Should Trump be dead or just in jail


And what are your opinions about organized crime

Who is going to charge him with anything?


He's been laundering money for the Sawdis, Turks, Russians, Israelis, and (?) since at least the early 80's.   

Get killed in prison by someone who lies and says it wasn't him who did it.  
or perhaps his Trumpublican buddies would just blame it on Dr Fauci.


That's not for me to decide.  It's up to Putin.  

You voted for people who don't believe that a President can ever be charged with a crime. 


It's true until they charge one of these Presidents with a crime and convict them. 

Deported to Cameroon.

> your opinions about organized crime

Much tidier than disorganized crime.



class acts

Why do they all hate America? 

Maybe slacker will tell us because they don't own a home....who knows

....who knows

Put it all on me, lltd. It's my fault because of what I post here. 

Democratic party people are perfect. Don't blaspheme them. 

Biden’s Justice Department Is Still Working To Defend Trump In Rape Case Defamation Suit

The new administration argued in a brief that the former president is allowed immunity in writer E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit against him.


Brother slack,  they're defending him on the defamation suit only, when he called the woman a 'slut' and 'not his type', because he said that while president.

They are NOT defending him on the rape charges themselves which occurred before he was prez.

Judge Rules Justice Department Can't Defend Trump in Rape Suit | The Mary Sue
Why the Biden Justice Department wants to help Donald Trump fight a defamation lawsuit

I know, it's tough keeping up with all his legal troubles.

Dunno if he'll ever serve time, but he'll be dead in a few short years.

For karmic reasons it's difficult wishing someone dead, although I'll be rejoicing when it happens.

No doubt the Mob's takin notes on chump's use of the legal system, you are correct surf,  he'll never see the inside of a jail cell.

Too many scumbag lawyers out there salivating over the big bucks.

Rachel Maddow Rips Merrick Garland For Continuing To Protect Donald Trump

“I don’t think anybody expected it to be continued,” the MSNBC anchor said of the Trump-stained Justice Department.

“Under Donald Trump, the U.S. Justice Department was corrupted in multiple cases,” said Maddow. “That can’t stand as precedent. The U.S. Justice Department is too important. Its credibility is too irreplaceable. That misbehavior during the Trump era at the U.S. Justice Department has to be cleaned up, has to be found out, ferreted out, punished, cleaned up, and come clean to the American people about it.”

“Or the Justice Department will be used that way again by the next corrupt president who sees what happened under Bill Barr and the former guy as a legacy of corruption you can build on. And trust me, it will happen,” she warned.


You can be both


Jeffrey Epstein

Wow slacker watches Rachel, now there's a surprise.

Wonder why he never posts the pix of trump and Epstein. 

Because I support Trump and believe the big lie. You got me. 



Do you want video of Trump and Epstein dancing? Will that speed up the process? 

AHH HA, Slack.


just kidding. 

I honestly give Trump almost no thought these days. He doesn't deserve it. I swear, the way to hurt him the most is to let him fade into oblivion, no lawsuits or legal actions, no media coverage, nothing. The guy is a narcissist. Hit him where it counts.

It's just amusing, and never serves the topic. 

Let Bry fade too


Wait what was the name of that completely crazy zoner was it kirley


and are they the same person