The Shut Down Is Coming


Back in March we had about a week heads up, so I expect by Monday there will be stay at home orders and back to the same restrictions that were in place back in March. The shit's about to hit the fan as ICU beds fill up - The Covid Thanksgiving that keeps on giving..


>Gov. Gavin Newsom said he's considering reinstating a stay-at-home order for most California counties as COVID-19 continues to surge just about everywhere.

The state's biggest area of concern is a rise in hospitalizations, particularly in ICU beds. In most regions, ICU beds are about 75% full now, but are projected to reach capacity by mid-December to early January if current trends hold.

"If these trends continue, we're going to have to take much more dramatic, arguably drastic action," Newsom said, including "the potential for a stay-at-home order for those regions in purple."

Gov. Newsom is referring to the 51 of California's 58 counties in the purple tier -- the most restrictive reopening tier that indicates widespread coronavirus transmission.

I thought for sure this would be Timpane's Covid masterpiece thread.

We still have to work. 

honestly i thought this was gonna be the masterpiece thread as well. 

maybe timpane is in first for zoty.......

Freak out!

Nancy has a Tuff Shed full of TP.

Lol, actually I haven't bought TP since March and my stash is actually down to one package. 

 I'm not looking forward to closed parks, beaches and recreational activities. Hopefully they can stay open this time..



Has anyone caught the Rona while taking a hike in the woods?

Unlikely - but the parking lots and trails were (and still are) getting overcrowded when all other activities were shut down 

Did Newsom come up with this while waiting for his "French" Laundry?...

>>>biggest area of concern is a rise in hospitalizations, particularly in ICU beds<<<

I think maybe the bigger concern within the hospitals is not just full/overflowing wards, but actually having enough staff to deal appropriately with that, since so many nurses and other ICU/COVID ward workers are way past burnt out and are quitting. Oh, and also getting sick themselves.

My neighbor is a surgical nurse in a local hospital who just had a baby and has been on leave. Her hospital is getting desperate for staff and implored her to come back early, which she is going to do. She, along with all the other nursing & support staff will also now be rotated through the ICU & COVID wards because of staff shortages and to give those still there a chance to not completely lose their minds.

She told me that many of her colleagues have quit because of the endless stress, long hours and worry. Even when things calmed down and with better understanding of how to treat people it's been incredibly tough on hospital professionals, and with spiking numbers it will only get worse. 

Everybody's got an opinion, but beyond us old-timers (and others too) who are getting sick & dying, the people working in the hospitals have been in the middle of a war for almost a year with no end in sight, and are being forgotten in everyone's desire to get past this thing, cry politics, sneer just for the sake of it or downplay the issue in general.

I'm thinking I really should have invested in that refrigerated truck company, because their business is likely to start booming again soon.

It's going to be a long, cold winter folks.

It didn't have to be this bad. Stupid selfish Americans and Trump and his anti science agenda fucked us all, particularly as Lance says the health care workers and the elderly/vulnerable 

Don't worry Gavin will save you.  After he builds his new 755 million capitol offices.

I can't do any more than I already do. 

My Son is an RN at providence in portland, they have 3 floors for COVID patients and portable morgue ( refrigerated truck ) 


stay safe and wear a mask . Joe 

Terribly hard times...

Thanks to your son, Joe. Oregon's surge is just stupid. It's so hard on health care workers, our neighbors and friends.

Be good to each other. Yes, stay safe and wear a mask.

It will be interesting watching this all play out.  

Tomorrow I will make my final payment of suspended rent from the first 2 1/2 month shutdown.  Never took out a small business loan, kept grinding, and made it out of the hole and back to level.  Neither myself or my staff caught the virus.  We stay masked, require the same from our customers, and practice distancing, regular hand washing, and keep hand sanitizer out and available for all who enter.  We lost the tourist traffic this year, saw a large drop in the college student and staff demographic, and have missed seeing a bunch of regular faces who are at higher risk or who are simply afraid to socialize.  For myself, and undoubtedly most others, the most challenging year I've experienced.  Be glad when it's over.   Hope to avoid another shutdown.

It's going to be interesting for some...

A nightmare for others.



Come on down to Florida.

