Smoking a Roach Bone...


Do you ever do this? I just did out of an abundance of roaches. Indicas, Sativas  and Hybrids melding in a coal-like cauldron cone bone creating gacky reactions and confusing body buzz this morning.wink

love the greasy little stub left over and the roulette wheel of buzz....


Don't have a big collection due to hitter and vaping but that activity is always an interesting surprise. 

Do you at least remove the paper?

Aw yeah 

Remove paper and the chared ashy head, finger ground and re-rolled.

I am slightly embarrassed to say I no longer keep them. Usually only smoke jays outdoors, where I return them to nature - they're pretty small by that time. If at someone else's house I leave it there for them to deal with. I generally give away the few that do accumulate to others who don't have much..

Remove paper and the chared ashy head, finger ground and re-rolled.

Sticky fingers

2009 I went to rolling tips full time with my doobs and blunts. So I haven't had any roaches in years. To the point I don't even have roach clips of any kind.

My son got arrested in Tennessee last night for a .6 gram roach.

Not all places are cool with the roaches.

No, but chamber weed....

^^^Haha Chamber Weed

As far as roachbones go I figure wtf I already paid for it

My ex was an expert joint roller and that was our mode of choice for shows and festivals for many years (no pipe to fuss with) so we ended up with a shit ton of roaches.  We would take seven roaches and make a "second generation" joint.  Once we burned seven of those, we made a "third generation."   Didn't get past that and with vape pens these days, no real need for joints.

>Sticky fingers

Stinky Fingers

True. And tarry, too.


> a .6 gram roach

That's a big roach.

I save my roaches and give them to folks in need these days. With so much abundance, I just prefer smoking the fresh anymore.

i have 7 Roach bones in a small glass jar now - I Will Make A Doobie Of Them.....Later.wink

No blue dream in my roach mix. Not enough nuance to it. 

I can't roll a proper joint. 

Used to surf with a guy back in the early 70s who could roll a good one one handed, in the dark, while driving.

Not me. I need a motionless, flat, well-lit surface and at least ten fingers.

Luckily, the wife is much better than me at this essential task.

But not as good as JJ.

I need ten fingers too, Surfdead, but that's what knee driving is for.

Got busted in 1974 with a roach from a generation joint. It was the end of the world for my parents.

I use filters 

No waste

I only knee-drive when actually toking on a pipe w/ lighter.

what's a generation joint?

I have a couple ziplocks full of roaches.  I guess I cannot throw them away. A throwback thing I guess.

Joints rolled from roach dope, Turtle. Then you roll joints from those roaches. Theory said the more generations the better the dope. Stupid stuff like the chamber pipes.

I was wrong the year we got busted for that roach, it was 1972.

This thread made me think of the "Naked Lunch" film where the protagonists are exterminators hooked on the Roach powder. Strange things happen.

Haven't watched that one in ages.

I have done the roach joint thing, but not in a long time.  And with the medical-grade stuff now, it's difficult for me to justify rolling one when one or two puffs will do me.

For the record, I have seen someone roll one one-handed while driving - and a good one, too.  This was en route to Atlanta for some Omni shows late 80s.

Roach Right Now from some kill Dank ! cool cheeky