

Anybody do this?  Last night I had a scary experience---woke up in my kitchen with the stove on and butter melted in a hot pan.  The reason I woke up is that I couldn't find the item that I dreamed I was cooking.  Glad I didn't try to fry up a dish towel and burn the house down.  Also REALLY glad I woke up, because that pan was hot!  No sleep aids involved.  I've recently been having pretty fun episodes of waken dreaming, but this is when it was time to wake up and I would just coast the edges of both consciousnesses, but last night is a whole other thing.  I only had one other instance of this, about 20 years ago,when I was a houseguest and wandered into the hosts' bedroom thinking it was the bathroom.  Luckily, I did not tinkle in the corner, but instead wandered around looking for the toilet for about two minutes while the alarmed hosts were trying to wake me up.  Oops, my bad but we all got a good laugh.  No other episodes that I am aware of.  Funny thing is that I used to have an ambien script and when I took it I never woke up in a pile of cookie crumbs or noticed that the car had been moved or whatever it is people do on ambien.

Anyway, hopefully this doesn't happen again, but just thought I'd share and see if anyone else has some silly tales about sleepwalk adventures. Hopefully I can go another 20 years without a repeat.

wow, that's gnarly.

I've been a sleepwalker since I can remember and it mostly happens when I'm deeply exhausted and/or really stressed.

When I was a kid I would incorporate a scary movie or book into the dream.  One time my bed was the sinking boat in Jaws and I was slipping towards the sharks mouth, and another time the dogs from The Omen were at the side of my bed chewing my hand off.  I would usually either stand up on the bed and yell in terror until my parents came, but sometimes I would run out the house and up the street until I eventually woke up.   I remember a kid my cousins knew did this and was killed by a car.

When I was in scouts we had these huge tents that could sleep a bunch of kids and after sleepwalking around camp I would sometimes sleepwalk back into the wrong tent and start thrashing everyone looking for my sleeping bag.  I would usually wake up and figure it out right about when the other kids were starting to freak

And my dad would egg me on (and taunt me) when I would sleepwalk into one of the family gatherings that had gone past my bedtime. .. he was a cruel bastard sometimes.

I have extremely vivid dreams in general, with a few recurring nightmares.  One is that I'm on a crumbly cliff and I have no idea how I got there, but I usually eventually fall (and accept that I'm going to die as I'm falling).  The other recurring nightmare, which I've had dozens of times in the past 10 or so years, is that I'm being killed by an apex predator.  It's mostly big cats of most every type... Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Black Panthers, Leopards, Mountain Lions, but there have also been a fair number of bears and even a shark and an Anaconda thrown in for good measure.   These dreams are so vivid that I can feel the breath on my neck or face as it sinks it's teeth and claws in.  I usually just cry out in my sleep, but sometimes I try to 'get away' and end up waking up somewhere else in the house.

In the last one of those I "decided" that the Mountain Lion was only preying on me because it was old and had bad teeth, so when it pounced, I got my hands around it's throat and violently choked it out.  Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've had one of those dreams, so maybe (hopefully) I've exorcised that demon. 

I find that if it's really dark in the room where I'm sleeping that I tend to continue 'seeing' whatever it is I'm dreaming even if my eyes are open, so I sleep with a nightlight (and Angela knows to just turn on the lights and tell me I'm dreaming until I figure it out).

Oh, almost forgot... had to sell my .357 magnum after waking up with it under my pillow one too many times with no memory of going to get it (or loading it), so I totally get being freaked out by not being in control and doing something that could have real life consequenses.


Disturbing, huh?

Nobody's gonna ask for floor space in my hotel room after

No sleepwalking, thank God.  Most definitely talking and sometimes weird waking dreams/sleep paralysis.

Sounds really scary.

Reason not to have a gun #14. Yikes.

