As seen on tv Christmas wish list


Speedout screw remover looks useful

Tac light would come in handy. Thursday's rain killed power for a minute. 

Flex seal if I owned a home

Easy outs are always good....they sell all sizes at hardware stores, rather brilliant, sometimes you have to drill a hole in a screw with a separate drill bit but they work well. Used one on an aluminum hex head recently, worked great

Slacker send the letter to Santa, and see what happens.  I want one of those vacuum cleaners that drives around on the carpet, and keeps the floor

vacuumed at all times.  

> one of those vacuum cleaners that drives around on the carpet

Tulsa, roombas are brilliant, just cut them loose and they get everything under couches or sectionals....just saying 



Slack, whatya getting me this year?


Ahhh....dont tell me, i ll wait for it to arrive...


Thanks again...


Happy Holidays to you and yours

Hey Mike, I want one of those for my toilet.

Trump chia made in China.  As they all are including the Bernie Sanders model.

"Originally made in Mexico, Chia Pets are now produced in China"