DeSantis re-announced yesterday Florida WILL NOT shut down ever again!!!

Bring your tourist dollars and will give ya bag of Rona to take back home for family and friends who could not make it with you.

Nice job getting out of the hole without assistance, JD....

>Come on down to Florida.

hard to believe but many wealthy  Canadians still want to spend the winter there and are taking drastic measures to cross the closed border, hiring helicopters to fly across and have their cars delivered across the border by car carrier/semi-trailers.  Canada will be fucked when  these snow birds  return the same way in the Spring carrying the  Covid. That's assuming they survive. And Florida gets to welcome the Trump's as permanent residents soon enough. Sorry, Florida.


Grassley survived.

Yep, some  get lucky and some have access to the best health care/doctors/hospitals, even during a surge in cases. Must be nice. 



 mikeedwardsetc on Monday, November 30, 2020 – 08:47 pm

I thought for sure this would be Timpane's Covid masterpiece thread.


We are still waiting for Timpane to Paint THAT Masterpiece.



>>>>>Did Newsom come up with this while waiting for his "French" Laundry?...



I hate this line of thought.  What he did was stupid.  Doesn't mean we should all be just as stupid.

^ lol. He is still open to be mocked and ridiculed just like all the other politicians who do stupid shit. If we can make fun of Trump for four years we can laugh at Newsome for a week for being a tool bag.

so every other western country helps the small businesses while ours suffer. 

what a shit hole. small businesses, (entreprenuers/yay captialism..) go under, no health care. 

but rushed to flood the big co's with trillions...

cry babies cry about cutting taxes but it is always for the rich, not for the people.




>>>>He is still open to be mocked and ridiculed just like all the other politicians who do stupid shit.


Yeah sure.  I just see plenty of people saying well if he can do that why can't I do (insert bad idea).

Yup. That's how an oligarchy works, Turtle.

the oligarchy wins every election. 

as long as it's dem/rep. 

ogkb, I couldn't agree with you more. Sincerely.

So what do you do about it? And I mean realistically.

step 1 is to stop voting for neoliberals. 


"What a shame that a few bad apples have to spoil a good time for everyone by breaking the rules."    ----    Otter

If only simpletons had worn masks when asked, moves like this would not be necessary to save lives.

Buuuuuht there's a whole lotta simpletons out there, we need to avoid. 

step 1 is to pull up Your fucking mask.


Fixed that for ya ;)

> step 1 is to stop voting for neoliberals.

Has it been established whether you voted in the election last month? If so, who did you vote for for president? If not, why is that?

>>So what do you do about it? And I mean realistically.

Easy. You bang your head and feet, throw a temper tantrum, call people names, tell them they are wrong, and demand that it goes the way you want, right now.

You were probably too baked that day in 9th grade Civics class, and missed that lesson.

bk -- were you having a temper tantrum when you passed on obama, twice? 

or was that something else......

No, buddy, I've never had expectations that the system will change overnight. I think it's because I actually understand how our government works.


ogkb, if you want to be taken seriously, it would help if you answered a few simple questions.

> Has it been established whether you voted in the election last month? If so, who did you vote for for president? If not, why is that?

bk ive always voted for the lesser of evil. why do you say i expect it to change overnight? 

you're way older and things have pretty much been the same. 

mike edwards -- very strange logic. 

Of course it is, but humor me; I'm old. Answer the questions.

haha fuck you man. 


Your response tells me that I should equate you with Bryen. Not to be taken seriously.


your posts tell me the same thing about you. 

Oh, snap. The old Everything you say bounces off of me like rubber and sticks to you like glue tactic.

just read what you posted above. those few exchanges right up there starting w/ your what do we do question.

it's absurd. you even admitted to that. 

so yeah, fuck you for that nonsensical exchange. 



He's too chicken shit to share facts about himself. He's Afraid of being  analyzed by the same distorted logic he applies to others.

Cages dude, how could you live here? 

i mean, i would expect a W supporter to not mind the cages. that makes sense. 

>>why do you say i expect it to change overnight? 

