Slow and Sad


I'm a big Bobby fan. Always got a kick out of him when he was younger and loved his growl and energy. Interviews with him was always a hoot to see. Never knew if he was high or not the boys always played dosing games with him.

When Jerry passed he traveled south to Florida a lot and I always made a point to see Ratdog. I know a lot of ya'll don't like him oe Ratdog but that is what we had. I have seen them about 60 times. Saw a bunch of fun and energetic shows and we did see a few slower ones and 2 or 3 Quaalude shows. If he came around we would go.

I went on archives today at work, I have everyone in the field so I can crank it and get into it a bit.

What a slow and boring show. The second set has Trey and it is like they are in a coma. Sad to see and hear an icon of rock-n-roll fade away. Love ya Bob but maybe it is time to fade away.

Took ya this long to figure out? talk about slow and sad

I feel like Bob Weir is in a really good place in his career. He's touring large venues with DeadCo, putting out new music, and he has truly become an elder statesman of not just the "jamband" scene, but also musicians and songwriters from the indie rock world. 

I get the criticism of his tempos; but it's pretty obvious that's the way he wants to present his music, so more power to him. 

Best and weirdest rhythm guitarist ever. 


Has written some pretty great songs. 


Movie star handsome, even with the scruffy beard. 


Was Jerry's little bro. 


Love him, and agree he seems to be in a very good place right now.  That John Mayer fellow seems to have given him the lift he needed. 


Will always be a big Bobby lover. 

I dunno, man. That show seems like a bad example of something to criticize Weir for. It sounds exactly like what it's supposed to be. Weir sounds like he's in total command of his songbook, the backing band is nice, and the tempos suit the (new) music just fine. Lay Down Lily, especially, is really good. Probably the best new song Weir has written in a long time, to my ears. 

I dig it. For the experience I'm after, I think this is way more satisfying musically than any approximation of a high energy, big scale 80's Dead show. That holds absolutely zero interest for me, personally. 

>Probably the best new song Weir has written in a long time

Except that he didn't write it.  I'm still waiting for this album to break through the country charts as some here predicted.  The album is a dud, was never going to sell at all and it's function was to basically propel the careers of everyone involved but Weir. 

All the best to Weir. I'm just pointing out the alternative reality that some of us live in. 




I love Bob

Always have. Always will.

Mad respect!

Love his new stuff. I enjoy deadco for what it's worth.

Long live the BobStar!!!!!

Hounder from DOWNTOWN!!!!

His stint with the DNB in Alaska was better than anything I've heard from Phil this year or last.

That John Mayer fellow...

Oh, the lulz:)

>>>Except that he didn't write it. 

Wait. Are you really taking issue with Weir using a lyricist? In the GD world? How does that deligitimize Weir's songwriting?


>>>The album is a dud, was never going to sell at all and it's function was to basically propel the careers of everyone involved but Weir


Totally disagree. I'm glad to see Weir putting out new music. The album was a pet project from a musician who has the financial luxury to put out whatever he feels like putting out. Weir isn't in the studio with Linda Perry like "Let's write uncle Bobby a hit record! I've got my eye on that big font at Coachella." 

Talk about an alternative reality.

Kaufman wrote the song. 

Who said that anyone was looking for a pop hit or big gigs? 

I actually met Bobby and had dinner with him in 07. I love the man. Some were Jerry fans and some Phil. I always loved Bob. No disrespect to him but he is just getting slower and slower to a point when he plays a good ole rockin GD song it is very painful to listen to it.

I have his disc and I do enjoy it. A lot too. I get how he played it and enjoyed it recorded and live in this show.  It's the other songs we have listened to and know is what gets me. It wasn't too long ago he was playing a West LA in Boca and ripping it up. I was shaking a leg to it and enjoying myself. Now I don't think I could even sway to it without falling over.

The Tennessee Jed is so slow I fell out of my chair and the West LA is like a coma. No rock n roll song of any value should have it's tempo cut by 400% or more. It is fuckin brutal.

Give me a break. This is just my opinion.

>>>Kaufman wrote the song

Then apparently he's a generous dude because he shared credit with Weir and Ritter. 

Great post/thread Tim.

I haven't seen Rat Dog or Bob solo since '95. He never plays Long Island. I hope he comes around or shows up at the Steve Kimock show here in June.

> Give me a break. This is just my opinion.

Oh yeah?!!!!

I hope I live long enough to be slow and sad.

Last week was my first solo weir show and I went because:

1.  Kimock

2.  Only the second time a Grateful Dead has played Mobile.  Planet Drum the first, didn't go.

I must say I enjoyed it more than I thought.

Then, it was Bicycle Dy and I was carrying the flag 


A man needs a maid.

I thought the show that bluesnote posted from 4-18-17 was pretty strong. Started with him on acoustic all by his lonesome with a msn>shakey ground>msn. Pretty strong imo. The new stuff sounded good with Kimock, and I really didn't care for it on the record enough to give it a second listen. I wish he would do some all acoustic solo shows in some small venues. I'm still a sucker for bobstar and haven't given up on seeing him although the distance I am willing to travel has greatly diminished. I used to do all the florida ratdog shows, now it would have to be in my back yard, unless it was solo

I'm sure by now I've seen Bob more than I've seen any other performer.

GD, Kingfish, Midnites, Bob Weir Band, Weir and Wasserman, Ratdog, Other Ones,The Dead, Furthur, DeadCo., Campfire Band

Love Bobby

<<<<>>>>His stint with the DNB in Alaska was better than anything I've heard from Phil this year or last.

yeah, i agree. 

 He's Bobby

He's many folks cuppa

Even if he ain't yours

This would be easier to judge if you had actually mentioned the show you are commenting on.