Snack Suggestions For Watching Charlotte's Web


Having some kids over for a viewing of the timeless children's classic ​Charlotte's Web.

Thinking about serving bacon wrapped hotdogs.

Any other snack suggestions?

Pigs in a blanket. 

Cheeba Chews


organic popcorn, nutritional yeast and braggs...

Filet mignon tapas with goat cheese crostini.


Deep-fried nutritional Spiders.

what flavor of nicotine are you vaping on your back porch? 

In my best Martha Stewart: cotton candy can be used to make fun, colorful, and delicious spider webs 

Calamari...just the legs

I heard this movie 7,000 times at the cruel hands of my daughter. 

I begin to seize if I hear the intro to "Mother Earth and Father Time."

The opening sentence in the book is considered one of the best in children's lit.

"Where's Papa going with that axe?" said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast."

>>heard this movie 7,000 times at the cruel hands of my daughter. 

I had the cd of the book read by e.b. white in my car for my girl. I could probablyobablyobably recite the entire thing if forced

Chili Verde


American Spirits (Yellows?), 2nd hand.

I feel your pain.

Other items she tortured me with:

The LP version of Charlie Brown Christmas and that first Mariah Carey video.

Oh, I forgot.  Serve them some pulled pork sliders.  That's some terrific pig. 

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Who's ready for some Pig's Feet?

Some great suggestions here. Thanks, gang.

Uh oh. Do I see Gravystain trolling a good natured, fun loving thread? Bad look, G'stain. Bad look indeed.


I've got a pork shoulder slow cooking in pineapple juice right now.

Pork rinds and pigs feet.

 Those kids will love you forever.

All good-natured and fun-loving over here, pal. Are you tense?

This never ends well for you, Gravy. 

If you have good teeth, cracklin.

Chitlins and greens.

Saw that Movie at the Stanley Theatre in Jersey City, NJ as a wee lad.  Memorable in that my parents handed me & Sis a couple dollars and allowed us to walk there and back unaccompanied. Unfortunately, they did not let us attend the Grateful Dead shows around the same era, early 70's.

We never even knew about all that. We were like 6-7 years old.

If you have good teeth and want to disturb the movie theater audience the old fashioned way(before cell phones), cracklin.

I saw Charlottes Web @ RCMH as a first grader in 1973. Still remember the trip to this day - walking down 6th Ave with the Nuns' habits blowing in the wind.....Huge screen, image still impactful 44 yrs later