Well, because you've yet to give a viable or realistic path to anything. How do you get all those millions of people, who agree with some Progressive ideals, to vote Progressive? How do you get shit through a stacked SCOTUS and Republican Senate? Who should Biden have in his cabinet, that the Senate will pass? What is the pathway to universal health?

On a tangential note, last night I watched Colbert's interview with Obama. Colbert flat out asked him why he didn't close Gitmo, after he had made it a campaign promise. Long story short, even as President he was unable to close one lowly prison on foreign soil. Failsafe after failsafe had been put in place to make it impossible to close. There's more of that shit than any of us will ever understand.

Biden is going to take all sorts of flack for not getting us back into the Iran Nuclear Treaty. That little assassination the other day pretty much negated our ability to do so. Trump and Bibi fucked that up for Biden and the world.

Yes I would expect that a W supporter wouldn't, your right

^thats you, buddy. 

regret that a little maybe? 

obama had the house and senate when he took over and still wasn't allowed to give us healthcare. 

I still want to know who heater voted for in 2004...


did you clean the vomit off your vest? 

"Fishcane is not a W supporter"

here I provided a nice quote for your posting template. If you could just add that direct quote of mine to each one of your future posts that references me or is directed to me that would be great. TIA! 

> He's too chicken shit

It seems like people don't use the phrase "chicken shit" as much as they used to. Kudos to fishcane for the completely appropriate usage here.

mike edwards is mad. 

alright you filthy fucks. 

have a great day, go fuck yourself, and i'll see yas later. 

I might be mad as a hatter, but at least I'm not as aggro and spun out as you, ogkb.

Nurses are striking at 2 New York hospitals today.

Pull up Your mask kids...



 pyramidheat on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – 12:48 pm


did you clean the vomit off your vest? 


So You WERE old enough to Vote in 2004, interesting.

Did You canvass/volunteer for Kerry ?


 ^Don't worry RRG, new thread coming soon. Going to be a lot better than the ZOTY thread. Hopefully we can have a different discussion aside from BK trying to convince everyone he "understands how the government works", lol.


Or about his fantasies of Bobby penetrating him

Will it be about your fantasies of me? You seem to be a bit infatuated.


You're the one who said it, bub. I don't want to hear about you giving up on your wish. 

Dreams really do come true, big guy

You bring me up in an awful lot of posts. It's okay. I'm maybe a little flattered. Not much, because it's creepy, but a little.

Yep it's all the fault of the neo-liberals and has nothing to do with this basic fact about America

Kevin Drum wrote: The reality of American political life is that 40% of people say they are conservative and 20% say they are liberal. That has held steady going back to 1996 with only minor variations. That means in any given election Republicans only need to attract 10% of independents while liberals have to attract 30% of independents. 

It isn’t even close to a level playing field. Liberal politicians have to walk a tight rope of not pissing off their much smaller base while attracting enough moderates and independents to put them over the top. Republicans rarely if ever get punished for being too conservative by their base, and can usually attract a small part of the independents to make them competitive in most races. 

That has left us where we are today with two choices - a radicalized “conservative” party and a moderate/conservative party. The only way to change anything is to convince the self identifying conservatives that the new Republican party doesn’t represent them anymore.

> new thread coming soon. Going to be a lot better than the ZOTY thread

Uh huh.

The poor lad is trying to steal Nick's shtick. 


It's holiday thread guys. You're just gonna have to hold your little horses and be patient.

The aggro bunch supports recycling. Timpane is recycling Nick's stuff, ogkb is recycling the vomit vest stuff. It's refreshing to see the youngs imitating the olds.

And mike edwards is still working hard trolling and contributing nothing in content. You had one lonely thread about dead people in GD songs that got buried. Nice work. 

Holiday Vaccine thread coming soon guys

> Holiday Vaccine thread coming soon guys

Uh huh.

Don't worry Gavin will save you.  Just after he pays 1 billion in unemployment benefits to current inmates.

my govenor is better than your govenor, and no, I don' know where you live


haters gonna hate

Racket lives in one of the Southern California districts that flipped blue to red. 

newsome is a neoliberal. says he wanted to ban fracking, but instead has given out even more permits. trashing up ca land. 


