............No immediate confirmation email. Next day, yesterday, still no email.  Went to the site to see WTF.   Ask questions software did not work. Phone number was bogus.  Googled ELC Hardware. Found out it was a scam.   

Do we have to do a security check now every time we want to buy something?

Anyway, called the bank and they refunded my money"temporarily" as they investigate.  


I guess if you know the website you are probably OK, but any new site needs to be investigated before you give them your info.

Same old story I guess.

You will purchase everything from Amazon.  Do not resist.


Tomorrow's Children will eat Bez-os for breakfast.

i always hesitate when on new website and it asked for a bunch of info

we end up going to the store and paying cash...crazy , i know 

we are slowly living out the movie WALL-e