Shall We Dance?


Who here considers themselves a dancer? 

Do you have a particular style or do you just feel like you are moved by the music?

Did you become a dancer at a certain point after being a non-dancer? 

Are you a toe tapper? 

Curious brains are curious

When the mood is right, and the music is funky, like to bust out my best disco moves that the seventh graders taught us back in fourth grade.   Important skills that stick with you through the years.

I'm a dancer.

I dance.

I've been a dancer all my life.


It's surprising how many of the classic Dead dance moves are identical to the routines taught in my in senior aerobics class. 


>>>>Dead dance moves are identical to the routines of the inflatable thing at the used car lot  (fixed it for you)

Inflatble Used Car lot thing.jpg


^HA true.

I gave up hippy dancing when ya had to learn hand signals and carry tapestries.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 151407.jpg

Why me? Why did I live so long? They're all dead. I'll tell you why. Because I'm a dancer.

I dance 

Leads to teenage pregnancy.

Two step

Ten step

18 step


cottoneyed joe 

electric slide


just the bare necessities for honky tonk survival