The Pope wasn't pleased she ruled to send fellow Catholics into the jaws of a deadly pandemic in the name of "religious freedom." Spain, Ireland, and Italy (three of the most Catholic nations on the planet) also have some of the strictest COVID-19 restrictions in the world. The Pope made it very clear "religious freedom" had nothing to do with her ruling.

haters get good at hating


can see very broadly

and pass "judgement" at will


Hello Neo

have a good night



Thank you to those eight families!

pelosi only cares about herself and those like her. nobody else. 

that means fuck everybody here -- that means you too, woz.

she laughs at your blind support, all while she cackles and sits in her mansion watching the death count rise, chewing on marbles. 


LLTD -- get some rest man -- you always seem to need rest, fucking typing that psychobabble shit all the time, 5,6,7...10 posts consecutive. haha.

who am i kidding. please never stop. it's hilarious. 

neo hater

nero fiddling as rome burns

I am sorry  that you are too DENSE to follow anything,   monosyllabic or not

psychobabble?  .......or deep thought, creatively composed and inspired musings

you get some rest too lil buddy, i am sorry  that nyou have zero comprehension - At least you are damn good at shouting / screaming / insulting / condescension blabbering  

Bye Bry got nothin' on you



and hahahahahahahA

Let's see the list, put out by a liberal rag, of the CA politicians guilty of "Do what I say not what I do."

Pipe down peasants!

 ^ funny, haven't heard these same complainers say peep about massive Trump rallies and other super spreader events. Oh, but Gavin had dinner with a few people. oy


Here's a heartwarming story about neighbors helping neighbors during Covid.  Was cool getting to be part of it on and luckily no assholes accused the family of mooching.

Have you given your tp order to the help yet?

Strange inquiry. Mind your own business, Racket

>>!actually I haven't bought TP since March and my stash is actually down to one package. 

It is strange you told the zone your inventory of toilet paper.

Stalk much? 

anyhow, when we're in lock down mode it does make sense to be prepared. 


Covid cases at my local hospital went from 18 on 11/15 up to 68 as of 12/1

Buckle up and mask up kids....


30 cases at my son's school, they're on a hybrid schedule. I kept my kids 100% virtual 



daily-covid-deaths-dec 3.jpg_0.png

But at least Florida is now wide open and the governor has made clear they are not looking back.

So looking for a new doctor now as my current one wants me to go into a Quest Lab, which probably has more active virus floating around than the Covid ICU floor, to get "an annual blood test". And why do I need this annual blood test? In order to get a refill for my allergy eye drops. 

I have never had to get an annual blood test before for refills, and I'm sure this has nothing at all to do with the fact that primary care doctors business is way down and they may have to downgrade their second home and Teslas. 

Cases are up!! Be scared!! Stay inside!!

Nino while I see your point, here's a little more current version of your article above. Libs are up 6% in the last 10 years. The time is now. We just need to figure out a clear agenda like the conservatives have and stop shitting on each other.


I hope Carcceti starts punishing you dirty angelenos. 



Yesterday, 2802 as a result of coronavirus here in the US.




2802 died*

Aw, shucks.  Thought this would be about the shutdown of nanzi's mouth.

8000 people die everyday in the US.


^then keep going out to eat, maybe you'll get lucky and only be an asymptomatic carrier 


This post on twitter pretty much explains where we are as a nation

There were patents for this vaccine before this year. You can look them up. Bill and Melinda Gates patented a vaccine in March this year in which nanobots in the vaccine will be able to interact directly with the vaccinated person's cryptocurrency.

Probably true someone that stupid wouldn't know who Melinda Gates is


>8000 people die everyday in the US<


So an additional 2800 deaths is approximately a 35% increase over the normal daily death count.  

No biggie, eh, Racket?



The shutdown should affect the normal numbers. 


^yes and no, I believe. Should cut down on things like automobile related deaths, but it's widely understood that many folks are avoiding routine preventative care in order to avoid medical institutions. 

Also, it doesn't change the validity of my statement. 



>Probably true someone that stupid wouldn't know who Melinda Gates is


I just talked to my pal Jon who was a TXR show recently and was talking to a deadhead who frequents the place. Full on dreadlocks and full on tinfoil hat - the guy repeated something similar to that insane tweet.