Smoked Salmon Seattle Wa


35.00 a lb That Is Pricey !


part of the I Love Fish and Seafood Series i'll post more Later from around The World.

You're a good man, plf. hope you're well. 

Normal price for grade A lox. Even supermarkets lox is $20.00

I thought this was a new strain PLF was raving about!

Our restaurant expert is used to mouthwatering food binges, but Wednesday’s trip to Barney Greengrass, Zabar’s, Russ & Daughters, and Shelsky’s was a little different. Each of those delis, famed for their glistening stacks of smoked fish, uses one supplier, Brooklyn’s Acme Smoked Fish, for at least some of their stock.

if you can find these brands in stores its the goods -

pretty tough to find in an average supermarket, but pretty easy to find if you live in a metro area w whole foods and other gourmet grocers...although its not as good as freshly sliced...maybe the russ and daughters branded wax paper imparts a special flavor - the best smoked salmon will forever be the smoked salmon consumed from a slice of wax paper sitting in the gutter on E huston street