Slightly less awful than heroin


Jeff Sessions has made it clear that he’s not a fan of marijuana, medical or otherwise.

The U.S. Attorney General on Wednesday delivered a speech to law enforcement officials in Richmond, VA that included several anti-marijuana comments and a sentiment to ramp up the War on Drugs, reports the Washington Post.

“I am determined that this country will not go backwards,” Sessions said before stating opinions that belong in the 1950s:

“I realize this may be an unfashionable belief in a time of growing tolerance of drug use. But too many lives are at stake to worry about being fashionable. I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana – so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life.”

Sessions further doubled down on his “unfashionable” beliefs by suggesting a return to the failed Drug War policies of the Reagan era by bringing back drug abstinence campaigns and “hammering” drug dealers and offenders.

“We have too much of a tolerance for drug use,” Sessions said. “We need to say, as Nancy Reagan said, ‘Just say no.’ There’s no excuse for this, it’s not recreational. Lives are at stake, and we’re not going to worry about being fashionable.”

The cherry on top of Sessions’ reefer madness was a tidbit given to reporters after his speech, where he asserted that he was “dubious” of the importance of medical cannabis.

“Medical marijuana has been hyped, maybe too much,” Sessions told reporters.

Meanwhile, in the fashionable land of facts and empirical data, the War on Drugs has been a complete failure, opioid-related overdoses have seen a dramatic reduction in states with legal medical pot, and medical cannabis continues to save the lives of children, athletes, and war veterans.

he receives thousands from tobacco and alcohol lobbying groups so no surprise. 

States rights mother fucker.

“States, they can pass the laws they choose,” he added. “I would just say it does remain a violation of federal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United States, whether a state legalizes it or not.”

His comments appear to line up with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s comments last week that opened the door for a Trump administration crackdown on recreational marijuana.

Spicer raised concerns among advocates for marijuana policy reform when he said states that have legalized recreational marijuana will see “greater enforcement”

Hang 'em high! 

Force out the whole pack of rats, and hang 'em one by one.

fucking unamerican, fascist, treasonous, bastards.


F him,we're smokin anyway

Well, hopefully Congress will soon take the issue away from Sessions.   There is a new bill in Congress called the "Respect State Marijuana Laws Act" (introduced by a Republican congressman) that would add the following single line to the Controlled Substances Act: 

‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of this subchapter related to marihuana shall not apply to any person acting in compliance with State laws relating to the production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, or delivery of marihuana.’’

Apparently, the bill has already garnered 14 sponsors and enjoys support from folks on both sides of the aisle.  

Legally, why is it not okay for states to have their own abortion laws, but then okay for them to have their own MJ laws?

Is abortion considered a human rights issue, thus making it federal?

>> Legally, why is it not okay for states to have their own abortion laws, but then okay for them to have their own MJ laws?

Because Obama and the DOJ conspired to ignore a federal law and a SCOTUS ruling that said "Congress may criminalize the production and use of homegrown cannabis even if states approve its use for medicinal purposes."  SCOTUS ruled the federal government has this right under the commerce clause and, therefore, the federal law trumped state's.

Presidents historically chose to not enforce laws because they believed them to be unconstitutional. However, Obama didn't make that argument, he just chose to ignore a law already vetted by SCOTUS. 

Seems like they'll just go after a few shops for publicity. It gets money from donors but they aren't going to spend what it would cost to close everything. 

Imagine a country where every politician lost their salary, per diem, campaign funds and all other sources of money. 

Neverending pledge drive

>> Is abortion considered a human rights issue, thus making it federal?

No, it's because the right is derived under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment (see roe v wade). 

Okay, thanks.

So, Roe v Wade did consider it a fundamental right, with the right to privacy. 

It's not so much a "fundamental" right as an "incorporated" one.

Just fuck this asshole.

Sessions is slightly more awful than bath salts.

Good luck trying to shove the genie back into the bottle.

I posted about it. Do I get a prize?

Bill referenced by Ken above, please contact your Congressperson.

Well, I see this as great news. I've smoked weed for years and I've been able to handle it remarkably well. If heroin is only slightly worse, then I should be able to handle that as well. I've always been hesitant to try heroin because of the negative connotation, but now I'm gonna give it a shot. 



meanwhile, prominent republicans are on board with the meds...

 >>>>>but now I'm gonna give it a shot.


If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load.



>>>“Medical marijuana has been hyped, maybe too much,” Sessions told reporters.

 I'd like to introduce Sessions to a session with Lime Skunk or Katsu Bubba Kush to see what all the highpe is about.

if there was ever a guy who needed to get stoned...

Feds can't stop the home grow limits in California & Massachusetts said the weed lawyers.

Feds can't stop the home grow limits in California & Massachusetts anywhere said the weed lawyers.

I have seen the feds up here first hand  and how they don't give a shit about anything They say fuck  your property rights and your constitutional rights .

Marijuana - slightly less awful than heroin

Heroin - slightly less awful than Jeff Sessions

This guy could have it all. Timing is just right.

He has chosen an EXTREMELY poor subject matter to cut his chops on.

If he continues with's going to backfire.

Citizenry, Legally and Politically.

Looks like a short term for Jeffy.



So what does Sessions take for his tipple?

Maybe just a little whiskey made back home on the plantation...

Time to run this guy...

Sessions must go; special prosecutor must be appointed now

Petition by Jo Comerford

To be delivered to The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and must resign immediately. Sessions' successor must appoint a special prosecutor to lead a comprehensive investigation of the Trump campaign and the Trump administration's ties to the Russian government.