I once had this boyfriend who told me he was a sleepwalker (a little dicey since he lived on a sailboat).  One time we were camping and he woke up and started flailing, basically trying to beat my dog, who was also in the tent. I flung myself over the dog and got a few pummels before he came out of it. Said he had a dream about being stalked by an animal and must have opened his eyes and seen the dog.  Didn't last long after that, the boy was never quite right anyway.  After I broke up with him he left a stern voicemail to "notify" me that he would be going down to clean up the park in my neighborhood (not his) and that he would have a RAKE.  Whatever that was all about.

I have recurring dreams too Hall, although not nightmares.  Mainly these locations that I get to know really well over a series of dreams over months.  One was a dusty broke down border town, another was a city on the water with a shady district and a really swank public spot to take in the view, with a big rambling house and a cool river to explore. I have a map of it in my head, its a nice place.

I have gone to DNB shows in my dreams many times, but it usually ends in me losing something, like my ride or my keys.

jeez, you guys should smoke more pot before bed.

>>>have gone to DNB shows in my dreams many times,

I love concert dreams...  sometimes I go up on stage and play, or if it's a sporting event dream, I go onto the field and join in.

Anyone have flying dreams?  I don't have them often, but when I do it's pretty awesome.



I am envious of that deep of a sleep. Must be mind numbing waking like that.

"Anyone have flying dreams?"

Used to have them as a kid, astral traveling stuff.  Very vivid.

"jeez, you guys should smoke more pot before bed."


Its fun when I am at a festival in my dream and hitting the snooze button "Aw shit, I gotta get up but let me pop back into the festival for just a minute....mmmmmmbluegrass.....BEEPBEEPBEEP"

Some mentally unstable zoners up in here.

that's redundant, Jr.

I used to dream that my alarm clock was a bomb about to explode and when I was laid up on crutches after my ACL surgery, I dreamed that my friend had put a bomb under my house... I ended up running out of the house (and waking up in serious pain).   Surgery + percocets = guaranteed sleep "walking"

I Have WHACKED Out Dreams and Nightmares On Occasion - Thankfully I Stay PUT In Bed !

My neighbor who has cirrhosis of the liver sometimes sleepwalks in the yard. I once heard her walk past my window around midnight and she didn't return for almost an hour (her chihuahua was left behind and started whimpering which woke me on her return). I talked to her about it the next day and she had zero recall. I figure her meds are causing the sleepwalking blackouts, although she told me she's been sober for 3 years, part of me suspects she went "sleepwalking" to the bar around the corner...but I hope not. My sis and nephew both sleepwalk but as far as I know I just occasionally cuss really loudly in my sleep. Probably from breaking a nail in my dreams...or a lost ticket to get back to my seats at GD shows, have that dream a lot. Sometimes I end up with better seats though, s'all good.

No big sleep disorders for me.  Sometimes I wake up 4-5 AM and take a pee,  then go back to bed.

Mostly I sleep all night,  and wake up when it's time to go to work.  Except those times when I'm not tired and stay up really late.

The Dog is a role - model for sleep patterns.  He'll crash out around 9 - 10 PM every night and not stir until I'm making the morning Coffee.

Flying dreams are great, but my dreaming or memory of dreams is almost non existant anymore. My neighbor used to sleep walk and he would piss in the dishwasher, and put pillows in the oven. I also think one of my friends (in our mid 20's) dropped a duece in my room one night after a night of drinking. Not sure how it happened cause I was sleeping but woke up and there was a turd in the room. He claimed it wasn't him, and I am not sure if he sleep walked and did it or it was his idea of a joke.

SleepWalking ? HA HA You Have To Be At Least Half-Awake _ If You Are Wandering Around Ha Ha GTFO !

dude <<


Exactly T.

When I was a kid I could occasionally fly in my dreams


 But they were in the middle of the day in my backyard and I was awake 


I would get about 20 yards in the air flying around the perimeter of the backyard over the bamboo. I thought it was pretty cool

Mike Birbiglia talks about the sleepwalking that nearly killed


In terms of sleepwalking , nothing better than a couple ambien, a bottle of red wine and the munchies. Guaranteed to wake up with a mess in the kitchen and vague memories of cooking a feast