Smote The Yo-Semites


It Is What It Is...

WTF just watched that Axios interview. SAD SAD SAD

Lily never could pronounce Yosemite.  Even after  being there.


I don't have trouble pronouncing Yosemite, but Tuolumne took me a while to get the hang of. 

... but Presidents have talking points prepared for them with phonetic spellings for difficult words and proper names... 

Tchoutacabouffa River

still don't know how to say that one

The speech writers needed to add  an image of Yosemite Sam  for  Donnie. Pictures are important, or perhaps an ear piece? What do you expect from a flunky who pays people to take exams for him.  Besides, he's too busy golfing and tweeting to practice reading a speech. 

He doesn't need to practice. He knows more about reading speeches than anyone!

> Tchoutacabouffa River...still don't know how to say that one

Many people say that Tuolumne makes the best chocolate...some say the most beautiful chocolate the history of the world...


Is this what the Urban Dictionary calls sticking a chocolate bar up your ass?

I'm waiting for (in)Justice Kavanaugh to issue a ruling on that matter, Dave.