Smart! Olympics Postponed.


The International Olympic Committee and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have agreed to postpone the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo out of concern for the spread of coronavirus, Abe said Tuesday. 

IOC President Thomas Bach is “100%” in agreement with delaying the Olympics by up a year, and the games will be held in the summer of 2021 at the latest, Abe said.

Abe and Bach said in a joint statement that they agreed the games “must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021, to safeguard the health of the athletes, everybody involved in the Olympic Games and the international community.”

They said the Olympic flame will remain in Japan for the foreseeable future because the games “could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times and that the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel in which the world finds itself at present.”

Had to happen

Baseball season's next,  that's how ya know it's the end --  it's right in Revelation